The Grand Mistress

Chapter 14 - The Girl In Somerset Village

Somerset Village- Twenty years ago

After days of unending rain, the sun had finally found its way back to the sky. Tweeting birds can be heard everywhere simply rejoicing the end of a storm. The soil was still wet yet it didn't hinder the young Hawk from exploring the woods together with few other kids in the village. ​​

It had probably been months since he was brought here—in this small village in the middle of nowhere. Life here was somewhat new to him, especially that he only had to live with his butler who carefully instructed him to call him 'papa'. Previously, he had a grand home back in the capital that was always lively. It was full of servants whom he could play with every time and their house, even if not hosting parties, were always full of guests. Big percentage of those guests were family members—his uncles, aunties and cousins. The Monsanto clan is a big family and somewhat controversial.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

For decades, the Monsanto Conglomerate stood strong for one reason. It is dangerous. Every business strategy comes with trickery and every business grievances comes with a blood price. The Monsanto's were known for all kinds of filthy dealings and transactions all for business. Plan A for them is always profit, plan B is to get dirty to get profit; plan C is something no one in the businesses industry would like them to resort to, still for the sake of profit. This is the reason why, although in the façade, the Monsanto's are greatly acknowledged in the upper class, they were loathed and backstabbed because of their violent and treacherous business ethics. This dirty tradition kept their business on top for many decades until recently.

It was perhaps because over the years the Monsantos wronged so many people and accumulated many businessmen who wanted to strike back or because justice had finally woke up from deep slumber and found out the Monsantos had gone over the edge that one day, things for them just fell apart. The Monsanto Conglomerate is now in huge chaos and debt. Not only that, every Monsanto is being hunted like prey. What goes around comes around and since the Monsantos never hesitated to use violence and shed blood previously, all their nemesis simply would just like to do the same for them. This was the reason why Hawk, the youngest Monsanto alive was brought to a remote village along with his butler. They were to seek shelter in there and hide from the world while the Monsanto Conglomerate is still in chaos.

The young Hawk was aware of the danger in his life. Although he was young, he was smart enough to know things had gone pretty bad for them. But he is just a little child, still thirsty for company and fun and so he was allowed by his butler to play with other kids so long as he promised never to reveal who he truly is.

Back in the woods, Hawk, with a group of local boys decided to go in a clearing to play basketball. They had a ring for it in the clearing set up by Hawk's supposed 'papa' and so that part of town became a sports haven for the village boys. Just with his few months stay in this village, he had learned some of Somerset villager's ways and blended just fine.

"You'd be the captain Spin," One of Hawk's friends suggested referring to Hawk. They had figured out days ago that Hawk was good at playing spin top although he was kind of new to that toy and all of his friends decided to call him Spin.

"Alright," He answered with pleasure. Aside from being the best spin top player, he also gained his friends' respect being a pro in basketball. Of course, young Hawk liked the recognition and the fact that apart from all the kids in the village, he was probably the best in everything. "Let's get it started then. Shall we?"

Hawk turned to the rest of the boys expecting an excited response but his young head formed immediate lines when he saw them preoccupied with something else. Following their gazes, his eyes fell on the newcomers that caught everyone's attention.

"Looks like Doug has company," Another of Hawk's friends commented, referring to another local boy they knew. He wasn't part of their group yet he comes and plays with them sometimes. "Hey Doug! Who's that fella?"

The boy named Doug jogged to greet them leaving his company behind. "A friend of mine. You don't mind us joining your game don't you? She asked if she can join us, she had not been playing for a while and was in frantic when she saw you guys with the ball"

"She?" Hawk instantly raised brow at the revelation. Then his eyes went to scrutinize Dough's companion who at this point was still walking steadily at pace toward them. "A girl? You damn serious mate?"

"She's really good at the game, mate, better watch out. Seen her play and its perfect" Then Doug winked at Hawk teasing him. It was an innocent tease but it hit hard on Hawk's little ego. His Monsanto blood just refused to acknowledge any competition, more so if the other party is a she.

"And how do you think a girl could keep up with us?" Hawk smirked. "Are you out of your mind? She can watch us play if she wants but we are not letting a girl join our game."

"Why? Are you afraid of me, sweet little pumpkin?" The girl shouted from behind Dough. She stood with two hands on her waist as she looked down at Hawk making known to everyone that she heard it all. All the boys quieted, even Hawk was silenced for a moment as he stared upon the girl. Unexpectedly, she brought an intimidating aura brought probably by her height or just her unexpected pretty face.

"Why would I?" Hawk answered after he regained his focus. His voice had the same intensity and sarcasm the girl gave. "It's not as if you had some chance. We didn't even know if you can play"

The girl smirked. "Let me show you then. Shall we start the game?"

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