The Goddess is a Little Pitiful, I Invested in Her!

Chapter 94: Qi’s Mother: Filial Piety Runs in the Family!

Chapter 94: Qi’s Mother: Filial Piety Runs in the Family!

Qis father slowly put down the newspaper and searched for a handy weapon. He felt a little excited inside.

Since Qi Yun was ten years old, he hadnt been spanked. He wondered if his skills had become rusty.

Qi Yun keenly sensed his fathers killing intent and didnt dare to tease him anymore.

He immediately took out a small black gift box and said, This is a gift I bought for you!

Qis father was a little puzzled. He opened the gift box to find a set of car keys inside. There were four circles on the key.

He looked at them from left to right, up and down, and asked, These are car keys? A model?

Qi Yun replied, No, theyre real! Why would I give you a model? I bought you a car!

You bought me a car, son?

Qis father jumped three feet high, unable to believe it.

A car? What kind of car?

Qis mother also poked her head out from the kitchen, completely confused.

Cough, I announce now that your beloved son, me, has bought an Audi sedan for our family! Its parked downstairs!

Qi Yun had wanted to buy his parents something for a while.

However, the problem was that the money from the system, although clean and received through dividends from a foreign investment group, couldnt be easily explained to his parents.

He couldnt just say that he, Qi Yun, a teenage prodigy, secretly invested in a foreign investment institution and became a shareholder when they didnt know anything about it.

His parents werent fools.

Qi Yun had undergone significant changes this year, but his parents were well aware of his previous behavior in the past few years.

Only now, with the tea shop really making money, could he openly spend some money.

He knew that Qis father had always wanted a car but had never bought one because the Qi family didnt have much savings.

Only around a hundred thousand yuan were in their bank account, which Qis parents had planned to use for Qi Yuns college expenses.

Qis father could only occasionally envy the cars of others and borrow them to satisfy his cravings.

When Qi Yuns company started making money in his previous life, he had also considered buying a car for Qis father.

Who knew he would fall ill?

The car purchase never happened.

Audi! Isnt it expensive?

Not really, its just the entry-level model, Audi A4L. Its around 300,000 yuan.

Qi Yun didnt buy a Mercedes or BMW. He was afraid of scaring his father.

Qis father was still shocked. 300,000 yuan? That was his salary for five or six years!

Where did you get so much money? Qis father asked.

Li Qingxue and I, didnt we open a tea shop? We even expanded to the provincial capital. Weve been making much money recently, earning over 300,000 yuan a month!

Qi Yun had already prepared an explanation. He realized it was difficult to explain the origin of the systems money clearly.

However, he could spend the tea shops earnings on his parents.

Qis father and Qis mother exchanged glances.

The tea shop was making so much money?

They knew that Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue had opened a shop together, but they thought it was just a small venture and didnt pay much attention to it.

Now, it turned out to be so successful. Making over 300,000 yuan a month was unimaginable for them.

Qis father and Qis mother were both long-time employees in the factory, and their salaries were not low.

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But Qis father earned less than 5,000 yuan a month, and Qis mother earned just over 3,000 yuan. Their combined annual income, excluding bonuses and benefits, was only around 100,000 yuan.

In Spring City, this income could be considered middle-class. However, Qi Yun was now earning over 300,000 yuan in a month!

Qis father looked at the car keys in his hand, fell silent for a while, and suddenly said seriously to Qis mother, I think I can consider retiring!

Qis mother replied, Retire my foot! Youve been thinking about retirement for the past ten years! Youre only forty now and already want our son to support us? How shameless!

Qis father fell silent. In his heart, he muttered silently, Ive been thinking about retirement since the first day I started working!

Qis father had always had a dream that he couldnt speak of: When he was young, He was relying on his parents for support!

After marriage, relying on his wife for support!

In old age, relying on his son for support!

Now, he had achieved the first third of his dream.

In the last third, Qis father finally saw hope today!

Qi Yun had thought that his dream was going to shatter.

After dinner, Qis father went downstairs and drove around in the car.

When he came back, he specifically found a dust cover from home and placed it over the new car.

Qi Yun felt that this might not be his father. He clearly remembered when Qis mother was away on a business trip, and Qis father took care of him.

Once, Qi Yuns pants had a hole in them, and Qis father used a stapler to fix it!

A stapler!

His dad was an absolute genius!

And now he was being so careful with the car. This couldnt be his dad!

Qis father returned home humming a song and immediately noticed something was off in the atmosphere.

Qi Yun sat upright on the sofa, being extremely well-behaved. In the kitchen, Qis mother was chopping ribs.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

It was particularly loud!

Qis father sensed danger.

Qis father didnt dare to speak loudly. Whats going on with your mom? He asked Qi Yun.

I dont know. She started as soon as you went downstairs, and its been half an hour!

Qis father scratched his head. Shes jealous! Did you buy a gift for your mom?

Qi Yun gave him a reassuring look. How could he forget this principle that involved family harmony?

Dont worry, Dad. Even if I didnt buy one for you, I definitely bought one for Mom!

Qis father:

He felt a little choked up.

Qis mother was indeed angry. She stood in front of the cutting board, feeling wronged!

Qi Yun had bought a car for Qis father without even considering her, his dear mother!


She made another cut on the ribs. It was all about the father and son showing filial piety!


She made another cut. She felt aggrieved!

As the sound from the kitchen grew louder, Qis father glanced at Qi Yun and cleared his throat. Qi Yun, did you use the money from the tea shop to buy me a car?

Qi Yun immediately shook his head. Of course not! I also bought a gift for Mom!

The noise from the kitchen stopped.

Qis mother was definitely eavesdropping!

You bought a gift? Why didnt I see it?

What a gift! I dont want it! Qis mothers voice came from the kitchen, full of arrogance, as if she couldnt be bothered.

I left it on Moms bed! Mom, I bought it, but she wont accept it!

Qis mother remained unmoved and said, I dont want it even if you bought it!

Now you remember that you have a mother?

It was too late!

Qis father and Qi Yun exchanged glances again.

Qis father suddenly stood up and moved to the kitchen, I just remembered that I might not have parked the car properly. Ill go check!

Qi Yun also stood up and returned to his room. There was silence in the living room.

Qi Yun pressed his ear against the door and quietly listened to what was happening with Qis mother.

After a while, he heard some movement in the living room.

Through the crack of the door, he saw his mom acting sneakily and heading towards her own room. Once she entered the room, Qis mother immediately noticed a gift box on the bed.

It was bright red and looked festive. When she opened it, her eyes sparkled. Inside was a complete set of gold jewelry from hairpins to earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings. There were seven or eight pieces in total.

Whether the design was good or not, she could tell that they were of good quality just by holding them.

Qis mother didnt know Qi Yun had struggled to think of what gift to buy her.

In the end, he remembered that she liked practical things. He thought gold might seem a bit tacky, but his mom loved such things.

He even had them custom-made at the shop, with no specific requirements other than them being heavy enough. He believed his mom would like them.

As expected, Qi Yun heard his mom making a phone call in the room.

Hello, Little Zhou? Lets go dancing tonight!

What do you mean its hot? The weather has cooled down quite a bit! We agreed on it, right?

Qi Yun looked outside and saw that it was still August, and the sun hadnt set yet.

Spring City wasnt exactly a cool place.

It was still around 28 degrees Celsius in the evenings. It was scorching hot!

He suddenly realized that his mom intended to wear several kilograms of gold jewelry while dancing. It was like carrying a heavy load on a cross-country trek! It seemed like a real burden.

Watching his mom actually put on the jewelry and humming a song as she prepared to leave, Qi Yun regretted his choice. He was worried that his mom might suffer from heatstroke.

As Qis fathers new car and Qis mothers jewelry became famous among their colleagues, Qis mother lost a couple of pounds.

After all, dancing every day with such heavy jewelry was an effective way to lose weight. It turned out to be an unexpected joy.

Meanwhile, Qi Yuns summer vacation in his senior year was coming to an end. These days, the Qi family was busy packing his belongings for his trip to Beijing.

However, before Qi Yun went to school, there was one important event for the Qi family Qi Yuns celebration of entering college.

The Qi familys celebration was a bit late because their relatives didnt live in Spring City.

Qis parents werent originally from Spring City either. They had relocated due to the factorys relocation, and it was a four or five-hour drive from their hometown.

Since their elderly relatives had passed away and hadnt returned to their hometown for the past few years, they decided to wait for their relatives to come to Spring City. Thats why the celebration was held late.

Thinking of their relatives, Qi Yun felt a bit nostalgic.

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