The Full-level Daughter, She is Back

Chapter 187: Authentic and fake

Chapter 187: Authentic and fake

Chapter 187 Genuine products and copycats

"This was designed by Teacher Ai Ruili." Another senior executive of Nishang said directly, "The finished product is in our company now, but only a few senior executives have seen it. Of course, those of us sitting here have all seen it."

"Yes, it took me half a year from design to completion of this dress." Ai Ruili nodded and said, "The finished product was only completed a few days ago. So, I want to know, where did you see this work of mine?"

For designers, every work is like their own child. Now that her child is about to be stolen, how can she, as a mother, not feel angry?

Hearing such words, Ye Xiyuan's pupils shrank slightly, her eyes widened, her eyes were filled with shock, and her mind went blank.

This is impossible! She clearly remembered that this dress will only be exhibited at Paris Fashion Week next year, so why is it designed now? Moreover, the designer is still Ariel, how is this possible?

Ye Xiyuan opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make a sound. At this moment, she didn't know what to say or what to say.

Said that she hadn't seen Ariel's design and said it was all a coincidence.

In this case, even if it is said, will the people present really believe it? And how could she explain that her blueprints were nearly identical to Ariel's? In the design world, such a coincidence is simply impossible.

Ye Li was also stunned at the moment, he never expected such a result. Just now, when he saw such a score, he immediately rushed forward without even seriously considering the reason for the score. Faced with such doubts now, he simply didn't know how to react.

Moreover, he never imagined that Ye Xiyuan would actually plagiarize, and it was Ai Ruili's work that he plagiarized.

If such a thing gets out, Ye's reputation will definitely be seriously damaged in the future. At that time, it will definitely cause a lot of losses to the company.

"Miss Ye Xiyuan, please answer my question." Ai Ruili did not give up because of Ye Xiyuan's bewilderment, but continued to ask, "This is a very serious plagiarism incident. Originally, I didn't intend to ask here, but if you insist on knowing the reason, then we can only say it. But since we have said it, let's make it clear here!"

"Teacher Ai Ruili, I have never seen Ni's work." Ye Xiyuan took a deep breath, tried to calm down her inner panic, and said, "This is really what I thought."

No, she absolutely cannot admit the fact that she plagiarized. If she admits plagiarism here, she will be labeled as plagiarism in the future, and she will be the object of everyone's ridicule. So, no matter what, she couldn't admit it.

After hearing Ye Xiyuan's words, the expressions of the people on the judging panel immediately sank. They didn't expect that things had come to this point, and the other party not only didn't give any explanation, but even planned to stick to it to the end.

"Do you think we are fools?" Lindani said, "You mean, you and Ai Ruili just happened to think of the same design, don't you? If you say it like this, how many people here will believe it?"

"I really didn't lie." Ye Xiyuan insisted on her own statement, "Besides, I don't have any way to sneak a peek at Teacher Ai Ruili's works."

No one thought that Ye Xiyuan would answer like this. Because under normal circumstances, everyone will be ashamed, or admit their mistakes, and then apologize, or simply can't stay here and run away. However, after the initial panic, Ye Xiyuan now chooses to directly deny the fact of plagiarism.

All of a sudden, the expressions of the people in the judging panel became extremely ugly.

As for the people in the audience, they were all shocked by Ye Xiyuan's thick skin.

It was Ye Li who was on the side, his eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what he was thinking. But it didn't stop Ye Xiyuan from denying to the end.

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"Ye Xiyuan, you have a thick skin!" The other judges couldn't say anything too harsh, but Ye Leng'an didn't shy away from it at all, "It's come to this point, and you can actually deny the fact of plagiarism. It seems that you really plan to go all the way to the dark!"

"Ye Leng'an, although I don't know why you are qualified to sit on the judge's seat, but you know nothing about fashion design, what qualifications do you have to criticize me here?"

Things have come to this point, Ye Xiyuan is unwilling to give in to Ye Lengan's ridicule, "Also, if you insist that I plagiarized, then you have to have proof, don't you? Is it possible that I can't overlap with Teacher Ai Ruili's idea?"

Everyone in the audience was watching the excitement. However, those judges all said that Ye Xiyuan plagiarized, but until now, no one has seen the dress designed by Teacher Ai Ruili. So I don't know how high the similarity is.

Ye Xiyuan is so confident, is it really just a coincidence that her inspiration coincides with that of Teacher Ai Ruili?

"Why am I sitting here? You are not qualified to question." Ye Leng'an sneered, "I'm on the sponsor's side now, and I've already said that if you have any objections, you can withdraw from the competition, and we, Nishang, won't keep you. As for whether your creativity overlaps with Teacher Ai Ruili's, we might as well just look at the works of Teacher Ai Ruili and make a conclusion."

After finishing speaking, Ye Leng'an glanced directly at one of the executives next to Nishang.

The executive immediately understood what Ye Leng'an meant, and he immediately ordered someone to bring over Ai Ruili's dress.

After Ai Ruili's dress was designed, it was put on the Nishang Company. It was made to order by the head office, and it was originally planned to be delivered in two days.

Under normal circumstances, those executives would never dare to make that dress without authorization. Because it was personally ordered by the president of the group, how dare they take it out casually! But now, the person who ordered to take it out was Ye Leng'an, so they didn't have any scruples at all.

Although they are not very clear about Ye Leng'an's identity. However, Ye Leng'an came from the group. At the most important moment, Ye Leng'an can represent the meaning of Huangfu Ruiling, the president of the group, with the information given by the group.

Therefore, they dare not neglect Ye Leng'an at all, and even hold each other up.

However, fortunately, the other party will not stay in Nishang Company forever. After this design competition is over, Ye Leng'an will leave.

The game came to a standstill, and Ye Xiyuan stood there. No one asked her to leave, and she was not willing to just walk away like this. Because she knew in her heart that if she left at this time, the charge of plagiarism would be committed. But if she persists to the end, there may be a turning point.

However, at this time, she was also regretting in her heart. If she knew that this dress was designed so early, wouldn't it be better for her to recall those beautiful dress designs a few years later?

Now what she regrets is not the plagiarism, but the designs that are too close in time.

Ye Li was standing beside Ye Xiyuan, with an inexplicable expression on his face at the moment. He wanted to leave, but he also knew how bad it would be for Ye Shi to leave at this time. Therefore, he still planned to stay and see if Ye Xiyuan had a chance to make a comeback.

Now he no longer hopes that Ye Xiyuan can win the championship this time, as long as he can clear the charge of plagiarism, he will be thankful.

In less than half an hour, a few people came in in a hurry. They were pushing a dummy model, which was covered with a piece of black cloth, making it difficult to see what was inside.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused there.

Everyone knows that this is the work of Teacher Ai Ruili. Just now I just heard from the judges that Ye Xiyuan's design is very similar to Teacher Ai Ruili's, but I really don't know how similar it is.

Ye Leng'an looked at Ai Ruili who was on the side, smiled and said, "Mr. Ai Ruili, since it's your work, let you uncover it!"


Ai Ruili cast a grateful look towards Ye Leng'an. Because if it wasn't for Ye Leng'an, her works would not have appeared here. Although this dress was designed by her, the ownership already belongs to the Huangye Group. So, just now, she didn't propose to show her work.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Ye Leng'an asked someone to take out the dress directly, so that she could prove Ye Xiyuan's plagiarism openly.

Ai Ruili got up, came to the dress skirt, then stretched out her hand, and lifted the black cloth on it.

Although the black cloth was lifted, the dress caught everyone's eyes. If we say that when we saw Ye Xiyuan's design, everyone was amazed. Now when they saw Teacher Ai Ruili's dress, they felt shocked.

Black smooth satin, the skirt is layered, embroidered with dark silver silk thread, and the skirt is dotted with diamonds. Under the light, the pattern of the skirt became clear in front of everyone, and it was a star map.

Just now, Ye Xiyuans design drawing is the difference between a pheasant and a phoenix in front of this work by Mr. Ai Ruili. If they have never seen this piece of work by Teacher Ai Ruili, then they can say that Ye Xiyuan's design is really outstanding.

However, now that I see the works of Teacher Ai Ruili, and then look at Ye Xiyuan's design display, it seems to see the difference between genuine products and fake products.

Sure enough, Master Ai Ruili, the world's top fashion designer, can shock people with every piece of work he designs.

"This is my finished product after half a year." Ai Ruili introduced, "From the design to the finished product, I completed everything by myself, including the embroidery on it and the inlaid diamonds. The name of this work is called Galaxy. After it was completed, it was directly airlifted to Nishang Company."

Speaking of this, Ai Ruili looked at Ye Xiyuan and continued to speak, "So, I really don't know why the dress skirt designed by Miss Ye Xiyuan is so similar to mine. However, I admire her. It only took such a short time to have such an inspiration. You know, it took me almost three months just to design and modify."

At this time, Ye Xiyuan's face was pale, her whole body was icy cold, and her whole body felt as if she had fallen into a cellar of ice. Her lips were trembling, but she couldn't say a word. She wanted to deny it, but now in front of the genuine product, she suddenly felt that all her denials seemed so powerless.

Even, thinking of my denial behavior just now, I feel like a clown.

In her last life, she only saw pictures of this dress in magazines. She also drew this design drawing from memory, but now when the finished product appeared in front of her, she realized how ridiculous she was.

Now that things have reached this point, everyone naturally understands what's going on. Apparently, Ye Xiyuan didn't know why, she probably had seen the clothes designed by Teacher Ai Ruili, or seen the design drawings, so she drew it from memory. It's just that she just plagiarized a general idea, and the essence of it was not able to be drawn at all.

Ye Li on the side was blushing with anger. He didn't even dare to look at the people around him anymore, he felt that Ye Xiyuan had lost all his face.

In the past, although Mrs. Ye had never won the championship of this fashion design competition, there had never been such plagiarism incidents. Today I brought Ye Xiyuan to participate in the competition. It's fine if I didn't win the championship, but a plagiarism scandal broke out. He could imagine how much impact it would have on Ye's reputation after what happened today.

"You wicked girl." Ye Li couldn't control his anger, he went up and slapped Ye Xiyuan severely, "You actually plagiarized, it's a disgrace to our Ye family. How could our Ye family have a daughter like you."

After finishing speaking, Ye Li ignored Ye Xiyuan and walked away.

Ye Xiyuan was left where she was, her cheeks were already swollen, and there was a slight throbbing pain, and she even felt her ears were buzzing. It can be seen that when Ye Li made the move just now, he really didn't show any mercy.

Standing where she was, she was almost completely unable to think. It wasn't until the security guard came in and wanted to pull her away that she came back to her senses and left by herself. However, before she left, she cast a vicious look in Ye Leng'an's direction, which was full of hatred.

In her opinion, everything she suffered today was caused by Ye Leng'an. If Ye Leng'an hadn't suddenly changed the theme of the competition, she wouldn't have drawn this design, and she wouldn't have been caught in the current plagiarism turmoil.

She will never let her sleep overnight. Even if she really wants to go to hell, she must hold Ye Leng'an on her back.

Ye Leng'an naturally noticed Ye Xiyuan's hateful eyes, but she didn't care at all. It was impossible for her and Ye Xiyuan to coexist.

However, Ye Xiyuan didn't think that this was the end! It's just the beginning now, she won't trample Ye Xiyuan to death all at once, because that would be too cheap for Ye Xiyuan.

In the first life, Ye Xiyuan made her lose everything and let her die so miserably. She has never been a kind person, so naturally there will be revenge. How Ye Xiyuan treated her in the past, she will treat Ye Xiyuan in the same way. She will make Ye Xiyuan lose everything, and then leave in pain.

After Ye Xiyuan left, the game continued. However, apart from the competition, everyone was discussing Ye Xiyuan's plagiarism in private.

After Ye Xiyuan left the venue, she found that Ye Li had already driven away. So, she had no choice but to take a taxi by herself and go home.

On the way home, she was in a bad mood, and her mind was in a mess.

She knew very well that after what happened today, her father would no longer believe her. From now on, she will no longer have any status in this family. As for the company, she can't have any hope in the future. Then what should she do in the future!

Also, as long as she thought of facing Ye Li's anger when she got home, she would feel even more irritable.

However, even so, she has nowhere else to go but to go home. Because she couldn't leave the Ye family, not only because it was her home, but also because only that home could give her everything she wanted.

No, she shouldn't be discouraged. Today's failure was just an accident. It was because she didn't think too comprehensively, that's why this kind of thing happened. She still has a chance, she's already lived through one life, so she knows a lot about the future.

That's right, it is absolutely impossible for her to lose, she must win. She wants Ye Leng'an to watch her stand at the highest point. Only in this way can she be worthy of her rebirth this time.

Although she was afraid of going back to face everything, Ye Xiyuan returned home. She stepped into the house with heavy steps.

As soon as she entered the house, Ye Xiyuan saw Ye Li sitting on the sofa, his face as black as ink. When she saw Ye Xiyuan enter the door, she didn't even raise the corner of her eyes.

Chen Wanqin sat beside Ye Li, sitting upright, moving cautiously, with a trace of dignity in her expression, and even her breathing was very light.

When she saw Ye Xiyuan enter the door, she raised her head, her eyes full of worry. She seemed to want to say something to Ye Xiyuan, but under such a low pressure, she couldn't say anything.

Even Ye Anyun, who was usually not at home at this time, was there at this time. However, his complexion was not good either.

Obviously, everyone already knows what happened during today's game.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Ye Xiyuan walked into the living room and said softly.

"You still have the face to come back." Ye Li directly picked up the cup on the coffee table, and threw it in the direction of Ye Xiyuan, "You have done such shameful things, and you still have the face to come back to this home! Do you know what kind of losses will be caused to the company because of your behavior today! Do you know how much the company's stock price will drop when the stock market opens tomorrow! It's all because of you."

Ye Xiyuan could have escaped. But seeing Ye Li's angry appearance, she didn't dare to hide, and let the cup hit her body, splashing her clothes wet.

"Dad, I'm sorry, what happened this time was my fault." Ye Xiyuan bowed her head and apologized, "I will never do it again."

"In the future, you still want to have a future, it's just a dream." Ye Li didn't quell his anger because of Ye Xiyuan's apology, "Also, is your apology useful? Can your apology recover the company's losses? I don't even know what you are useful for. If I knew it was like this, I really shouldn't have brought you back. If it was Ye Leng'an who stayed in Ye's house now, then all of this would not have happened."

The more he said, the more he regretted it.

If it wasn't for Ye Xiyuan, Ye Lengan was driven away. Now because of the Huangfu family, they don't know how much benefit they can get! Even the Ye family can easily squeeze into the circle of the first-class wealthy families in the imperial capital.

There needs to be the way it is now, because of Ye Xiyuan, the reputation of the company was damaged, and the interests were also damaged.

"Honey, how can you say such a thing!" Chen Wanqin couldn't help but said, "Xiyuan is our biological daughter, and Ye Leng'an is just a white-eyed wolf. We have raised her for so many years, do you think she has read us a little bit?"

"Shut up." Ye Li yelled directly, and then looked at Ye Xiyuan, continuing to be critical, "No matter how bad Ye Leng'an is, she will not damage the interests of the company like her. Moreover, this is not the first time, the same thing happened to Zhao Yanran last time."

After hearing Ye Li's words, Ye Xiyuan's pale face completely lost all color at this time, as if she had been hit hard, and she was even a little shaky.

However, even so, Ye Xiyuan still stood there firmly. She gritted her teeth and said, "Dad, I know that I am not as good as Ye Lengan, but I am your biological daughter, and your blood flows in my body. Moreover, I admit the loss. Since it is my fault, then I have a way to recover the company's loss."

Hearing Ye Xiyuan's outrageous words, Ye Li sneered, "Who do you think you are! Do you think you are escorted by the young master of Nangong? What ability do you have to recover the loss!"

"I really have a solution." A dark light flashed in Ye Xiyuan's eyes, and then she continued, "I know that in a month's time, the Li family's company will face a big crisis. If we can seize this opportunity, then our Ye family will definitely get a lot of benefits."

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