The First Vampire

Chapter 243: 243 Aftercare_1

Chapter 243: 243 Aftercare_1

Translator: 549690339


The shrill sound of the military horn echoed throughout the camp of the Golden Lion Legion. Warriors, who had just been jolted from their dreams, frantically rushed out of their tents.

They were haphazardly donning their armor while scrambling to locate their weapons.

Swearing, questioning, and the screams of soldiers colliding in the darkness all melded together.

“Stand your ground, no running! Any violators will be beheaded!”

Officers were running and shouting within the camp, attempting to maintain order.

The current situation was extremely dangerous; a moment of carelessness could result in panic throughout the camp.

Even if there was no actual enemy invasion, panic could spread under the cover of darkness, and officers could easily lose control of their soldiers, leading to mutual slaughter among the soldiers who were in the dark.

Luckily, Colin had prepared in advance. He had already dispatched the Dark Cavalry to patrol the camp of the Golden Lion Legion. If anyone attempted to create chaos, they would be immediately apprehended and severely punished.

However, the camp of the Uman Clan had descended into complete chaos.

During the deep night, military orders were not delivered smoothly, and the soldiers had no idea what was happening.

Moreover, these soldiers were already deeply engrossed in the intense anger and grief of the burning of Fallen Eagle City. teetering on the verge of mental collapse, their resilience solely depended on Count Uman’s pledge for revenge.

But now, amid this chaos, the suppressed rage in the warriors’ hearts had exploded and quickly turned into hysterical madness.

Many soldiers, ignoring everything else, were slashing and killing everyone they saw. It was only after they had finished that they discovered their victims were not enemies, but their own comrades.

Once this madness had spread, it was completely uncontrollable.

Count Uman had also been injured at the moment. He was puzzled as to why his niece Cynthia had betrayed him and who was trying to assassinate him; he simply couldn’t step forward to calm people’s hearts in time.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When he realized things were going wrong, the situation in the camp was already completely out of control.

“Brother Charles!”

In Knight Nelson’s tent, Vera was crying as she threw herself on Charles’s corpse.

She never expected that her brother would resurrect after death, only to die again…

“Nelson! How dare you murder Sir Charles!” Colin chastised righteously.

At this moment, Knight Nelson was immobilized by Knight Kambening. He was listlessly sitting on the ground, his gaze lifeless. At Colin’s accusation, a bitter smile appeared on his face, and he said weakly:

“If I say I didn’t mean to kill him, that he ran into my sword blade, would you believe me?”

Obviously, such an argument made everyone look at Knight Nelson as if he were a fool.

Knight Nelson also realized that he couldn’t explain himself under these circumstances, the peculiarities of it all had surpassed his understanding.

Scholar Doan’s eyes flickered, appearing deep in thought about something.

When Colin told him that there was a way to handle Knight Nelson, he never thought that the final scenario would turn out like this.

Although he couldn’t figure out what exactly had gone wrong, causing Knight Nelson to accidentally kill Charles, the final result… wasn’t too bad.

Nelson was finished.

The Golden Lion Legion, as the direct military of the Hilde family, whether medium-ranked officers or low-ranked soldiers, their loyalty to the Hilde family was assuredly top-tier in the North Territory.

Knight Nelson had dared to murder the eldest direct son of the current generation of the Hilde family. His heinous act ensured that he had completely lost his influence in this army.

Many soldiers of the Golden Lion Legion now despised him bitterly and were watching for an opportunity to take revenge for Charles by butchering him.

At this time, the chaos in the camp of the Uman Clan had grown more severe. The screams and sounds of killing had even reached their camp.

With furrowed brows, Colin listened for a moment, and then asked doubtfully, “What’s happening?”

The assassination of Count Uman had failed, which left Colin somewhat disappointed.

The vigilance of Count Uman was too strong. Even Cynthia couldn’t sneak up on him. Moreover, Count Uman was indeed very strong, able to calmly escape from the hands of the fifth-order warrior, Prince Meruvi.

But why was there even more chaos over there after the unsuccessful assassination, when the blood slaves had already withdrawn?

Scholar Doan listened for a moment, and then assessed, “There seems to be a panic.”

“Camp unrest?” Colin shuddered at once.

He had heard of the horror of camp unrest. If not properly handled, the casualties caused by camp unrest could be no less than that of a devastating defeat.

Hence, Colin immediately ordered, “Knight Louis, please go and maintain order immediately. We cannot let the panic of the Uman Clan’s army spread to the Golden Lion Legion!

Remember, your task is to guard the camp of the Golden Lion Legion. Even if Count Uman requests assistance, you must not send troops out!

If there are rebel soldiers rushing into our camp, do not hesitate to kill them all!”

Knight Louis hesitated for a moment, but under Colin’s compelling gaze, he finally nodded and said, “Yes!”

He also saw the situation clearly now. Knight Nelson was completely finished.

Obviously, following this, Knight Kambening should assume the new position of Legion Chief, and the Golden Lion Legion will be controlled by Colin and Vera.

Under these circumstances, Louis must make a choice.

And his choice was not unexpected.

When Knight Louis left the camp after taking his orders, Knight Nelson finally lifted his head, looking steadily at Colin with eyes that seemed to regain a bit of vitality.

The cornered knight spoke in a deep voice, “Viscount Angler, do you still insist on withdrawing the Golden Lion Legion back to Winterfell City?”


Upon hearing this, Knight Nelson nodded and finally seemed to come to terms with the reality. He said frankly, “Do you know? Before you arrived here, I received a mysterious letter. It said the Duke was not dead and asked me to carefully inspect the Duke’s remains you brought.”

“Oh?” Colin’s expression changed and he hurriedly asked, “Who sent that letter to you?”

Nelson shook his head slowly, “There’s no signature on the letter.”

Colin furrowed his eyebrows and was about to ask more, but Nelson cut him off, “Sir Viscount, can you tell me, has the Duke truly died?”

“Yes,” Colin nodded solemnly, “I can swear on the honor of my ancestors in the Angler family, the Duke has unfortunately passed away.”

Nelson nodded as if he finally let something go. He turned to Vera, bowed, and said, “Miss Vera, please believe me, my loyalty to the St. Hilde family has never changed.”

After saying this, not waiting for Vera’s reply, Nelson suddenly rose and dashed backward.

Knight Kambening, with his sword pointed at Nelson’s back, suddenly found his sword had pierced Nelson’s chest.

Knight Nelson turned his head back, giving his old rival a cruel, cold smile, “Kambening, you’ve been dreaming of this day for a long time, haven’t you?”

Then he turned back around and said to everyone, “Believe it or not, this is how Charles died!”


Knight Kambening pulled out his sword, and Nelson slowly collapsed to the ground, soon losing his breath.

Blood flowed in the tent, the atmosphere was almost stagnant.

After a while, Colin broke the suffocating silence, “Since Knight Nelson has committed suicide, our priority now is to select a new Legion Chief. Vera, as the only St. Hilde here, who do you think would be the best person for this role?”

Although Vera was heartbroken for her brother, she knew she needed to pull herself together at this moment.

Wiping the tears from her face, she glanced around and finally whispered, “Knight Kambening, please take the responsibility of commanding the Golden Lion Legion.”

Knight Kambening promptly fell to one knee and replied loudly,


On the opposite side of the Ben Liu River, a troop of dwarven cavalry was watching the chaotic camp of the Uman Clan.

“What’s happening over there?” The face of the scholar Dawson was very grave, full of both anticipation and confusion.

“Sir, we had a scout report this morning. A group of the Dark Cavalry had crossed the Ben Liu River, entering the camp of the Golden Lion Legion. I guess there must have been a conflict between Viscount Angler and Count Uman.”

Dawson stroked his thick beard and thought for a moment before finally giving the order:

“Get the soldiers ready. As soon as day breaks, we will cross the river!”


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