The Female Fox Spirit Gets Spoiled by the Big Shot

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

Pei Chiyao didn't expect Zhi Yao to say that. Upon hearing it, his heart tightened, and the tinge of jealousy from earlier instantly vanished.

After Zhi Yao wiped her tears and snot all over him, Pei Chiyao finally raised his hand and grasped her chin, making her look up at him.

"What's wrong? Did he bully you?"

Zhi Yao shook her head. "Not exactly..."

The little girl didn't know how to explain, but after some thought, she couldn't help standing on her tiptoes, wanting to lean close to Pei Chiyao's ear and tell him Xie Qinzhou's true identity.

But... Zhi Yao was simply too short.

Even on her tiptoes, she could only reach Pei Chiyao's chin.

Seeing Zhi Yao repeatedly leaning towards him, Pei Chiyao chuckled and lifted her up, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck.

Zhi Yao loved this position. It felt like holding a child, giving her a sense of security and indulgence.

She leaned towards Pei Chiyao's ear and whispered, "Pei Chiyao, Xie Qinzhou is also a Fox! A Red Fox!"

Zhi Yao said it mysteriously, expecting Pei Chiyao to be surprised. But unexpectedly, he simply flicked her forehead. "Silly girl, you're only finding out now?"

Zhi Yao: "??!!!"

She was utterly shocked. "You... you knew?!"

"Not only Xie Qinzhou, but the entire Xie family are Foxes, including... Xie Tingyan."

Many of them had seals placed on them, causing them to be unaware that they were Foxes, believing themselves to be human.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"How did you find out?"

Zhi Yao covered her mouth in astonishment, completely disbelieving.

"Want to know?" He raised his brow mischievously.

Zhi Yao nodded earnestly while embracing Pei Chiyao's neck.

Her obedient demeanor made Pei Chiyao unwilling to tease her further.

He clicked his tongue and leaned forward, lightly biting Zhi Yao's cheek. Her skin was soft and delicate; even without much force from Pei Chiyao, a faint red mark was left on her flawless white cheek.

"Ah!" Zhi Yao exclaimed, "You bit me again!"

She glared at Pei Chiyao, trying to look fierce. "I... I'll bite you back!"

She thought Pei Chiyao would dodge, but he boldly freed one hand from holding her and roughly unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his exquisite collarbone. Looking further down... his muscular chest was visible.

"Here," he said lazily. "I want to see if a little Fox's teeth are really sharp."

He chuckled, leaving Zhi Yao unsure whether to bite or not.

He was amused by her reaction. "Good girl, you can bite me enough tonight."

After saying that, he held Zhi Yao tighter. "As for Xie Qinzhou's misdeed, I'll settle the score with him slowly."

That old Fox, he would skin him one day and make a scarf for Zhi Yao from his pelt.

With the distraction, Zhi Yao forgot what she had said earlier.

She had concealed her mother's matter, but she was very curious about the Ling family. As Pei Chiyao carried her into the banquet hall, Zhi Yao was about to ask when she suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure in her peripheral vision.

She froze.

It was... the man who was with her mother in the resting room earlier!

That Wolf Tribe member!

Zhi Yao forgot to breathe for a moment.

She stared blankly at the tall, imposing man.

He appeared young, around thirty years old, with every movement exuding the mature charm and grace of a man that would make countless women swoon.

Zhi Yao was captivated until the man seemed to notice her gaze and turned his eyes towards her.

She was startled and hastily buried her head in Pei Chiyao's shoulder, not daring to look again.

Even a single glance carried boundless fierceness, like that of... a Wolf.

"What's wrong?" Sensing Zhi Yao's trembling body, Pei Chiyao gently stroked her head.

In that instant, he also saw Ling Jue.

Pei Chiyao casually nodded, acknowledging him.

Ling Jue nodded back before returning his attention to the banquet hall.

"Zhi Yao, let's go in." Pei Chiyao put Zhi Yao down. "Wait for me a little longer, and we'll go home, okay?"

Zhi Yao nodded, but her mind was a mess, filled with thoughts of the man she had just seen.

She tried to hold back but couldn't resist asking, "Pei Chiyao, do you know that man from earlier?"

"You mean Ling Jue?" Pei Chiyao paused. "He's dangerous, stay away from him."

Members of the Ling family rarely attended such events. For Ling Jue to be here, it must have been thanks to the old man's efforts.

Thinking of that old man made Pei Chiyao feel disgusted.

He led Zhi Yao back into the banquet hall, where she immediately sensed Xie Tingyan's scrutinizing gaze, as well as Xie Qinzhou standing by his side.

Zhi Yao quickly turned her head away.

For the rest of the banquet, Zhi Yao stuck close to Pei Chiyao.

But her gaze kept wandering to Ling Jue and his surroundings.

However, she never saw the figure she longed for again.


Zhi Yao's mood sank as she picked up a small cake and absentmindedly chewed on it.

"Little girl, do you know me?" A voice from above made Zhi Yao jump in fright.

She almost fell off her chair, barely catching herself on the table. "You..."

It was Ling Jue!

His eyes narrowed slightly, studying her, with a hint of danger flickering in his gaze.

Zhi Yao remained silent.

But Ling Jue continued, "All night, you've looked at me twenty-three times, each time searching my surroundings. What are you looking for?"

She still didn't respond, only glancing towards Pei Chiyao five steps away, intending to call out to him. But Ling Jue stopped her first. "That jade of yours is interesting..."

His tone suddenly turned forceful. "Sell it to me."

Yi had been looking for jade like that.

"Ah?" Zhi Yao was dumbfounded.

He wanted to buy her jade?

But it was what maintained her human form; she wouldn't sell it no matter what.

"No, no way." She shook her head firmly. "I won't sell it, no matter how much you offer."

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