The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Zhi Yao was lying on Pei Chiyao's chest, very upset and aggrieved.

"That's enough, keep crying and sulking like that and you may never become human," Pei Chiyao teased her.

Sure enough, as soon as the little fox heard this, she became even more aggrieved and upset, with tears falling down her cheeks like broken strings of pearls.

"I don't want to, I don't want..."

She clung tightly to Pei Chiyao's clothes with both paws, "What should I do? Does this mean I'll really have to be a fox forever...? Wah wah wah, I haven't even fallen in love yet... wah wah wah..."

Falling in love?!

Pei Chiyao's previously smiling face instantly darkened when he heard these words, as if he could squeeze water out of it.

"Falling in love with whom?"

Zhi Yao sobbed and said, "Many of my sisters in the clan become human after transforming, and they live in cities, only coming back occasionally. They all say the most fun thing about becoming human is falling in love - sweet and especially blissful... I... I want to fall in love too."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but swallow, "I just don't know if falling in love is as delicious as the pancakes you make."

Pei Chiyao: "..."

So she thought of falling in love as something to eat.

He let out a sigh of relief on the spot, but his expression was still as gloomy as ever, "Yao Yao, falling in love isn't something to eat, but you can't just fall in love with anyone casually either. Have you forgotten about that bad man who tried to catch you last time?"

The bad man who tried to catch foxes?

At the mere mention of that villain, Zhi Yao instantly tensed up and said, "I haven't forgotten! I hate him!"

The little fox's hatred was written all over her face, she wished she could tear that evil man to shreds.

Pei Chiyao brainwashed her, whispering in the fox's ear, "There are many bad people like him here. You're still young and can't tell them apart, so the best you can do is stay away from them, understand?"

Zhi Yao nodded vaguely, seeming to half understand, "I know! And I also know you're not a bad person, you're the nicest to me!"

She loved Pei Chiyao the most.

A child is teachable.

Pei Chiyao smiled slightly, "That's right, so stay by my side and don't go anywhere."

He coaxed the little fox softly.

After all this fuss, Zhi Yao soon became drowsy. Pei Chiyao put her on the bed and tucked in the little one before quickly walking out.

He picked up his phone and made a call, "Help me acquire a jade company, right now."


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Zhi Yao was woken up by the noise.

She groggily lifted her head to see a group of men in suits and white gloves going in and out of her home, carrying all kinds of jade and jadeite.

They were moving it all into Pei Chiyao's room.

Before long, the entire room was filled with the aroma of spiritual energy.

Zhi Yao took a deep breath, feeling the spiritual energy swirling around her.

When Pei Chiyao walked in, this was the scene he saw.

He quickly walked over and picked up the little fox, taking the jade pendant she wore around her neck.

Just as he had guessed.

The jade pendant was nourishing Zhi Yao, but it could also continue nourishing the little fox by absorbing other spiritual energy.

The little fox's transformation into a human must be inextricably linked to this jade pendant.

Zhi Yao shook her head in his arms, dispelling some of her drowsiness, and asked, "Pei Chiyao, why did you buy so many jade items?"

Pei Chiyao scratched under Zhi Yao's chin, and the little fox instantly went limp in his arms.

"I just thought they looked nice," he casually lied.

With these jade items, Zhi Yao's time as a human should last longer.

The men quickly arranged the jade and left.

When a maid came to clean the room, Pei Chiyao carried Zhi Yao downstairs.

The little fox had just had a full night's sleep and was brimming with energy. She was bored and frolicking around the living room.

Pei Chiyao sat on the sofa with a laptop on his lap, typing away rapidly.

He always seemed to have endless work to do. Zhi Yao didn't bother him.

From time to time, Pei Chiyao would glance up at the little one. She was squatting by the door, sometimes licking her fur, sometimes chasing her own tail playfully.

Suddenly! Zhi Yao froze in place.

She took a big sniff.

This smell was... She was instantly on high alert, and quickly jumped onto the coffee table to stuff the box of chocolates underneath the sofa.

After she had done this, Zhi Yao anxiously paced around Pei Chiyao, her soft fur rubbing against him so that Pei Chiyao couldn't concentrate on his work. He had to lower his eyes to glance at the disobedient little fox, "What's the matter? Can't wait any longer?"

Zhi Yao said anxiously, "I smelled that smell!"

Pei Chiyao didn't really understand.

Zhi Yao quickly explained, "That one! That bad woman who threw away my chocolate!"

He Kaiting?

Zhi Yao's nose was very sensitive. About five minutes after she finished speaking, a servant came to report to Pei Chiyao: "Miss He is here."

Zhi Yao became even more anxious.

She picked up a cushion and stuffed it under the sofa, afraid He Kaiting would discover her chocolate.

After doing this, she still didn't feel it was enough. The whole fox hid under the sofa, refusing to come out.

Pei Chiyao sighed, "Come out."

Zhi Yao ignored him.

"I'm counting to three. If you don't come out by then, don't expect to sleep on the bed tonight."

Pei Chiyao knew that Zhi Yao loved his bed the most, sleeping on it every day as if intoxicated.

The soft comfort was one thing, but mainly it had Pei Chiyao's scent which made her feel especially reassured.

Zhi Yao still didn't say anything.

"Three, two..."

Before he could count out the last number, Zhi Yao's muffled voice finally came from under the sofa, "I won't, I have to guard my chocolate."

Pei Chiyao: "..."

Did she really think He Kaiting had a dog's nose?

That she could crawl under the sofa and snatch it?

"I promise no one will take your chocolate away."

The little fox was extremely greedy, especially for that piece of chocolate.

Pei Chiyao knocked on the armrest again, and Zhi Yao knew this was him warning her.

She really had no choice, and could only reluctantly crawl out from under the sofa and jump onto Pei Chiyao's lap.

This was the scene He Kaiting saw as soon as she entered.

The dust-covered little fox jumped onto Pei Chiyao's thighs. Pei Chiyao was holding a wet wipe, carefully and gently wiping away the dirt on her body.

Seeing this, He Kaiting froze in place.

She had never imagined such a gentle expression could appear on Pei Chiyao's face.

She bit her lower lip, gripping the pet carrier in her hand as she quickly walked over.

"Good morning, Yao."

Pei Chiyao completely ignored her.

If it wasn't for some relationship between the He and Pei families, He Kaiting wouldn't even get through this door.

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