The First Vampire

Chapter 226: Planning (Part 1)-226

Chapter 226: Planning (Part 1)-226

Translator: 549690339

Red Castle, Dining Room.

At the long red paulownia wood table, Colin sits in the main seat, with Scholar Doan at his side.

The half-elf maid, Kathy, swiftly serves a sumptuous breakfast.

Lemon roasted chicken, bacon fried eggs, oatmeal porridge, butter bread, and of course, Colin’s exclusive deer blood wine.

As for Scholar Doan, he was drinking milk.

Having stayed up all night, Colin’s appetite was strong now, soon stuffing all the food in front of him into his stomach.

Scholar Doan’s eating method is extremely elegant, clearly trained, though, his pace is not slow, practically finishing at the same time as Colin.

After wiping his mouth, Colin asked Kathy to pour two cups of coffee, then smiled and asked, “Scholar Doan, I’ve always been curious, why did you choose to support Vera in becoming the Northern Duke? Don’t fob me off with the excuse that Joyce is too young.”

Indeed, young lords often provide excellent opportunities for powerful officials to influence matters.

Scholar Doan took a sip of coffee, and said, “Lord Colin, truth is, my choice to support Miss Vera is because of you.”

“Me?” Colin was obviously taken aback.

“Yes.” Scholar Doan looked straight into Colin’s eyes, his expression sincere, “Because I believe that you alone can turn the tide and quell the rebellion of the North Territory.”

Doan obviously understood that in the relationship between Colin and Vera, Colin was undoubtedly the main driver. Therefore, once Vera becomes the Northern Duke, the one who truly controls the North Territory would be Colin.

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“You have that much faith in me?” Colin was a little pleased, after all, everyone likes to be praised.

“Of course. As a military genius recognised by Marquis Garcia, you overcame formidable enemies in both Silver Moon City and Troll King City, proving your military prowess. After Marquis Garcia, you can be considered first in terms of governing abilities in the North Territory.

Moreover, your political capabilities are also outstanding. Whether it was emerging victorious from the complex power play in Silver Moon City, or maintaining stability amidst the chaos of Ice Rock City, you proved your excellent governance abilities.

Additionally, I recently discovered your ‘point’ system for managing slaves, which can only be described as a stroke of genius!

Therefore, I am convinced that the North Territory will surely revive under your administration!”

Colin was somewhat surprised, apparently not expecting Scholar Doan to have researched him so thoroughly, and even identified that the key to motivating the slaves was the point system he had devised.

However, he also did not want to appear overly pleased. He quickly took a sip of the coffee, then smiling humbly, he said:

“Had no idea Scholar Doan paid such close attention to me and has so much confidence in me. However, not everyone may share your confidence or support Vera as the ruler of the North Territory.”

Scholar Doan immediately understood what Colin meant, and responded, “Lord Colin, ensuring Miss Vera inherits the Duke’s title is not difficult.”

Colin’s eyes lit up, didn’t care to pretend anymore and quickly asked, “How?”

With confidence, Scholar Doan cleared his throat before beginning his analysis:

“Lord Colin, the question of the Northern Duke’s title mainly depends on three factions.

Firstly, naturally, the St. Hilde family, or more accurately, the last Duke’s will. However, since the Duke passed away suddenly without leaving any will or specified heir, this factor does not require much consideration.”

Colin nodded in agreement. He was rather puzzled as to why Duke St. Hilde hadn’t previously given the title of Marquis of the East Territory to his third son, Joyce, to ensure his right of succession.

However, since this circumstance was advantageous to Vera, Colin preferred not to dwell on the real intentions of Duke St. Hilde.

“The second faction…” Scholar Doan continued, “is the royal family of the Glorious Empire. The Northern Duke’s title requires the emperor’s endorsement. Thus, Vera must be recognised by Emperor Reinhardt.

The third faction is the Imperial Senate. Though it is filled with old men who seem to be uninterested in matters, they do have a say in the inheritance of the Northern Duke’s title. If they unanimously oppose Vera, even Emperor Reinhardt will not be able to ignore their influence.”

Colin’s face showed a hint of solemnity. He suddenly realised that he had no knowledge of the factions mentioned, let alone the ability to influence their decisions.

However, the scholar Doan’s explanation did give him a direction, and presumably, some methods as well.

After pondering for a moment, Colin asked solemnly, “So, how can we get Emperor Reinhardt and the Senate to agree to Vera inheriting the title of Northern Duke?”

Scholar Doan maintained his unhurried demeanor, “Let’s start with the Senate.

The Imperial Senate is composed of one hundred and seventeen noble members. Although they do not hold titles of nobility, they have extensive experience and connections, and exert great influence within the upper echelons of the Empire.

To be honest, I do not know their individual attitudes towards Vera and it would be difficult to understand this within a short period.

However, it’s tough to make them like the same person simultaneously, but it is easy to make them loathe someone at the same time.”

“Oh? What do you mean?”

“Viscount, are you familiar with Baron Heidegger?”

“Of course, he is the Prime Minister of the Empire.” Colin responded casually.

Actually, he was somewhat uncertain, since his knowledge about Baron Heidegger was limited to this point.

Scholar Doan didn’t show any signs of realizing Colin’s discomfort and continued explaining in great detail:

“Baron Heidegger came from a commoner family; he was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study at the White Tower Academy. After graduation, he served the St. Lorenzo family.

Although he came from a humble background, Baron Heidegger is extraordinarily talented. He rose from a commoner to a court prime minister in just thirteen years and remained in the position for more than forty years, making him an irreplaceable minister in the imperial court.

At the beginning of Emperor Reinhardt’s reign, he attempted to bestow a title upon Heidegger as a symbol of grace and for alliance. However, the Senate strongly opposed this decision.

The reason was simple, Heidegger, despite being the Empire’s prime minister, is of common origin and according to noble laws, he could not be directly granted a title.

The Senate hoped that Emperor Reinhardt would select a noblewoman as Heidegger’s bride and promised they could grant their offspring noble titles.

However, the Prime Minister was nearing his seventies; even if he married a noble lady, how could they have an offspring?

Moreover, Heidegger had remained unmarried his whole life, and it was said he did not have an inclination for women…”

Upon saying this, Scholar Doan had an odd look on his face, and Colin immediately speculated about the Prime Minister’s orientation.

“… Anyway, the Emperor and the Senate were at odds over Heidegger’s nobility, and after fierce struggles and a series of concessions, the Senate reluctantly agreed.

However, the Emperor also made a significant compromise; the Prime Minister only received the lowest rank of Baron, which was for life, non-hereditary, and honorary without any territory.

Despite such restrictions, he was, after all, the first commoner to receive a title, which was a great honor for Heidegger.

Unfortunately, the resistance demonstrated by the Senate during this process and the various limitations on his Baron title enraged the proud Heidegger. He even publicly declared –

‘I would rather be a free commoner than a shackled noble’.

Although Heidegger ultimately accepted the title upon the Emperor’s persuasion, he had already harbored resentment against the Senate.

Subsequently, the Prime Minister, taking advantage of his position, passed several laws limiting the power of the Senate, which deepened their enmity.

Therefore, if you want the Senate to support Miss Vera, you don’t need to understand the attitudes of hundreds of Senate members; just get Baron Heidegger to support Prince Joyce.”

Anything that Baron Heidegger supports, the Senate will unequivocally oppose!”

“So, how should we get Baron Heidegger to support Joyce?” Colin’s heart gradually ignited.

“Leave that to me.” Scholar Doan confidently said, “I have some rapport with Baron Heidegger. I am confident that I can get him to publicly express his favor for Prince Joyce.”

Only then did Colin realize that both were alumni of the White Tower Academy, thus their connections were normal.

“Great! There remains the last issue, how to make Emperor Reinhardt agree to Vera inheriting the title of Northern Duke?”

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