The Fox Goddess

Chapter 134 Playing A Song

"But first let me ask you, why would you want to know this?" Yuki asked first.

"No it's because- because I thought that it was weird for you a Beast to hate Humans." Anna answered.

"Why is that weird? Is it weird for a person to hate someone?" Yuki asked again.

"No- if you don't want to answer then it's fine." Anna finally said after calming down, she can somehow sense that Yuki was mad.

"My mother is the most respectable woman that I have ever met in my life. She was my life, my pillar, but my father decided to ruin that. He was an alcoholic, he would beat up my mother and I when he's mad. Then one day when I got home, I found my mother dead because of a disease. I found that the reason she died was because of my father's abuse. But she cannot treat herself because he would always get the money to drink." Yuki stopped for a second before continuing.

"He actually left us when he found that my mother was pregnant with me, but then he suddenly came back because he found out that my mother has a stable job with a good income. Then the rest is just what I explained earlier." After Yuki said all of that, Anna can kill a thick bloodlust lingering in the air.

The air had gotten so cold that Anna was shivering.

"I'm sorry, I got lost in my emotions." Yuki smiled at Anna.

But Anna can feel Yuki's sadness and anger in that face.

"I am confused about something. You're a Beast and your mother I assume is a Beast and your Father is a Human, So how is it that you're not a Demi Human but a full Beast?" Anna asked.

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Yuki froze and doesn't know how to answer, because she doesn't have any good answer to tell. Even though what she just said is the truth, it was all in her past life. So she doesn't know how to answer Anna's question right now.

"I also don't know, but when I was born I was a full fledged Beast with no Human traits with me." Yuki said, she even tried to act confusedly.

She was lucky that Anna was tricked by her, Anna trusted Yuki's words and simply answered with a nod and began to think.

'So that's the reason why, but I don't think that is all. Looking at Yuki she doesn't seem to want to tell me so I'll leave it at that.'

"Okay, thank you for telling me."

"Are you close friends with Sylvie?" Yuki suddenly asked.

Shocked by the sudden question, Anna didn't respond for a few seconds.

"Ah yes, we are childhood friends in the Elven land. Our family is very close with each other, you can even say that we are practically sisters based on how close we are." Anna explains.

"I see…"

After the small awkward talk in the beginning, the two found themselves immersed in their chatting that they didn't even realise that the sun was already going down.

Anna learned a lot about Yuki, same as Yuki of course. She found what Yuki's hobbies were even, what she likes and dislikes. Anna was ecstatic about the information that she just learned about Yuki.

For example, Yuki hates hot places. But it's probably because of her element, she also found that she hates loud people, the ones that were super talkative.

And the best thing that she learned is what Yuki likes. Anna asked her about her favourite foods and hobbies to which Yuki answered with delicious meats and desserts, and for the hobbies Yuki only said training and fighting.

After learning that Yuki likes training and fighting, Anna asked Yuki about her favourite weapon. After learning that it was a Dual Katana, Anna felt that it was an odd choice, because people rarely use two weapons because it was hard.

Anna listed everything that Yuki liked, but the one thing that she didn't learn is Yuki's birthday. Even no matter how many she asks, Yuki never answers. Anna decided to let it go and just ask something else.

Yuki also learned about Anna a lot. Her favourite food was meat also, her hobbies consist of drawing, playing music and singing. Yuki even had asked Anna to sing her a song, but Anna refused because she found it embarrassing.

While she was asking, she remembered that Anna uses a Staff as a weapon, so she was curious about it.

"Is your weapon only a staff? Then how do you protect yourself if an enemy gets past the defence?" Yuki asked.

"Ah that, I also use a weapon. But it's more of an instrument than a weapon, it's a zither. I use this as entertainment and also as a weapon to the enemies because the sound that it transmits is pretty powerful." Anna said proudly.

"Then can you play me a song, you have refused me earlier." Yuki smirked.

"Are you sure? I might not be as good as you think?" Anna said.

"It's fine." Yuki shrugged, she just wanted to hear what kind of music is in this world.

"Okay then." Anna said, she then held out her necklace, and soon a blue zither came out of it.

"Oh you have a Spatial Bag of some sort?" Yuki asked curiously.

"Yes, it's a gift from my mother when I said I wanted to become an Adventurer." Anna explains.

Anna then started to pluck the strings, and soon a melodic sound came out. Soothing the air around them, Yuki had never felt so comfortable in her life other than this moment when she heard the melodic sound that was coming out of the Zither.

The sound stopped after 5 minutes, Anna was so immersed in herself that she didn't realise that Yuki fell asleep while listening to her play.

Looking closer at Yuki's sleeping face, Anna can tell that she is in a deep sleep and was having a good nap. Yuki was smiling, which made Anna blush.

Looking at Yuki's lips, Anna's throat tightened.

"I wonder what they taste like?" Anna suddenly blurted out.

When she snapped out of her daze, she immediately looked around her to see if anyone was watching her. After seeing that no one was there, Anna sighed in relief and decided to carry Yuki gently to go back to her room.

Noticing how soft Yuki's body was, Anna felt extremely happy. But then a fragrance suddenly hit her nose that made her face reddened more.

She accidentally smelled Yuki's body, but it was not like their soap or shampoo that lingered in their body. It was more of a natural smell that came out of Yuki's body.

Yuki smells like fragrant flowers that even beats the best perfume in the City of Light.

"She even smells nice." Anna mutters.

When Anna puts Yuki's body down, she looks at her for a moment before sighing in relief again that Yuki didn't wake up during their walk.

"Have a good sleep Yuki." Anna caresses Yuki's face lovingly before going out of the room.

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