The Female Taoist Priestess’s Childhood Sweetheart Is a Male CEO

Chapter 27: A Thousand Peace Charms

Chapter 27

He Qingrou's eyes were still red. She pulled Jian Xi over, speaking gently, "Xi Xi? Can I call you that?"

Without even waiting for Jian Xi to respond, He Qingchen rejected first, "No, call her Little Seven."

He Qingrou remembered that was what he called her upstairs just now. Wasn't that her nickname?

Jian Xi grinned, "Sister Qingrou, my nickname is Little Seven. Just call me Little Seven!"

He Qingrou looked at He Qingchen then Jian Xi again. There was a flash in her eyes and her smile grew even deeper. "Little Seven, thank you! If you don't despise me, from now on the He family is your family too. I'm your sister!"

Jian Xi's eyes lit up as she happily responded, "Why would I despise that? Thank you, Sister Qingrou!"

"What Sister Qingrou, just call me sister!" He Qingrou was overjoyed. This little sister was so gentle, much better than that sullen younger brother!

Gu Jiaying came over too, "Little Seven, I'm your third aunt. Yesterday my worthless son caused you trouble. Third aunt wants to thank you for saving her too. Give third aunt a bank account number later and I'll transfer over a token of thanks."

Jian Xi's eyes curved into crescent moons. "No need, no need. You're all Ge's family. Didn't we just say the He family is my family too now? We're all one family, there's no need to stand on ceremony."

Gu Jiaying smiled too. She liked this girl's lack of pretense.

He Jiaxu looked at the currently delicate Jian Xi, then thought of the expressionless girl from last night teaching members of the paranormal club a lesson. Were they even the same person?

He Bocheng called He Qingchen upstairs to the study to talk. Shen Xiaoheng went to observe Grandfather's condition. The only ones left in the living room were Jian Xi, He Qingrou and the Gu mother and son.

He Jiaxu was playing on his phone to the side. The other three women were chatting animatedly.

Despite her age, Gu Jiaying's mental age was basically no different from He Qingrou and the others.

In the study, He Bocheng asked He Qingchen about things at the company and if there was anything he needed help with. "Qingchen, your third uncle misunderstood you these past few years. I formally apologize to you today. Fortunately your grandfather asked you to come back, otherwise I'm not sure I could have handled someone so deep as..." He sighed. "I saw the news this morning. Your big brother and sister-in-law finally got their retribution."

"Mm. After grandfather recovers, I'll hand the company over," He Qingchen said lightly.

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He Bocheng frowned. "Your grandfather is getting old and I'm not cut out to run the company either. If not you, are you going to leave it to Jiaxu or Qingrou?"

He Qingchen didn't respond. He Bocheng was anxious. "Let me tell you He Qingchen, don't expect me to take over. I wanted to tour the world with your third aunt after your grandfather gets better!"

He Qingchen laughed at his agitation. "Third uncle, isn't that unfair? I wanted to take Xi Xi out to play too."

Looking at him for a while, He Bocheng changed strategies. If being hard didn't work, he'd try to be soft. "Qingchen, how about this? You take over the company for now. When your third aunt and I return from touring the world in the future, I'll take over then. How does that sound?"

Seeing the sincerity in his eyes, He Qingchen raised a brow. "Fine, one year should be enough time, right?"

That one year would also let Xi Xi get used to life down the mountain first!

He Bocheng hurriedly nodded. "Enough, enough! One year is enough! After your grandfather fully recovers, your third aunt and I will set off."

"Alright, nothing else right? If not I'm leaving." He Qingchen stood up.

He Bocheng didn't move, just waved his hand. "Nothing else, you can go."

After He Qingchen left and closed the study door, He Bocheng turned on the computer and printed out a share transfer form. He signed his name and placed it in the safe.

The He Group Corporation now completely belonged to a 'single owner'!

Having done all that, He Bocheng's lips hooked up into a smile.

At lunch, He Qingrou asked Jian Xi to stay and eat at the old residence. As for He Qingchen, there was no need to ask since he would definitely stay as long as Jian Xi did.

After the meal, when Jian Xi was leaving, He Jiaxu said his classmates from last night wanted to buy peace talismans.

Jian Xi got a little angry. "They still want to..."

Seeing her misunderstanding, He Jiaxu quickly waved his hands and explained, "No no, the paranormal club disbanded. They just want to buy them for peace and safety!"

"Oh. Peace talismans are 1,000 each," said Jian Xi. She didn't expect that her first business transaction after coming down the mountain would come so quickly.

He Jiaxu took out his phone."Little Seven, let's add each other on social media. I'll go back and tell them. Let me know how many they need."

Jian Xi also took out her phone. He Jiaxu scanned her code and they became friends.

"Don't send me money. Tell me the quantity and I will give you an account number. You must not send me money directly. This is very important," Jian Xi repeatedly reminded him.

Although very confused, He Jiaxu obediently nodded in agreement.

After He Qingchen and Jian Xi left the old residence, He Jiaxu immediately posted in the group chat:

—I asked my sister about the peace talismans. It's 1,000 each. Let me know who wants them. I'll tally them up and pass to my sister later!

When he typed out "my sister", He Jiaxu felt extremely proud. Unfortunately he only dared show off in front of his classmates. He absolutely didn't dare let He Qingchen know he privately called Jian Xi his sister!

Qin Feng: 【What? 1,000 each, that cheap?】

Lin Hui: 【I remember famous grandmasters sell theirs for 4-5,000 each right? @He Jiaxu your sister is so powerful yet she only charges 1,000?】

Zhan Tiantian: 【Yet those 4-5,000 ones didn't even work! I had one on me that day at the graveyard yet I was still played around by that ghost!】

Qin Feng: 【I want, I want 3. One for each of my family of 3.】

Zhang Tianyi: 【I want one.】

Zhan Tiantian: 【I want two.】

【I want two.】

【I want one.】

He Jiaxu ran straight back to his room and specially made a spreadsheet to tally up the quantities.

Little did he know, this would soon become his daily job!

It didn't take him long to finish tallying. He passed the total number to Jian Xi, and transferred all the money his classmates sent over to the account Jian Xi gave him.

When making the transfer, he realized the account name didn't belong to Jian Xi but his cousin instead. He confirmed with Jian Xi once more, and she told him it was correct and to just transfer any payments to that account in future.

Then Jian Xi patiently reminded him again not to directly send her money on WeChat!

Jian Xi was nestled on the sofa watching TV when she glanced at the phone and saw there were 18 peace talismans ordered. Not a huge quantity that would take more than 5 minutes to make. She'd do them after finishing this movie!

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