The Goddess is a Little Pitiful, I Invested in Her!

Chapter 46: Teacher Qi’s small class is now in session!

Chapter 46: Teacher Qi’s small class is now in session!

Chapter 46 Teacher Qis small class is now in session!

Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue returned to Qis house together in the evening.

Huh? Can you tell me why Lian Qingxue is here? Qis mother asked in surprise.

Usually, when Lian Qingxue came to Qis house on weekends, as it was too late for her to come on weekdays after evening self-study.

Were studying too hard lately. I told Qingxue that she should come to our house every night after school, and Ill be tutoring her for an hour, Qi Yun explained.

Qis mother looked at them knowingly, Tutoring? Its the honeymoon phase. I get it!

Qi Yun: ???? What did you get?

Qis mother walked into the room and said to Qis father, who was lying on the bed, Those two kids outside are still pretending, talking about tutoring! Dont they know who I am? Ive been around for a long time, and who hasnt experienced a sticky and affectionate first love!

Yes, everyone has.

Qis father replied absentmindedly, not even knowing what his wife was talking about, as he lowered his head and continued reading his magazine.

When he finally snapped out of it, he noticed the unusually solemn atmosphere in the room.

In Qi Yuns room, it was a familiar setting for both of them, and there was an unusually formal atmosphere today.

Today is the beginning of our three-month intensive study session in Teacher Qis mini classroom! Qi Yun exclaimed, brandishing a slender willow branch triumphantly.

Sitting on a small stool with her backpack on, Lian Qingxue eagerly nodded in agreement.

Our objective is to assist classmate Lian Qingxue in surpassing her and achieving her dream of getting admission to her desired university within three months!

Qi Yun paused and corrected himself, saying, No, its the university of your choice!

Lian Qingxue shot him a skeptical look.

To achieve better learning results, I now ask you, Lian Qingxue, as a student, Qi Yun spoke seriously, Are you afraid of facing challenges and hardships?

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Not afraid! Lian Qingxue replied firmly.

Do you want to get good grades?

Yes, I want to!

To achieve good grades, you need to listen to the teacher. Will you listen to the teacher? Lian Qingxue felt that something was wrong.

But she still replied, Yes, I will!

Good! I see your determination, and Im pleased as a teacher! Qi Yun praised her.

Lian Qingxue clenched her hands into tiny fists.

She was determined to study hard and keep up Qi Yuns grades!

Just as she was preparing herself in her heart, Qi Yun pulled a piece of paper from his school bag.

There are certain rules that need to be followed. We will establish some classroom rules to ensure a smooth and effective learning environment. I have drafted a set of rules. Lian Qingxue, take a look, Qi Yun said, handing her the paper.

Lian Qingxue looked at the paper and noticed a heading written at the top of it.

Teacher Qis Classroom Code of Conduct.

It seems strangely formal.

She thought it looked very formal and official, but when she read the first rule, Lian Qingxue was dumbfounded.

Rule 1: You must attentively focus on the class and listen carefully. If the teacher catches you not paying attention, the punishment kisses?

Lian Qingxues eyes widened in disbelief, unsure of what to make of this rule.

Yes, it is crucial to pay attention in class! How else can you make progress? Qi Yun explained seriously.

Was that really what he meant? Lian Qingxue had a lot of questions swirling in her mind. Nevertheless, she composed herself and proceeded to read the rest of the rules.

Rule 2: Maintain proper classroom etiquette. If you have a question, please raise your hand and address Teacher Qi as husband?

Qi Yun, dont you think this title is a little excessive?

Lian Qingxue asked, gritting her teeth.

Whats excessive about it? Respecting and honoring your teacher is natural!

Looking at Qi Yuns innocent face, Lian Qingxues small fist tightened.

Rule 3: To deepen Lian Qingxues understanding of mistakes, if she fails to understand a concept three times, punishment will be a spank?


Lian Qingxue covered her lower abdomen, embarrassed and annoyed.

You just want to bully me!

Lian Qingxue regretted it, regretting it very much.

How could she believe that Qi Yun, this big bad guy, could seriously help her with her homework?

Classmate Lian! Im doing this all to deepen your impression of learning!

Still trying to bully me! She exclaimed.

Think about it. Wont you remember something better if there is a punishment like spanking? Qi Yun added, trying to make his point.

Did it really make sense? Would Receiving a spanking as punishment truly help her remember the material better? Was Qi Yun really doing this for her good?

Lian Qingxues little head was spinning with confusion

Qi Yun looked at Lian Qingxue and saw she seemed to be gradually convinced of his methods, revealing a triumphant smile.

He had noticed that Lian Qingxue was certainly not stupid. How could such a beautiful and helpless girl grow up to be so stupid?

But whenever she was around him, she acted like a silly little girl.

At night, when it was getting late, Qis mother went to the kitchen and sliced some fruit.

She prepared a couple of slices for Lian Qingxue, ensuring she wouldnt go hungry before leaving.

Just then, she heard two peoples voices coming from inside Qi Yuns room. She strained her ears to listen more closely.

Teacher, I have a question Id like to ask, Lian Qingxues voice sounded soft and gentle.

Hmm? How should you address me? Qi Yun responded.

Husband, Lian Qingxues voice uttered the unexpected term.

In the kitchen, Qis mothers hand trembled and slipped, making her gasp in shock.

Kids these days, things like this werent heard of when she was young!

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