The Fox Goddess

Chapter 117 The Reason For Yuki's Cold Nature

When Yuki arrived at the Dinner Hall, everyone was sitting there and casually talking.

"Why didn't you guys eat yet?" Yuki asked as she sat on the chair next to Katsumi.

When Yumie saw that Yuki sat next to Katsumi, she puffed out her cheeks and looked at Katsumi with jealousy. Katsumi turned her head in Yumie's way and when she saw Yumie she showed her a smug look before clinging to Yuki's arms.

"Mom, let's eat!" She then looked again at Yumie and showed a victory look.

Yumie was short for words, she then stood and sat next to Yuki and also clung to her arm.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Yuki asked, after seeing the weird behavior of the two.

"No, it's nothing!" Both of them said, they then let go of Yuki's arms and ate quietly.

"So what are your plans for tomorrow, Yuki?" Rory asked.

"I think I want to go on a Quest tomorrow so that I have a better field and a possibly better chance of performing well while under the pressure of fighting enemies," Yuki answered back.

She then casually picked up meat and threw it into her mouth.

"This is good." Yuki mumbles.

"I see, then I wish you good luck," Rory said and she also began eating.

Halfway through their eating, Aria asked Yuki about something.

"Do you mind if I ask you something personal?"

"Yes. Why would you ask someone something like that if you just met for 2 days?" Yuki said warily.

"Ah no, it's not what you think. I'm a trustworthy person, actually, all Beast are your allies, well most of them. But the other races are the ones who we should not trust. Especially those humans." Aria said.

"Yes, I know. But still, it's hard for me to trust someone, well except for these two." Yuki answered.

"I see, then I will wait for you to trust me. I'll show you that I can be trusted." Aria said.

"Me too!" Rory followed.

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Yuki only answered with a nod.

She had started to trust them already, it started when the two decided to teach them and Yuki can naturally tell if people have bad intentions due to her experience in her past life.

And from what she saw in the two of them, she knew that they can be trusted. But she still cannot help but have her doubts.

Her trust issues and cold nature started when her Mom died, her Mom promised her that she will stay by her side until she died, but that was all a lie.

Soon after when she was all alone, she was put into an orphanage. The people who adopted her were very nice to her at the start which caused her to open her heart to them, but then after 2 months passed that all changed and she got abused by them. They constantly abused her until Yuki cannot even walk due to the pain.

She then tells the police and the police saved her. Yuki then understood that not all nice people can be trusted.

And when her adoptive parents got into jail, she found herself back in the orphanage. She was now 16yrs old at the time and from that day she decided to close her heart to anyone, not attaching herself.

But when she was in her orphanage, no one was willing to adopt her because she was cold to everyone.

Something strange then happened in the orphanage, Yuki noticed that every week there would be some children that were missing, mainly girls.

And when she was sleeping her thoughts of the "Nice" orphanage turned upside down. Turns out that they were selling children to some people for money.

Yuki was sleeping soundly in her bed when someone suffocated her with a pillow until she fell unconscious and when she woke up she was in an entirely different place.

She was horrified at what she saw, children were being tortured there, and some were even being raped. Because the orphanage still provides education she knew that all these people are bad and she resolved to be strong and escape.

But life was not easy for her when the person who bought her came to her. Yuki shivered in fear when she was in front of an old man. But she didn't let her fears take over, she glared at the old man and cursed at him.

"F*ck you old dog!"

The Old man's bodyguard immediately raised their weapons and pointed them at Yuki, but she didn't care.

"I like you, little girl, how about you train under me." The Old man proposed to Yuki.

Yuki immediately got wary and she hugged her body tightly.

"What do you mean?"

"No need to put your guard up. What I mean is, be my successor." He said. He then introduced himself to Yuki.

"My name is Yuto Sasaki, the King of the Underworld." He said proudly.

The Old man was a well-known figure in the underworld, he controlled guns, drugs, and any more illegal business that you can think of.

"You don't even know me and you want me to become an heir? What a joke." Yuki said coldly.

"Now, now, don't be quick to refuse me. You'll have a lot of power, don't you want that?" Yuto tried to tempt Yuki.

"I'll give you two days to think about it, in the meantime, you can stay at my mansion. Get some maids here and give her a room, food, and some clothes." He ordered the guard next to him.

"What can I even do with power?" Yuki thought.

But then she suddenly remembered her bastard father and when she thought that she could have her revenge she would kill him. Yuki's heart was filled with hatred whenever she thinks of his father

Then the deadline came and she agreed to it.

"You'll study for now and while you study I will make you powerful," Yuto said confidently.

Then Yuki's training began, because she is an excellent student at school she earned the title of "Genius of the Century".

She finished school very early, in her 18yr she finished school with the highest grade possible, and while she was studying she was still training with Yuto.

From weapons, martial arts, and how to handle the business she learned it all.

While so, she has a trusty maid that she very liked, she even considered her a mother.

But when she became 20yrs old, her good life started going downhill. Her so-called mother was a spy set up by Yuto.

Yuto started to hate Yuki when he saw that she was better at him and this made him feel useless. So to put an end to it she decided to kill Yuki with the spy that he planted.

On the night, the maid stood next to Yuki with a knife and pointed it next to Yuki's head.

"Sorry for killing you, but you are just stupid for trusting me." She then tried to stab Yuki in the head to make sure that she would die.

Unexpectedly, Yuki grabbed her arm before she managed to stab her. Yuki then took out a clip from her hair and stabbed it into the maid's chest.

Soon after the maid started to cough up blood.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing much, I just poisoned you," Yuki said.

Then tears started to come out of her eyes and she said in an aggrieved voice.

"I didn't think that you would kill me." Yuki started to cry in agony.

She felt that her whole life was a joke, everyone that she trusted betrayed her, making her feel unbearable pain in her heart.

Yuki then wiped her tears and looked at the maid coldly before stepping on her stomach.

"Not anymore, I will never trust anyone."

Yuki then went into her closet and changed her nightwear and grabbed a Katana that was hidden.

Yuki then got closer to the dying maid and snorted.

"I hope you go to hell."

She proceeds and cuts her head off. The head came rolling towards her feet but Yuki only glanced at it like it was trash.

After killing the maid, she went on a killing spree and killed everyone, no one can stop her, not even their best army.

"What are you doing Yuki!?" Yuto yelled.

"Nothing much, just cleaning some trash." Yuki looked at him.

Yuki's clothes were full of blood, but that didn't hinder her beauty at all.

"I raised you for 3yrs and this is what you pay me!?" Yuto points his walking stick to Yuki.

"Oh really. then why did you want to try and kill me?" Yuki sneered.

"I don't understand what you mean?" Yuto remains ignorant.

"Is that so, then maybe this will remind you." Yuki tossed the maid's head at him.

Then Yuki ran up to him and pointed her Katana at his neck.

"Well, let's just say that this is my thanks for raising me." Yuki smiled and cut Yuto's head off.

Then blood splattered everywhere, some even got into Yuki's face. But Yuki just wiped it off before looking at the survivors left.

"Now will there be someone here who wants to oppose me," Yuki asked while smiling at them?

They will remember this scene for the rest of their lives, a woman who single-handedly killed and ended the legacy of Yuto Sasaki.

Soon after, cops arrived at the scene and were shocked to see how much blood and disfigured body there was and amidst all of the Yuki was standing there with her Katana in her hands while looking at them.

"I helped you guys clear these people, now I hope that you will let me leave quietly," Yuki asked, but from the tone of her voice, she didn't expect rejection.

All the police shivered when they heard that and the chief immediately said yes to Yuki's command.

"Good, now I wish that you don't expose my identity here, got it?" Yuki patted his shoulder and walked away.

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