The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 3902: Happy

Chapter 3902: Happy

The coalition forces of several countries have been organized before, and this time they have assembled at the fastest speed.

All-round pressure towards the wormland, and converge with the undead and the restricted area sea clan army at the border.

Ten days later, the coalition forces arrived at the border of the Insect Territory, and the Undead Emperor and Lan Jinmu also came in person this time.

Seeing her father, Mimi immediately surrounded her intimately.

Lan Jinmu held her daughter in her arms, her eyes full of doting and unspeakable complexity, but this time she held her daughter all the time, as if she wanted to spend more time together.

Qin Qing also followed and chatted with Ning Xi for a while.

After the deputy commanders of the other seven countries arrived, Ningxi held a deployment meeting.

"Insect domain is good at team battles. This is their invincible tactics. The alien species that were caught have also been trained for team battles, so we have to prepare both hands here."

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"The first one is to use a week for the coalition to master the regiment tactics and focus on defense, which is the kind we used to defeat the Zerg in the Fireworks Alien Beast Country before, but I will change the formation here again."

"There's no problem with this. The soldiers have always been thinking about the commander's team battle formation. With this, everyone's safety is guaranteed!" Not only did everyone not object to Ning Xi's suggestion, they were quite happy.

After all, this is a full-scale war. If they lose, they will be completely crushed by the insect domain in the future.

Ning Xi nodded and smiled and said, "Second, I have developed a cracking technique for the Zerg team battle, so it is necessary for the coalition forces of various countries to select a group of elites, and then re-form a new battle group, this time with the main attack. Lord."

"Two-way cooperation, there will be greater confidence and hope for breaking the Zerg Legion."

"The commander-in-chief's arrangement is comprehensive, I have no objection, and it will definitely be implemented well!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"..." None of the people present objected, and it was passed unanimously.

Ning Xi was the commander-in-chief, and she didn't want to take care of everything. Her task was actually to get an overview of the overall situation, and other things had to be delegated to the deputy commander and others.

Seeing them obeying orders like this is also very satisfying.

Then I gave them a copy of the battle group formation diagram and arrangement they drew, and asked them to go to organize training. She would check it in a week.

After the several deputy commanders got the tactical map, they immediately organized the soldiers to start training. This time there was no room for neglect.

Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang continued to refine the spirit fire, and divided it into strands and packed it into countless small porcelain vases.

Luo Yan also came to the battlefield this time, and was protected by Jiuying and Big Cat. This time, the Gu Emperor was a very important key to the victory.

Seven days later, Ning Xi appeared in the camp to check on the training of the coalition forces.

Except for some chapters that are not very skilled, others are doing pretty well.

Ning Xi instructed them one after another, and gave them another five days.

Five days later, the coalition will officially attack the wormland.

Even though Ning Xi and the others had killed the alien beasts in the calamity period before, and the traitors of various countries were executed in public, there were still traitors in the coalition.

Therefore, every time Ning Xi's order was sent to the insect territory immediately.

The Insect Emperor knew that Ning Xi had planned a main attack on the Insect Territory before the coalition forces arrived. He was angry at first, and then turned into joy.

He couldn't leave the Insect Territory, so he couldn't do anything about Ning Xi and the others. Since Ning Xi wanted to take the initiative to come to his site this time, he should send them to the West.

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