The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

It wasn't long before evening arrived, and Zhi Yao and Pei Chiyao got out of the car.

This banquet was held at the tallest five-star hotel in the city, towering over a hundred floors.

Zhi Yao looked around curiously, feeling a little afraid of heights. As she peered down from the observation elevator, she started to become anxious.

The young girl kept snuggling up to Pei Chiyao, wishing she could cling to him entirely, because... she was afraid of falling.

There were only the two of them in the elevator. Pei Chiyao gently patted Zhi Yao's bottom, "Stay calm, baby."

He looked down at the scenery below once more, then pulled the young girl closer, "Don't worry, everything will be alright."

The elevator finally reached the hundredth floor, and when Zhi Yao's feet touched the carpet, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The attendant opened the grand doors for them. As soon as the doors opened, Zhi Yao couldn't help but squint her eyes.

The grand hall was filled with elegant guests, wine glasses clinking, everyone dressed in refined and appropriate attire. She had never been to such an occasion before.

As Pei Chiyao and Zhi Yao entered, they instantly drew the attention of everyone present.

Although there were many beautiful women, Zhi Yao's presence made her undoubtedly the most radiant in the crowd.

You could always trust the Fox Clan's physical allure to be the most exquisite.

Ignoring everyone's gaze, Pei Chiyao led Zhi Yao towards the center, "Yao Yao, you're not allowed to drink alcohol later, but you can eat everything else."

Pei Chiyao dared not let Zhi Yao drink recklessly here, with so many people around. If she wanted to drink, it would have to be at home.

After all, the young girl was especially vulnerable when intoxicated.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Zhi Yao nodded, her eyes already drawn to the dessert table filled with sweets.

As for alcohol... Zhi Yao had no interest whatsoever.

Because that stuff was just too unpalatable. Why would anyone enjoy drinking alcohol?

Zhi Yao couldn't understand.

Soon, someone came to converse with Pei Chiyao, but Zhi Yao couldn't understand what they were saying. However, Pei Chiyao's hand gripped her tightly, refusing to let her leave his side, and Zhi Yao grew bored.

At that moment, a familiar voice suddenly resonated from behind Zhi Yao, "Zhi Yao!!"

Zhi Yao turned to see Xie Tingyan.

Xie Tingyan hurried to Zhi Yao's side. The last time, he had wronged her, and if Pei Chiyao hadn't returned in time, something terrible might have happened to Zhi Yao.

This time, he guessed that Pei Chiyao would bring Zhi Yao along.

With a tinge of remorse, Xie Tingyan presented Zhi Yao with a gift as an apology, "Zhi Yao, I was wrong last time and shouldn't have tricked you into drinking alcohol. I'm sorry..."

He handed her a beautifully packaged box, "This is a gift for you, as a token of my sincerity."

Zhi Yao looked at the exquisite box, suddenly unsure of where to place it.

Yet Xie Tingyan's piercing gaze was fixed on Zhi Yao, "Let me take you to another place, like the Sky Garden! The view there is especially beautiful. Would you like to go?"

Of course Zhi Yao wanted to go, but...

But Pei Chiyao held her hand tightly, refusing to let her leave.

Xie Tingyan instantly noticed Zhi Yao's hesitation, "Chiyao, Yao Yao is getting bored here. Just let her come play with me!"

Xie Tingyan had also been forcibly brought by his family. As the youngest son of a wealthy clan, he despised these social gatherings, and was delighted to find Zhi Yao, who shared his sentiment. Of course, he wanted her to keep him company.

Amidst his busy schedule, Pei Chiyao turned to glance at Xie Tingyan, his gaze cold and deep as the ocean, instantly conveying his warning.

"Chiyao, if anything happens to Zhi Yao this time, I'll take full responsibility!" Xie Tingyan thumped his chest, giving his absolute guarantee.

"Look, Zhi Yao is getting bored to death. Can you bear to see that?"

Zhi Yao nodded pitifully. She truly couldn't understand what Pei Chiyao and the others were saying. At first, they spoke in Chinese, but then switched to English, followed by other strange languages...

She was almost falling asleep listening to them!

"Where do you plan to take her?"

Xie Tingyan silently sighed. Why did Pei Chiyao act like Zhi Yao's father? He had to manage everything.

"Just to the nearby Sky Garden. There's a swing there, and it's so much fun! It's very close, so you can rest assured."

After Xie Tingyan and Zhi Yao repeatedly reassured him, Pei Chiyao finally agreed to let Xie Tingyan take Zhi Yao out to play for half an hour.

As soon as the two arrived at the Sky Garden, Zhi Yao was stunned by the scenery.

Because truly, it was breathtakingly beautiful!

The night sky twinkled with stars, and the garden's soft lights illuminated the vibrant flowers.

Zhi Yao immediately spotted the swing.

Xie Tingyan followed her gaze, "Do you want to sit on the swing?"

Zhi Yao nodded, "Mmhmm!"

She had never been on one before!

"Come, I'll push you!"

Xie Tingyan really liked Zhi Yao. As the youngest in his family, he had always wanted a younger sister, but unfortunately, his mother was almost forty when she gave birth to him, making it impossible to have another child.

If Pei Chiyao didn't guard Zhi Yao so closely, unwilling to share even a glance from her with others, Xie Tingyan would have loved to adopt her as his sister.

Just as Zhi Yao sat down on the swing, placing the gift box beside her, Xie Tingyan's phone rang.

"Yao Yao, I need to take this call. I'll be right back!"

He gestured towards a nearby spot.

Zhi Yao nodded. This place was quiet, with only the two of them present, so she wasn't worried about any bad people.

She gently swayed on the swing, not daring to go too high, when suddenly she felt someone push her from behind. Zhi Yao was startled, "Xie Tingyan, push me gently!"

"Scared?" came a mellow voice.

Upon hearing it, Zhi Yao's eyes widened in shock as she turned around.

It was Xie Qinzhou!


She was at a loss for words.

"Don't be afraid. Look ahead and enjoy the sensation of the wind caressing your body as the swing sways back and forth."

He eased his force, and Zhi Yao's initial fear dissipated as she gradually found enjoyment in the experience.

"Having fun?"

Zhi Yao nodded, "It's fun, but I can't play anymore."

As the swing descended, she quickly stepped onto the ground, "I have to go back."

She couldn't let Pei Chiyao see this, or there was no telling how he would react.

Seeing Zhi Yao hastily trying to leave, Xie Qinzhou suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm, saying, "I also have a gift for you."

With that, he produced a plush toy from somewhere.

The plush was made quite adorably, in the shape of a little fox, yet it was a red fox...

Zhi Yao's eyes widened in shock. That fur was...

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