The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 3639: Makes sense

Chapter 3639: Makes sense

Other high-level officials also had such doubts and questioned them one after another.

The Minister of the Military Department replied: "We were so suspicious before, but after the formation of Luo Yinhuang refining, the spies have basically been caught, and it is unlikely that the secret will be leaked."

Ning Xi opened his mouth and said, "The Insect Emperor is very cunning, and he is also very talented in military affairs. Before the eight-nation alliance, in fact, he didn't need us to send information to the past, he could guess that we were going to jointly attack the Insect Territory, so he did this. Split up and counterattack."

After fighting with the Insect King for many years, Ning Xi still knew some of his behaviors.

"Is there any good way to deal with it?" the minister looked at her and asked.

Ning Xi thought for a while and said, "Two ways. First, to defeat each of them, each country will form an army at the fastest speed to go to the border, and at the same time fight against the Zerg army, destroy its eight-strand Zerg army, and finally gather and take the insect. area."

"Second, regardless of the situation in the border cities, the Eight Kingdoms mobilized the strongest troops to directly attack the Zerg Territory. As long as they can successfully invade, those Zerg legions who have divided their troops will definitely return to help."

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"Both methods have their pros and cons. The first may require a long-term battle, and the battle is more scattered, but it is more conducive to stabilizing the hearts of the people, and it is not easy to be provoked and divided."

"The time of the second war will be much shorter, and the effect will definitely be better. The lightning strike will be quick and quick, but it may cause a rebound from the people."

"After all, regardless of the border cities, more people may be arrested, or more families may be displaced. Over time, I am afraid that there will be internal disputes in a certain country, and the insect domain will get some spies and provocation, maybe soon the coalition forces will It will fall apart."

The military minister looked at Ning Xi with admiration, "You really are very talented in military affairs. These two plans happened to be discussed by the top leaders of the eight countries, but they have not yet decided on which one to use."

"And their analysis of the pros and cons is not as specific and granular as yours."

For example, in the last item, the coalition might be affected by something and fall apart. The top management of the Eight Kingdoms did not take it into consideration at all, and they may also be too confident in themselves.

Ning Xi shrugged and said, "Actually, in addition to these two plans, there is another plan, which can not only avoid the above two drawbacks, but also quickly lead to the destruction of the insect field."

"What plan?" Not only the military minister, but also other high-level officials looked at her with fiery eyes and asked.

Ning Xi said bluntly: "Please join forces with the ancestors of the Eight Kingdoms to attack the Insect Territory, kill the Insect Emperor, and the Insect Territory is messed up.

"..." The crowd twitched the corners of their mouths, and Ning Xi really dared to say, how could they call the Grand Ancestor of the Tribulation Transcendence Period.

But it makes sense, this seems to be the most trouble-free and time-saving method.

So they all aimed at Ka Tianyi.

Ka Tianhan is his eldest brother. The two brothers have always had a very good relationship. He might be able to raise this opinion.

Ka Tianyi did not expect that Ning Xi would come up with this plan, and immediately felt that it was feasible.

He stood up and said, "I will discuss with the ancestors, everyone, wait a moment!"

Everyone immediately grinned, "Then I'll trouble you!"

Ka Tianyi went out to contact Ka Tianhan, and returned to the conference room about ten minutes later.

As soon as he sat down, the military minister hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

Ka Tianyi shook his head, "Too Shang Ancestor won't work."

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