The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

When Pei Chiyao carried Zhi Yao out, it was already ten minutes later.

Everyone craned their necks to look at Zhi Yao, worried that Pei Chiyao had wronged her. They were all breaking out in a cold sweat for Zhi Yao.

It must be known that by now, Zhi Yao had probably become the darling of the entire crew.

The moment they saw the little fox smiling with eyes curved in happiness being carried out by Pei Chiyao, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness, it looks like she wasn't scolded.

When the deputy director saw Pei Chiyao carrying out Zhi Yao, his heart leaped to his throat.

He really wanted to ask Pei Chiyao to lend him the little fox, but he didn't dare.

What was Pei Chiyao's temperament? The whole entertainment industry knew.

His words were law, he was aloof and remote.

If he didn't want to lend her, no one could force him.

Just as the deputy director was hesitating whether or not to ask Pei Chiyao again to lend him the little fox, the little fox jumped out of Pei Chiyao's arms of her own accord.

Pei Chiyao agreed!

Seeing her eager and raring to go appearance, Pei Chiyao's head ached.

"Alright, go on."

When these four words came out, the deputy director couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Mr. Pei, you mean...?"

Pei Chiyao didn't even glance at the deputy director. "A certain little thing insisted on making trouble and going there to play. I have no choice."

He couldn't say Zhi Yao was clamoring and making a fuss to act. He could only say she was curious and wanted to go play.

The deputy director was overjoyed. Just as he was about to grab Zhi Yao, before his fingers even touched a hair on Zhi Yao, he felt a very deterrent gaze on him.

He immediately stood up and said to Zhi Yao: "Little fox, you are my god!!"

Zhi Yao tilted her head in confusion. "Huh huh?"

God? What god?

"Safety first."

The deputy director nodded repeatedly. "Of course, of course!"

What he didn't know was that Pei Chiyao's words weren't meant for him, but for Zhi Yao.

Zhi Yao immediately bounded to Pei Chiyao's side and nuzzled his leg, full of reliance and attachment.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Soon, the crew was ready and shooting started.

The little fox needed to traverse the eaves and walls, quickly running to Pei Chiyao's side to push him out of danger.

In fact, using special effects here would have been best. With Pei Chiyao's acting skills, even acting opposite a piece of wood would be great. But there was no helping it!

Who made the crew poor?

They couldn't afford special effects!

If it wasn't to repay a favor, for a low budget production like theirs, Pei Chiyao wouldn't even glance at it, let alone star in it.

"3, 2, 1, action!"

At the director's order, Zhi Yao seemed to transform in an instant. Her eyes were determined, emitting a faint glow, as she rushed straight for Pei Chiyao!

Just as the arrow was about to pierce Pei Chiyao's chest, she fiercely knocked him to the ground!

It all happened in a flash. The director hadn't even reacted yet and Zhi Yao had already completed it.

She fell into Pei Chiyao's embrace and looked up at him.

Although she knew it was just acting earlier, when she saw the arrow shooting at Pei Chiyao, Zhi Yao was still a little afraid.

Her two paws clung tightly to Pei Chiyao, her eyes fixed steadily on him, afraid to miss any wounds on Pei Chiyao.

Fortunately, she didn't smell any blood in the air.

Pei Chiyao's heart also rose and settled back down.

Just now he was afraid Zhi Yao would slip and fall from up there.

He gently patted Zhi Yao's back, trying to soothe the trembling little one.

At this time, the director finally reacted. "Cut! That's a wrap!"

Zhi Yao was slightly stunned, never expecting to pass on the first take!

The director was overjoyed. This wasn't some pet fox! It must have come from the special forces!

He hurried over and said to the little one in Pei Chiyao's arms: "Little one, well done! Extra dinner for you tonight!"

Extra dinner?!

Zhi Yao's fox ears suddenly twitched and her eyes instantly lit up.

"Huh huh huh!" Director, you're such a nice person!

She happily nuzzled and rubbed Pei Chiyao, excited. Due to the filming just now, Pei Chiyao's collar had come loose, and Zhi Yao's soft white fur brushed over his collarbone, throat, and chest, like a faint electric current running through his body, making him feel a bit... out of control.

He suddenly stiffened and pulled the little fox away a bit.

Zhi Yao: "?"

She looked at Pei Chiyao in confusion, followed by grief.

He didn't like her nuzzling him?

Zhi Yao was very sad, her heart felt soaked in lemon juice, extremely sour.

This was how her fox clan expressed affection. If they liked someone, they would nuzzle them desperately.

Did Pei Chiyao's earlier reaction mean he didn't like her?

She was a little angry now.

Struggling desperately in Pei Chiyao's hands, she broke free and immediately scurried to a secluded spot, silently sulking to herself.

Pei Chiyao also didn't know what had happened. He could only see the lone white bundle standing sadly by the wall, as if reflecting on a mistake.

With a glance from him, the chattering director immediately stopped.

The director instantly understood. "Alright, you're busy. I'll discuss these matters with Sun Agent."

Director in abject servility, online business TUT.

Pei Chiyao strode over to the little fox's side.

Just as he was about to pick her up, Zhi Yao dodged away.

She was still angry!

It's true what they say about Zhi Yao being his little ancestor.

One second happily frolicking, the next refusing to be touched?

Sighing, Pei Chiyao also squatted down.

One big, one small, squatting in the corner, both reflecting on mistakes.

"What's made you unhappy again, hmm?"

He asked for a good while, but Zhi Yao ignored him.

Pei Chiyao frowned, looking at the quivering little white bundle, disregarding Zhi Yao's reluctance as he grabbed her.

The moment he grabbed her, Pei Chiyao was stunned.


Those eyes without a speck of impurity now seemed to be veiled by a layer of mist, clear and glistening teardrops falling onto her soft, wet fur.

Pei Chiyao's face immediately darkened. Disregarding everything, he strode with Zhi Yao in his arms to the car.

As soon as he shut the car door, he placed the little fox in his lap and carefully checked her all over for injuries.

He racked his brains, thinking he must have hurt her earlier and she was in too much pain to speak.

Zhi Yao struggled desperately, not knowing what Pei Chiyao was trying to do.

Her body suddenly became very hot...

Everywhere Pei Chiyao's fingers brushed felt like it was burning.

This feeling... this feeling...

Zhi Yao's eyes widened in shock. Not good! She was going to turn back into a human again!

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