The Flower of Separation

Chapter 37 - Partners

Blank manor outskirts of town-

"I apologize for using your villa like this, sir Ramon."

Ramon shook his head. "It is not like you could have returned to the place they keep you confined in with him."

"I already sent word to the Empress. If she is smart enough, she will figure out where we are."

After a few more words, she turned to Lucas, looking at them with a dark gaze. Her sweat fell. "Sir Ramon.."

"I shall take my leave."

The moment Ramon exited the room, Lucas mumbled. "I knew you would sneak off, but why are you with him?"

"That is my line! You got hurt like this, why did you join me at all?"

They most likely attacked Lucas when he was still in a position to return to the imperial castle. Why on earth did this idiot follow her out here?

"Huh, I don't get why you are scolding me."

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"You're the one being irresponsible. I told you I have this covered. If brother and father find out that we met up before the hunt, they will make things worse for you."

"Are we discussing this now? At this stage, we are partners in crime, so breaking one or two rules shouldn't matter."

Indeed, they have broken many rules together for the past ten years and faced the consequences without batting an eyelid. But this time, it is different.

"Your situation," Lillian mumbled.

At that comment, Lucas flicked her forehead, and she looked at him angrily. "What was that about?!"

"I leave you alone for a while, and you've become meek again. I understand you are concerned for me, Lillian. But remember our deal. No matter what the costs or whatever happens along the way, as long as we achieve your goal."

Lillian lifted her cloak to her face to cover her mouth as she kept her head down. She briefly closed her eyes before nodding. "You're right; ever since that night, we have been partners."

It is not like she hasn't forgotten. But due to the recent events, her head felt muddled. A lot has happened in such a short amount of time. The Empress is not doing a very good job, making her wonder if she ought to step in. It is hard to challenge her when she is still in this clueless stage. But she still did so anyway, hoping it would encourage the woman to take action.

"Shall we head outside?" Lucas suddenly suggested.


Lillian didn't bother persuading him, but she kept glaring since they went outside.

"You're heavily injured."

Lucas sighed. "Laying down and resting doesn't suit me."

"Still, don't move around so much. You will open up your wounds."

"Then let's sit down there." Lucas pointed to the benches, and Lillian followed him. But when she realized how close they were on the bench, she crouched down on the ground instead.

"You're acting like I am going to bite."

Lillian chuckled. "Maybe you should."

Lucas seemed bothered by her comment and her gaze softened. "Lately, doesn't it seem like I am on my best behavior?"

"Are you saying that after torturing that young boy, then those nobles?"

Lillian innocently tilted her head. "That was hardly anything. I am a lot worse on the battlefield."

"Most people are since it is either they die, or you die."

Lillian shook her head. "It is not like that for me; when I am on the battlefield, I cannot help but think how free people are."


"On the battlefield, you can see a person's true self. They do not have to hold anything back in that place since there will be nobody to judge and restrain them. Nobody can tell them how to fight or who to fight, especially when the enemy outnumbers them. There is no time to think logically; one must use their instincts; otherwise, they will die."

"So, in other words, when you fight, you become an idiot. I see that explains why you-"

Lillian looks at him angrily, and Lucas sighed. "Well, I think I do understand where you are getting at. For you to say such things, though, did you see something bad?"

"I think I should improve my torture methods. It seems my sister and other imperial officials still do worse damage. I suddenly feel like an amateur."

"Says the person who contracted with blood-sucking creatures."

Lillian raised her hand, and one of the red spider lilies appeared on her fingertips. She lowered it towards her eyes. "These creatures are very useful. After spending so long with them, it feels like it has merged with my soul already. I can see the same things they see and can use their powers as I will."

"That is because the longer the contract, it eventually becomes one with your soul. That is why people chose safer things to contract with."

Lillian laughed. "That again, you said it yourself to achieve my goals. This is the best method."

"You know I regret a lot of things I said when I first met you." Lucas trailed off. "If I knew it would be like this, then I would not have said such things."

Like this, huh? "There is no use saying such things now. Even if we met differently, we would have still used each other in the same manner. There is no time left, Lucas. Do you think the Empress will be up for my first challenge?"

"I want to say it is too soon, but your right with the recent events. We should hurry. She will struggle, but you have to do it."

"Then it is settled; the Empress will take part in the hunt too."

She wants to see how the Empress will fair in life and death situations. Lillian already saw how she reacted when somebody dear to her got hurt. But what she wants to see is how the Empress deals with the corruption of the Empire. How will she manage those terrible circumstances?

"Does sir Ramon have a bad habit of keeping a poison plant garden?"

Lilian lifted her head and saw a small archway not too far away and a gate leading to an inner garden. Her lips curve to a smile. "Sir Ramon does not have such habits, but I do."

This is the place where she planted that poisonous planet when they were younger. To think he kept it up, and now there is a garden of poison plants. He is indeed an amusing fellow.

"Should we go there?"

Lillian shook her head. "Another time, you're injured."

Lucas paused before he suddenly stood up and grabbed her wrist, causing her to stand up. "You know I have been thinking this since earlier, but normally you would say something like it is a good thing to get hurt. It makes you look cooler. This is the first time you've openly expressed concern for my wounds."

Lillian covered her mouth with her sleeve, shocked for a moment. Right, what is going on with her? Did she actually say that stuff out loud? She must be going crazy since things have been peaceful for a while.

"I will head back to the imperial castle. So keep those curses away on your own."


"Just so you know, I am very weak right now, so if I screw up during the hunt, then you cannot blame me." With those words said, he vanished into a pool of light, leaving her alone.

Lillian sighed deeply. What on earth was she doing?

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