The Fox Goddess

Chapter 292 Torture Room

"All of you are so loud…" Yuki said coldly, as her words came out of her mouth. All of them shut up. No one in the room dares to even speak up after all of them heard their Leader's words, they have huge respect for her and wouldn't even dare to betray her.

"Boss, you're back. We are happy to see you back after being sick for a week." A woman then walked to Yuki, she then kneeled in front of her to respectfully give Yuki respect. The woman that kneeled in front of Yuki was the same person that she ordered to kidnap both of the precious daughters of the two Groups that tried to destroy her. She was Zero, all of them had a codename that they used so that the enemy could never get their real name.

Her real name was Cindy, she was Yuki's right-hand woman in their Mafia Group, she treated Yuki as her parent. Despite being only a 16-year-old girl who was almost 10 years younger than Yuki. Her strength is the same as her position, as she could defeat all of their Mafia Members single-handedly. She met Yuki on a rainy night 6 years ago, the same year when Yuki took over and changed the Mafia Group. She was recently abandoned by her parents, this caused her to quickly get depressed as a kid.

Cindy then has no choice but to rob people's money to make a living out of herself; she despises humans because of that incident. Her parents had promised to take care of her, but she was wrong about it. And when she came to her relatives, she was quickly ignored and got thrown right on the streets. Her hatred for humans only got bigger because of this, but in one encounter she met Yuki.

Yuki was strolling around the streets when suddenly a little girl bumped into her. She ignored this as it was just a coincidence, but when she felt something was wrong. Yuki then grabbed the collar of the little girl and lifted her.

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"You are already learning how to steal even at a young age?" Yuki asked coldly as she looked at the young Cindy with her menacing and cold eyes that brought shivers to her spine. This broke Cindy, as she then remembered the teachings of her parents, don't ever steal from someone.

"Sob… I'm sorry. It's- it's because I'm all alone, and I don't have anybody to take care of me. Please don't send me to jail, I promise that from now on I will work hard, and never steal again." Cindy cried as she wiped her teary eyes slowly, but Yuki only looked at her with her cold piercing eyes.

"Little Girl? I can see from your eyes that you are not lying. I will let go of you now. Let me tell you a piece of advice, never put your faith in anyone, thinking that they can help you. Only you can change yourself, and no one else. Be strong for yourself as this world is run by power, and if you have power Money is very easy to get. With Money, you can get anything in this world, and with Power, you can control your Life." Yuki said as she then brought the little Cindy down, she then continued her way. But she was stopped by little Cindy.

"Can you take me in, please? I promise that I will work hard even if I work as a maid. I will accept it. Anything is fine!" Cindy said, her voice and face brimming with determination as she said those words to Yuki.

"Anything you say huh? You don't even know me, how can you easily trust me?" Yuki asked but she didn't turn around and just casually waited for little Cindy to answer.

"Yes, even if I don't know you. I feel that I can trust you, even if you say that I shouldn't put my faith in anyone. I feel that it would be worth it if it were you. And if I'm ever wrong with my judgment then there is no one else I can blame but myself." Little Cindy said in a confident tone.

"This little girl is smarter than she looks. Looks like making a test for her was just right.." Yuki said with a cold glint on her face, she then turned back and introduced herself. Yuki then took Cindy with her and trained her very hard, she even went to school and got the best grades. Under Yuki's training, Cindy's persona soon changed, it went from her meek and forced to steal to becoming a cold and aloof woman. But the only person who could ever see her true emotions was Yuki.

"If that's what you want then I can't say anything more. My name is Yuki, but you can also call me Demon Ice Fairy" Yuki also said her name to those who know the underworld very well. That name was very famous as it describes Yuki the best, being the best killer with an extremely cold, and merciless persona, but at the same time, she was as beautiful as a Fairy.

Her other Title which was the "Ice Devil" was only known in the business world as Yuki would not hesitate to bring down, and devour your company/business if you ever offended her.

"Where are they?" Yuki cut right into business, if another person was to talk to Cindy like Yuki did, they would have probably had their bones broken.

"Please follow me, Boss," Cindy said as she then walked towards the line of people without a care, soon the two found themselves in front of a stair that goes down very deep. Continuing their way, they were not in front of a locked door. Pausing for a bit, Cindy took a needle and poke a hole into one of her fingers before placing it right on the keypad of the door.


[DNA Matches! Please enter Miss Zero.]

"Let us out, please! We didn't do anything wrong!" As soon as the door opened, Yuki heard the cries of two women inside. As she entered the room she was met with two chairs right in the middle of the room that were only lit by a single light.

The two women were sitting in each chair, and all of their limbs were chained up by chains. Their eyes were covered with a blindfold and both of them were shivering in fear.

"Hahaha… Let you out? I will let you out, but only one part of you. Which part of your body you don't want anymore, I will gladly take it out outside. Arm, leg, head? Choose one." Yuki said as she took both of their blindfolds and stared at them coldly, she then took a knife from Cindy and tapped both of their cheeks.

As soon as the cold metal blade touched their cheeks, both of them almost passed out because of fear. They don't even know how they are still awake. But they didn't know that the air ventilation system inside the room was special. If you breathe in the air you will never be able to sleep. This is Yuki's creation of a position, it was perfect for this room as it's also called the "Torture Room".

And the only way to counter it is to have a strong body and mind. Yuki has created an antidote, but it's not that effective as it would only fight the poison for about an hour and Yuki was too lazy to make a better one. The poison that Yuki created will force the body to stay awake for days, even if your body is tired, you will stay awake even if you took one sniff of it, it can already make you awake for 4 days straight, that's how potent the poison is.

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