The Good Teacher

Chapter 300 Interlude - Start Of A New Life

A/N: Woohoo! The three-hundredth chapter! Also guys, please drop down into the Discord server and leave any ideas, thoughts or examples of what you would like in the Novel's next cover/


Markus was crunched for time because of the detour, which had fortunately netted the Sect a new member. He had to prepare everything for the incoming batch of recruits. While the work within the Sect wasn't a lot, there were a few additional logistical considerations he had to work out with the Village's Head and elders.

First off, due to the remoteness and risky positioning of Twilight Village, it was listed as a tentative establishment in the Maika Duchy's books. This meant that there was a high protection tax and a low land-use and yield tax enforced on this settlement. The protection tax was a money sink since the Duchy's patrols barely graced this village. Luckily, the dangers faced by the village were non-existent till now since there was nothing worth plundering here for both humans and beasts alike. With the establishment of the True World Sect, the village could now exempt itself from the protection tax altogether (which it did) but making it reliant on the Sect for security.

A newly established sect (for the first two years) must pay taxes to the government for land use and yield. The Twilight Village registered to align themselves with the True World Sect, making the Sect the proxy to which all taxes must be paid, and the Sect transfers this amount plus their contribution directly to the government. After two years, the Sect can register its sovereignty which turns them into a separate entity from the Solar Empire to a limited degree. They will be exempt from land-use and yield taxes, but will now have to bear taxes for the import and export of goods and services as they are a foreign legal entity - they basically become a business free-zone. At the time of registering their sovereignty, the extent of their land use is recorded, and any new land required needs to be purchased from the Solar Empire at a subjective rate.

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So in the grand scheme of things, it is beneficial for a Sect to expand itself in the two-year starting period as it guarantees more real estate to work with later down the line. However, it also comes with downsides in the short term as the land use taxes can balloon if said land is unproductive. Furthermore, a sect never works in a vacuum. There are always powers in the vicinity with their agenda and interests that may clash with rogue growth strategies. But for the True World Sect, this wasn't much of an issue since the area was largely uncontended and more or less forgotten.

Furthermore, the Twilight Village did not need to pay a road tax because the government did not build a proper road connecting it to Wayward Town. This initiative was taken on, legally, by the True World Sect. This can be a tax write-off, essentially by deducting the cost of land development and maintenance from subsequent tax payments until the road is bought off by the government.

Skills managing taxes and land-use logistics wasn't something a teenager should have in their repertoire. Markus definitely didn't. It also didn't help that the Village Head and elders lacked sufficient education to handle all the paperwork. They never really considered growing Twilight Village beyond its current state. Those that flourished in the village usually left for better watering holes in the towns or cities nearby.

Thankfully, Matron Reva had some expertise in this field. So while Markus did the legwork, she did the paperwork.

The group of recruits started pouring in within a week of his arrival. The first to come were the refugees, as they left the Capital as soon as they had the chance. Revian, the sole non-refugee/displaced member, arrived two days later. His face was marred with uncertainty and with faint signs of regret. Markus could understand his point of view, having to leave a comforting life in the Capital for a place far, far, away in some unknown corner of a forest. The refugees were lacking in choices, but this boy wasn't, which was why Markus was extremely grateful that he followed through on his decision.

"Welcome everyone, to the True World Sect," Markus declared while moving his gaze across the new and beaming faces. Every family was situated, and they were all satisfied with the offerings. There was work, so they could stand on their own legs. There were commodities and accommodations for their health and future, so they didn't have to worry about the next day. Most of the basic human needs were being met, and this gratitude trickled down to the kids as well, since they no longer had to live like sub-humans.please visit

"This is where you will be living for the rest of your lives, from this day forth," he continued with a firm tone. "This is where you will rest your head at night, this is where you will break your fast, eat your lunch and dinner, learn, work, and grow. This will be your place of residence, work, learning and recreation. Respect it, cherish it, and first and foremost, never betray it."

"The people to your right, left, front and back will be the ones you will have to rely and depend on - they will be your new families. When things are going your way, they will be the ones who you will share your happiness with. When you are struggling, they will be the ones who will offer you a shoulder to cry on or lean on. And finally, when the chips are down, they will be the ones who will come to your rescue. Respect them, cherish them, and first and foremost, never betray them."

"Finally. Take a look at yourself. You are only children. The weight of the world shouldn't fall on your shoulders. The True World Sect has done its part in taking off what bore down on you till now. In doing so, you are afforded two paths. You can either relax and take the mundane path. The True World Sect won't disparage you should you take this decision, as it is your right to do so. You may leave the Sect and return to a life with your previous family. This path may not necessarily be easy, but it is one that is frequently walked upon and is largely free of surprises. Or you may take the second path which is perilous, but equally rewarding. It is the path that the True World Sect will open up to you. It is a path of self-growth and self-discovery. It is a path that will take you to heights that you have never seen before. But most importantly, it is a path that you will have to tread by yourself. You won't have to worry about falling and getting lost since you will have the entire Sect watching your back, but you will have to be the one to get back up on your feet and keep moving. I won't lie to you, it will be difficult. But I can also promise you that you won't be disappointed. But to enjoy these benefits you must always remember the following credo. Respect yourself, cherish yourself, and first and foremost, never betray yourself."

With those final words, a charged silence prevailed in the crowd. Everyone was excited and pumped up. No one showed a face of uncertainty or apprehension, even Revian.

"For those of you below the age of 12. You aren't obligated to become a member of the Sect, but you are required to attend our remedial classes that cover a vast field of basic knowledge to prepare you for your future. Kano here will guide you," Markus nudged the tense little boy forward who gulped audibly.

"H-H-Hello, I am Kano. Please f-f-follow me," he said before turning around. A few kids split off from the crowd and followed the boy expectantly. Sect Leader Larks had officially created a schooling system for the villagers to send their kids to within Sect grounds. This was also a way to bring the Sect and the Village closer together, since if people could confidently entrust their children to a Sect it meant that they trusted the establishment.

"For those of you remaining. I am glad that you have chosen to stay. I will guide you through everything our Sect has to offer," Markus congratulated with a smile and led the group on. He took the enthusiastic crew on a snaking tour that covered everything from the Administrative buildings to the Library all the way up the mountain.

In the following days, Markus spent his time teaching literacy to the few that lacked the ability, as well as resuming the regular classes for the younger generation that were put on hold. Those that were literate were given the agency to explore the Sect and the Village by themselves.

Most of them spent this time unwinding and enjoying the recreational amenities available. They played the many unique and exciting board and card games Markus' Master had developed such as Monopoly, UNO, Life, Scrabble, and Clue. They dabbled in the novel sports developed by his Master that promoted teamwork and other skills such as Handball and Football.

But Markus was most intrigued by the decision of one recruit, Shuri. Unlike all her peers, she was the only one who chose to spend her time in the Library. A positively studious and hard-working behaviour that Markus was appreciative of, but also concerned about. After all, once things truly started to kick off, she would be starved for time to spend for herself. He didn't want her to burn herself out from the very beginning.

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