The Flower of Separation

Chapter 76 - Gift

Lillian sighed. It is hard to hide anything from this man, even though she has a hard time reading him. He can read her so easily, like she is an open book.

"It is more like this. If I admitted that it would mean accepting a weak label. I cannot afford to have any weak labels attached to me. The amount of people who want me to die increases daily, and especially this past year."

The walls have ears, nobody can truly ascertain a safe place in the capital. Nobody knows who is eavesdropping. This is why for sensitive discussions she and Lucas would go to the tower.

Since she entered this cafe people have treated her with respect, and it seems like nobody has poisoned her food. But she had her guard up..

"The number of assassins increased?"

Lillian nodded. "It is a bit troubling. Although I can deal with them all, the frequency of their appearance pushes my plans back."

"Then you have your answer." Lucas trailed off. "The assassins are not there to kill you, if they get lucky, yes. But the main purpose is to ensure that they distract you long enough."

"I figured that out already." Her lips curve to a smile. "This is why I said it is good for us to have more allies. Right about now sir Orion and sir Ramon should be dealing with the usual pests."

She lifted the cup of tea to her lips and drank. Lucas watched her cautiously and she chuckled.

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"Relax, nobody has put poison on it."

It is surprising but her gaze fell on the newspapers on the side. "It seemed me helping theEmpress out earned me some golden points. They won't be able to move so easily for awhile."


"This is a time where we ought to investigate certain things at length that we could not do so before. The Empress mentioned a room in the Zestra manor surrounded by a barrier. I believe it is worth looking into."

There is a high chance that room belongs to that person. He was mainly the one investigating the Zestra family, his research should gave remained there.

"Entering the Zestra family household isn't easy even with your status."

"With my status yes but with hers?"

No matter how much those people dislike the Empress, it will be difficult for them to refuse her entry. Moreover

"Are you planning to ally with the Empress for awhile?"

Lillian chuckled. "It is a partnership with benefits. I have already sent a letter out, I am sure I will hear a favourable response during Natalia's birthday banquet later."

Her thoughts broke off when Lucas stood up and took a seat beside her. He grabbed a strand of her hair and a bright light surrounded his palm.

"You passed out just yesterday, shouldn't you rest more? I heard from the servants that you left the manor before sunrise."

"There were some things I had to deal with in the imperial palace. It would be improper of me to neglect my duties as a general."

Lucas sighed deeply. "Your body isn't a machine though, you need to get some proper rest soon or you will break down. Do you really want to spend your days recuperating in the tower again?"

"At the very least the tower will be a comfortable rest place."

It is difficult for her to sleep in her room in the Ageha mansion. To begin with, seldom anybody in that place would sleep. They are a family of assassins, and with the nature of their father who would dare sleep at night? Only those who have enough power would be brazen enough to sleep. Even if they do, they would wake up immediately at any sign of movement in their room.

"After the kid's birthday, let's stay for awhile. You can just say you are staying in the palace to keep an eye out on the Empress."

"I suppose." She felt the fatigue recently. Although she has more stamina than the average person. She does have her limits.

Lillian paused and recalled something. That young boy Rosa found, it was the young newspaper boy she tortured on the day of the coronation. "Before that though there is something else I have to do."

Lucas looked at her with a scowl and she laughed. "Do not fret so much, it is minor business that I shall end quickly."

That boy has lived long enough, it would be best to dispose of him now. Although she enjoys torture over death, she acknowledges that it best not to keep victims alive for longer than necessary.

"Whatever that business is, postpone it."

"You're nagging again."

"The only reason I nag is you are too lenient on your body. Which reminds me you haven't been doing any weird experiments on yourself recently, correct?"

At those words Lillian flinched and Lucas looked furious. "Give me your arm."

"Uh-" She didn't have much of a choice since he was sat beside her. Lillian rolled her sleeves revealing several markings.

Lucas lets go of her hair and she saw the look in his eyes. If looks could kill she is sure she would be dead already. Her thoughts broke off when Lucas leaned forward and fastened something in her ear. They were gorgeous ruby coloured earrings.

"Damn this is harder than it looks." He was struggling to fasten the earring on the left hand side. Since he sat on her right it meant he was leaning forward, the distance between their faces was minor.

"Another protective charm?" Lillian asked.

She knew Lucas was not the type of person who would randomly give her presents.

"Yeah, as for how to activate it. You don't even have to touch it, it will automatically detect those who wish to harm you. The downside is it only detects those who use magic, if they use a blade it will be difficult."

"I know."

Lucas is a magician, anything he makes for her will no doubt ward off harmful magic. But if it is a physical attack from a sword it is much harder. After all, unlike magic, human movements are not predictable. Amongst the people who want her dead there are many who are good at hiding in the shadows.

"You know I made these quite some time ago. It was before I went on that mission for your father."

Lillian blinked surprised. "That long ago?"

"After I came back all sorts of things happened and then the Empress appeared, so I missed my chance to give it."

He missed his chance? There were plenty of times where he could have given it to her. For a brief moment she met his gaze but quickly averted her eyes.

Lillian felt her heart pounding, her palms turning sweaty. She felt very restless and she knew what the cause was. This is not the first time Lucas has been so close to her. But ever since he returned from his mission, no even before then she has gradually became self conscious towards him.

'In the end of the day I am still a female. It must be a natural body reaction seeing a handsome man. Despite his attitude, I acknowledge that he is good looking.'

A deep sigh passed her lips. It is useless to have such thoughts but Lucas' strange behaviour since returning from his mission did not make the situation any better too.


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