The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 25: Straight Up

Chapter 25

"What?" The phone in Liang Yu's hand was so shocked that it almost fell down. She must be crazy. This stock has fallen so badly, yet she still wants to purchase five million more. Even if she has money, she can't be so willful, right? Didn't they say she was driven out of the Ling family? How could an abandoned woman have so much money?

"Help me purchase another five million." Ling Yue's tone was calm as she repeated it again.

"But that stock has really fallen badly. If you purchase more, you will definitely lose all your capital." Liang Yu persuaded. She didn't want to see Ling Yue end up in a miserable situation because of the stock.

"I don't want to repeat it a third time. If you can't operate it, I'll find someone else." Ling Yue's tone was firm. She knew Liang Yu meant well, and she was very grateful to her, but she wouldn't change her mind about things she had decided.

Liang Yu shook her head helplessly, "Okay, I'll operate it now." Anyway, she had already advised her, it was the other party who refused to listen. When she loses everything in the end, it will have nothing to do with her.

"Hmm." Ling Yue responded lightly.

Liang Yu put down the phone, operated the keyboard, transferred the money from Ling Yue's account to the account, picked up the phone again, "Miss Ling, I have operated it, I will notify you if anything comes up."

"Thank you!" Ling Yue hung up the phone, opened the news on her computer screen, and saw the headlines were all about Ling Tianyang's news, and she curved her lips. This was just the first step, she would make the Ling family fall step by step, leave them with nothing, and make them regret how they treated the original owner.

Liang Yu kept staring at the trend of Star Ring Technology's stock market. Until one o'clock in the afternoon, she still did not see any upward trend in Star Ring Technology's stock. She looked at Ling Yue's account, shook her head and sighed deeply. If this continued, the money in Ling Yue's account would be emptied.

Liang Yu picked up the water glass, opened the lid and took a sip. She heard someone calling her, responded, got up and walked towards that person.

After chatting with the other person for a while, Liang Yu returned to her seat and looked at the computer screen in front of her. Seeing the trend of Star Ring Technology's stocks on it, she froze in place, "It actually went up."

Liang Yu stared at the screen excitedly, seeing Star Ring Technology's stock continue to rise. She hurriedly picked up the phone on the table and called Ling Yue.

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The phone rang twice before Ling Yue's shallow but pleasant voice came through, "Hello!"

"Miss Ling, I'm Liang Yu. I have good news to tell you. The stock you bought has risen. The trend today will rise a lot." Liang Yu's tone was full of excitement. Ling Yue was so lucky to have bought a potential stock.

"Good, help me sell all the stocks before three o'clock in the afternoon." Ling Yue looked at the stock market dashboard on the screen, and her fair and delicate fingers operated the keyboard.

"What?" Liang Yu was confused by Ling Yue's words again. How could Ling Yue not play her cards according to common sense.

Coming to her senses, Liang Yu asked again, "Are you sure you want to sell?"

"Yes, sell everything before three o'clock." Ling Yue's tone was unquestionable.

"Okay." Liang Yu could only agree. She was just a customer manager. She could only do what the customer decided.

In a private box of the stock exchange, Song Ziyuan and Zhou Mucheng were drinking wine while looking at the computer screen in front of them.

"This Star Ring Technology stock is really weird. It rose more than ten points in less than an hour. It even made me a little tempted." Song Ziyuan tilted his head and took a sip of red wine, looking playfully at the computer screen.

"Someone is just manipulating it in the dark. Investing in it now will lose all capital immediately." Zhou Mucheng had studied Star Ring Technology. He didn't think much of it.

"Is that so?" Song Ziyuan didn't quite believe it, but soon, Zhou Mucheng's words were proven. As soon as the time reached three o'clock, Star Ring Technology's stock plunged like diving.

Song Ziyuan gave Zhou Mucheng a thumbs up, "You're awesome!"

Zhou Mucheng smiled faintly, "This is just the other party's means of earning money."

"It looks like many people will lose all their capital this time." Song Ziyuan shook his head and sighed.

Liang Yu stared blankly at the computer screen. Her mind was now a complete blank. This was too thrilling. She had just sold the stocks, and the stock plummeted in an instant. If it had been a little later, the resulting losses would have been immeasurable. Ling Yue was really amazing. It was as if everything was under her control.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Liang Yu picked up the phone and called Ling Yue.

Ling Yue picked up her mobile phone on the table and pressed the answer button, "I already know." She had been keeping an eye on the stock market trend of Star Ring Technology.

"Miss Ling, you are really amazing. Do you know how much you earned this time? A full 100 million." Liang Yu's tone was full of excitement. This was the first time she had made such a big deal since joining the stock exchange. This time she could get a lot of commission. Ling Yue was really her benefactor.

"The money has all been transferred to my account, right?" Ling Yue's face was expressionless. In her previous life, she was the ruler of a country. This amount of money was nothing in her eyes.

"Yes, you can call the bank to check."

"Okay, also help me keep my identity confidential." Ling Yue hung up the phone and checked her bank account. She raised the corners of her lips. Although the money was not much, she could buy some medicinal materials she needed, and she was also planning to buy this small courtyard.

"I just went out and heard people talking about someone making 100 million." Song Ziyuan had heard several people talking while he was out going to the bathroom, but the customer information was confidential, so he didn't know who was so capable.

Zhou Mucheng was also a little surprised, "Do you know which stock that person bought?"

"Star Ring Technology. That person purchased it yesterday, added another 5 million at noon today, and sold all the stocks at around 2:30 this afternoon. Right after she finished selling, Star Ring Technology's stock started plummeting wildly. I really want to meet that expert and learn a few tricks from her." Song Ziyuan was now very curious about the mysterious person.

"Can't you find out the person's information?" Zhou Mucheng was also curious about that person.

"I asked, but they refused to say."

Zhou Mucheng took out his phone and made a call, "Manager Yang, I want to know the information of the person who made 100 million."

"Okay, please wait!" Manager Yang responded and began searching.

After waiting for a long time, Manager Yang knocked on the door and walked in, "Young Master Zhou, Young Master Song, I've checked it. There is no information about the other party in the computer. I also asked the customer manager who opened an account for that person, but she refused to say." He had tried persuading and even threatening Liang Yu, but she just wouldn't reveal the other party's information. Now Liang Yu had earned a lot of money for the company, so even though he was her superior, he couldn't fire her at this time.

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