The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 30: I Forgive You

Chapter 30

Ling Meng's eyes flashed with a fleeting look of satisfaction as her gaze fell on Ling Yue, revealing a sympathetic expression. "Actually, I feel quite sorry for my sister. I also hope that she can find someone who likes her to spend her life with in the future. It's just a pity... her face!" she sighed.

Song Yanxue rolled her eyes in disbelief. "She deserved it. Have you forgotten how she treated you before? Someone like that doesn't deserve sympathy." She had heard from Ling Meng about how Ling Yue had bullied her many times. On the surface, Ling Yue always acted timidly, but in reality she was quite nasty and had done many disgusting things behind Ling Meng's back. She would often secretly cut up Ling Meng's clothes and toys when she wasn't home, and would even secretly spit in Ling Meng's food. If Ling Meng hadn't caught her in the act once, who would believe that Ling Yue was capable of such repulsive behavior?

There's a reason for every pitiful person to be hateful. Ling Yue's current situation was brought upon by herself. So she absolutely could not allow her brother to interact with such a disgusting person like Ling Yue.

"But a girl's face is the most important. With her face ruined, who would still like her? Not to mention she was also kicked out of the Ling family and has no money. I really worry about her," said Ling Meng, her tone tinged with a sob.

"You're just too kind-hearted," Song Yanxue said as she took out a pack of napkins from her pocket and handed them to Ling Meng.

"Thank you!" Ling Meng took the napkins and dabbed at the corners of her eyes. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the mask on Ling Yue's face, a calculating gleam flashing in her eyes. She really wanted everyone to see Ling Yue's hideous face, especially Zhou Mucheng and Song Ziyuan. If they saw it, they probably wouldn't dare approach Ling Yue anymore.

She had asked the doctor before. The doctor said most of the skin on Ling Yue's face had been badly burned and that if she wanted to recover, she needed a full facial skin graft. But now, Ling Yue was just an abandoned daughter of the Ling family with no money. Where would she find enough money for facial reconstruction? Besides, no hospital would accept Ling Yue as a patient and offend the Ling family for her sake.

"Don't cry over someone like that. She's not worth it," Song Yanxue said gently, comforting Ling Meng.

Ling Meng dabbed her eyes with the napkins. Turning her head, her eyes red, she beamed at Song Yanxue. "Yanxue, you are so good to me! Having you as a friend is the greatest blessing in this life of mine."

Song Yanxue was somewhat embarrassed by Ling Meng's words. "If I'm not good to you, then who am I good to? Are you thirsty? There's watermelon over there. Let me get you a slice."

As she spoke, Song Yanxue had already dashed over to the market to grab some watermelon slices for Ling Meng.

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Ling Meng withdrew her gaze, eyes settling on Ling Yue. How could she get Ling Yue to remove that face mask?

Meanwhile, Ling Yue had just agreed with Master Jieshi on how to cut the raw jade stone. The stone looked to be about the size of a soccer ball, but judging by the spiritual energy she had absorbed from it, the jade inside was likely not very big, about the size of a fist at most.

"Then I'll start cutting," said the master as he turned on the stone cutting machine, the loud, jarring noise immediately reverberating through the venue.

Ling Yue walked to the side, picked up a ladle from the basin, and began splashing water onto the blade of the cutting machine for Master Jieshi, preventing sparks from the high temperature of the stone.

"Mengmeng, here's some watermelon for you. Have some first," said Song Yanxue, carrying over several watermelon slices.

Seeing the watermelon, Ling Meng's eyes lit up. She had an idea now.

Taking a slice, she headed over towards Ling Yue.

Ling Yue's gaze was fixed intently on the raw stone in front of her as she sprinkled a ladleful of water onto it from time to time.

"Sis, have some watermelon. Let me splash the water for you," said Ling Meng, crouching down and holding out the watermelon slice to Ling Yue.

"Go away," Ling Yue snarled without even glancing at Ling Meng. As if she actually believed Ling Meng was being kind by offering her watermelon. She just wanted everyone to see her ruined face, didn't she? Well Ling Yue was determined to thwart her plans.

"Sis, let me take off your face mask for you so you can bite into the watermelon and cool down," said Ling Meng, already reaching out to remove Ling Yue's mask from her face, unconcealed excitement and anticipation in her eyes. Soon everyone would be able to see Ling Yue's ugly visage. They would surely be horrified and look at her in disgust.

Ling Yue's eyes turned icy cold. She slapped Ling Meng's hand away. "Get lost!"

Ling Meng fell to the ground as if pushed, her face twisted in pain. "Sis, why did you push me? That hurt so much!"

Zhou Mucheng strode over with a dark look, helping Ling Meng to her feet. He berated Ling Yue angrily, "How could you do that? Ling Meng was kindly offering you watermelon. Even if you didn't want any, you didn't have to push her!" If he hadn't witnessed it himself, he wouldn't have believed Ling Yue capable of such malice. It seemed she was not as timid and cowardly as she had appeared over the years. No wonder she had changed so much after that fire.

Ling Yue handed the ladle to Ma Tao beside her and got to her feet, her icy gaze settling on Zhou Mucheng's face. "You seem so concerned about her," she said coldly.

She gave a derisive laugh. "No wonder you never dared look me in the eye. Turns out your heart already belonged to another."

Meeting Ling Yue's mocking stare, Zhou Mucheng felt a stirring of unease in his heart for some reason. "Don't talk nonsense. I only see Ling Meng as a younger sister."

"Sis, there's nothing between me and Brother Mucheng. To me, he's just my sister's husband," said Ling Meng, her eyes brimming red with grievance.

Ling Yue slanted a glance at Ling Meng, a frigid glint in her eyes. "Spare me your excuses. I have no wish to know the details between you two. Just don't get in my sight, and stop calling me sis. My mother only gave birth to me."

The tears Ling Meng had barely held back now spilled forth down her cheeks. "Sis, please don't be like this. It was my fault just now. I'm apologizing to you now. Can you please not treat me this way? I really don't want to lose you as my sister."

Ling Yue raised her brows mockingly. "Oh, so you're apologizing now? Then kneel down to show your sincerity."

For a moment, Ling Meng was struck speechless as she stared blankly at Ling Yue. Had this woman lost her mind? Why was she acting so differently now? If it had been the Ling Yue from before, she definitely would have gone along with her demands.

"What, you're unwilling? Then stop putting on an act. Scram!" Ling Yue's eyes were frosted with icy aloofness. Her entire aura was overpowering.

Ling Meng shuddered fearfully. A feeling of disquiet rose within her. Ling Yue's change was too drastic and beyond her ability to control now. No, she couldn't allow things to deteriorate further. She had to get rid of Ling Yue soon and absolutely could not give her any chance to rise again.

Zhou Mucheng could stand it no longer and burst out angrily, "Ling Yue, don't go overboard! Ling Meng is calling you sister out of goodwill since you're no longer part of the Ling family."

Ling Yue's shimmering phoenix eyes glinted mockingly. "So what? Should I be thanking her for her kindheartedness?"

Zhou Mucheng pressed his lips thinly. "Yes, that's how it should be."

"Sister, I really see you as my sister from the bottom of my heart. Don't blame Brother Mucheng. Vent your anger on me instead. Slap me, curse at me, do whatever you want as long as you can forgive me," said Ling Meng, tear tracks still visible on her pitiful face.

Ling Yue stepped forward and swung her palm forcefully at Ling Meng's face. A loud slap resounded as Ling Meng's cheek swelled visibly within seconds. Ling Yue shook out her stinging hand. "Too thick-skinned. That really hurt my hand. There, I forgive you now."

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