The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 154 152- Being Weak Is A Sin... Kidnapping It Is

Jun was able to see and sensed when people were lying to him, or at any given moment. This ability had saved him on numerous occasions and made it possible to avoid people he should absolutely not get involved with. Especially when shady people in the slums, who were up to no good approached him.

However, there is something else. Whenever he saw injustice, whether it be small or big, he would feel this uncontrollable amount of hatred for that person. He would have the overwhelming urge to correct that injustice.

This was one of the reasons he couldn’t steal from people he deem as good, it would lead to self-loathing to the point where thoughts of how he should kill himself for doing such a thing would plague his mind.

So this curse was forcing him to become a robin-hood of some sorts, and a good Samaritan in a world of schemers and backstabbing people.

‘If he isn’t going to kill me, then what is he going to do?’

As Jun thought that, Big Boss waved over one of the three men who were standing off to the side.

“Contact that person, tell him I got another one to sell him.”

‘He’s… going to sell me?!!’

The man nodded at Big Boss’s order before he left the back alley and disappeared out of sight.

Jun gritted his teeth, ignoring the pain that was batting against his senses from his swollen face.

*Shuffle* *Shuffle*

Jun slowly dragged his limp body towards the wall before he propped himself into a sitting position, with his back against it and his face facing Big Boss, who was looking at him coldly.

“You know, I never liked you brat. Just something about those eyes of yours makes me uncomfortable, it’s like I’m being judged.”

Big Boss then snorted and continued to say, “Being judged by a piece of garbage, what a joke.”

Despite his swollen face, Jun crocked out, “Y-you, are you secretly working for the slave traders?”

Hearing Jun's question, Big Boss’s eyes narrowed before he sneered and said, “Since you’ll be sold anyway, why bother hiding it? You brats are just my chump change collectors, the real cash flow comes from fattening and selling you lot for the highest possible price.”

Jun saw that the aura around big Boss was still white, meaning he was telling the truth.

It wasn’t like Jun or even the others hadn’t come to this speculation, but they truly had no other choice but to take the risk. They would definitely starve to death if they hadn't.

And even if they could go out on their own to steal, there was still the threat of slave traders. At least working for someone like him they would have protection.

Well, now that Jun knew the truth about his situation and that he had sold his soul to this man, he was burning with indignation.

Why was he here?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Why was he getting punished by being forced to live this awful life?

Why is this his destiny?

Why can’t he change it?

Just why?




Jun’s fingers dug into his palm.

He knew why, he was weak.

The weak don’t get to choose.

Being weak is a sin, and Jun was the most guilty of this sin.

But he was unwilling.

Of course, he was unwilling, who would want to live such a life?

He needed strength, but how would he get the strength to escape this situation? He was going to be sold and probably become something akin to an animal, or either be at the receiving end of someone’s twisted fantasies.

‘I don’t want to live like this anymore. If there’s even a sliver of a chance to get out of this, I would latch onto it with everything I have and never let go. I’m weak, I know that, I accept it. But if something, someone, if I receive help this time I promise I’ll be eternally grateful. I’ll live to repay my debt tenfold, no, a thousandfold!! I just want to live!’

Jun in his unwillingness cried out in his heart.

*Step* *Step*

Foot steps echoed out at the entrance of the alleyway, and Jun’s heart trembled. A feeling of sadness washed over him.

No one was coming to help someone like him, his only purpose in life was to be used by others and be discarded.

Jun closed his eyes and lowered his head, giving up, but suddenly…

“You, who are you?!! Ack!”


“Bastard! You… ahh!!”

Screams and shouts suddenly entered Jun’s ears but he kept his eyes closed and head lowered.

He then felt the presence of someone coming to stand over him.

“Jun was it? You alright? Looks like I come at the right time.”

Jun's eyes snapped open when he heard the familiar voice and then looked up.

He was shocked to see Xi Shen standing in front of him while looking down at him with a worried expression.

Looking around, he saw the decapitated corpse of Big Boss and his body guards, as well as the one who had left earlier.

Jun then looked up at Xi Shen and his eyes began to gloss over before tears ran down his swollen cheeks.

“Huh? What’s with you? Why are you crying all of sudden? Are you that much in pain?”

Jun was overcome with so many emotions that he couldn’t even answer Xi Shen’s question.

He didn’t know how this big brother was able to kill Big Boss and his lackeys, but who was he to complain when Xi Shen was his savior? He was so happy, and his heart was filled with so much gratefulness it felt like it was about to burst open.

“T-thank you, big brother.”

Jun managed to say, though his injuries made it hard for him to speak.

“No problem, now listen to me. You have two choices, either I heal your injuries and make some arrangements to get you out of the slums, then after that, we never meet each other again. Or you follow me. Which do you choose?”

Hearing this, Jun was stunned.

The white aura around this big brother was still white, which meant he was actually telling the truth!


“Think about this carefully, this decision will have a profound effect on the path you walk in this life.”

Jun swallowed back his answer upon hearing Xi Shen’s words.

‘Who is he? Is he not a beggar like me? How can he get me out of the slums?’

After a while, Jun asked, “You, you aren’t lying, and not just trying to trick me, right? You can get me out of the slums?”

This was the first time in his life Jun was asking someone if they were lying to him given his ability. He just couldn’t believe it was that easy.

Xi Shen looked down at Jun, and said rather knowingly, “Can’t you tell?”

Jun’s heart shook.

‘He-he knows about my ability?!’

Seeing the shocked look on Jun’s face, Xi Shen said impatiently, “I’m still waiting for an answer Jun.”

Jun upon hearing that lowered his head and said, “I… I want to take the first option.”

With a nonchalant smile, Xi Shen said, “Aren’t you going ask what I can give you if you follow me?”

Jun looked back up at Xi Shen and said, “I know big brother is no normal person, but… I just want to live without worrying about food or whether I’m going to die. I just want to live a normal life.”

After saying that, Jun suddenly hurriedly said, “Of course, I would pay back big brother in the future! I’ll definitely make sure the debt I incur today is re-payed a thousand folds!”

Though the pain of his injuries was surging through his body, Jun was determined to show Xi Shen his sincerity. He was never one to be ungrateful, and maybe it was because of his circumstances influencing him, but he had come to value honesty and upright virtue.

For Xi Shen to go out of his way to help him and have no malicious intentions, finding such a person was rare.

Xi Shen upon hearing Jun’s declaration, had his nonchalance fade a bit.

He then asked, “What if you die before paying back this debt a thousandfold, what then?”

​ Hearing Xi Shen’s question, Jun was stumped for words.

“See? Wouldn’t it be better to become a cultivator and have some more years repaying that debt?”

“Huh? A cultivator?”

Jun responded confused.

“Well, looks like kidnaping it is.”

Xi Shen said as he easily picked up Jun and slung him over his shoulder.

“H-huh?? B-big brother what are you doing, you-”

“Sheesh, go to sleep for now. When you wake up we’ll talk later.”

Xi Shen cut off a dumbfounded Jun as he slowly sent a warm stream of Wood Qi into his body, healing his injuries. While at the same time it caused Jun to feel lightheaded who then became completely unconscious.

“Having such a physique, you’ll never be able to truly live a peaceful life. You're destined for greater things by my side.”

Xi Shen then thought after saying that, ‘This makes him the seventh member including myself. I’ll have to talk to that Fei Fei to have him enter the Academy. I don’t really know his innate talent, but having the Saint Physique his cultivation talents wouldn’t be mediocre. I’ll have to take on the responsibility for guiding his cultivation in the beginning stages as well. I wonder what path best suits him, neither a saber nor a sword wielder is any good. A Soul Cultivator? Hmm, maybe I'll ruminate on this more. With this, I guess he could be considered my second disciple. Yang Su will truly become a senior disciple brother then, haha.’

After that, Xi Shen walked with Jun on his shoulders back to the Mu Clan. This time he drew more than a few stares from the people in the slums.

It wasn’t every day they saw someone being kidnapped in broad daylight.

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