The Grand Mistress

Chapter 16 - The Things She Must Do

Feather was in bed the whole morning. Yesterday's lunch date with Hawk was terribly awful. She got home so sick and exhausted. After she vomited from the restaurant, Hawk brought her back immediately to the hospital worried that she had gone pretty sick. The President of Monsanto Empire never had an ounce of an idea that the soup that he forced to feed her was the reason for her sudden vomiting.

Why in the world would Hawk Monsanto—the youngest billionaire in this country—would ever feed his woman a cow's balls and intestine? ​​

God! She had never once thought being Hawk's woman was this hard!

The thought of it only made feather sicker and so she beeped for a maidservant to get her some medicine for her sudden headache. However, when the door of her bedroom opened, it wasn't only the maidservant who came with her medicine; her mother Madam Fara glided herself graciously also in her room.

"How are you feeling my dear?" Madam Fara touched her head, trying to feel her temperature.

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"Awful mother," She answered, almost crying. From lying down on her soft covers, she pulled herself to sit and leaned on the headboard of her bed. Trying to recall again her misfortunes yesterday, she helplessly cupped her head out of frustration, "O God! Mama! He let me eat that feisty dirty food!"

"Hush my child. Be strong. Remember the things I taught you. What happened yesterday was something you ought to encounter and you had to be prepared for many more," Fara thoroughly decided to get her daughter united in marriage with the Monsantos dare not to tolerate Feather's childish tantrums over a small date.

"What?" Feather couldn't believe her mother's words, "Mother, he fed me with cow's balls…a cow's ball," She emphasized the thing slowly hoping her mother would take it seriously, " Are you telling me you are going to let him make me eat more?"

"If you have to, why not?" Fara looked at Feather with eyes that meant she was not kidding around. She reached out and tilted Feather's head so she could look at it thoroughly, "Tell me, daughter, how you would like to become Hawk Monsanto's woman?"

"Very much," Feather's voice expressed her thorough determination.

"Good," Fara dropped her hands and resigned her back to the chair she's at. She sat crossed-legged before continuing, "Hawk Monsanto is not someone everyone can have. He's someone at the pedestal meant only to be adored by everyone, including us—the Han's. That's why you should have not taken him lightly. To become a Monsanto's woman comes with great sacrifice,"

"Nobody told me those sacrifices involve the cow's balls and intestines," Feather uttered with disgusts.

Fara wasn't pleased with her daughter's answer and she ended up shaking her head. "My Feather. Blame yourself for that misery. I told you to be fully prepared for everything. What you did yesterday was foolish and reckless,"

Hearing her mother putting the blame on her, Feather wasn't pleased. "I did prepare for it just didn't expect—"

"Enough with excuses!" Fara chided Feather, cutting excuses she had about the incident " If you have truly prepared for it then you could have known that Hawk Monsanto was into exotic foods. He is a traveler previously and he must have gone to all the parts of the world and have tasted all kinds of food including exotic foods,"

Feather was silenced at this. Her mother's words were right. She wasn't exactly prepared for it. She was all confident that she had gotten Hawk Monsanto under the palm of her hands and so she acted complacently. She grew up in a family where she can have everything she wanted and make everyone follow her every whim, thus, having to walk under someone else's shadow and standard—Hawk Monsanto's standard to be exact was something she wasn't used to. And of course, her prima donna bitch attitude would not want to make her bow to anyone, not until yesterday.

Seeing that her daughter was lost on her own train of thoughts, Fara took the opportunity to reprimand her again "What you did yesterday could have made you lose your spot. Do you want that?"

Hearing her mother's words, Feather gave her a glare as her body shook with anger, "I would never lose my spot. He loves me. He had been searching for me his whole life and he would never throw me away just because I didn't like exotic food,"

"Really?" Fara's brow raised as his lips twitched into a smirk. Seeing how affected Feather with her words she continued, "You know what happens right when Hawk Monsanto searches deeper,"

"You'll lose not only your chance to be his woman, but you'll probably also lose your place—"

"Enough mother! There's nothing to search anymore" Feather shouted to her off completely.

They stared at each other after that. Fara looked at her daughter as if challenging her while Feather looked at her mother with thorough defeat. Both fear and anger can be seen in her eyes.

Fara understood that things were hard for her daughter but she had enough of her tantrums and attitude and the opportunity before them was too big she didn't want her to miss her chance. Hawk Monsanto's empire must fall into Feather's hands no matter what, that was the only way she could secure their future, especially that her husband's gambling habit was already putting them at stake.

"Good. Then let him not search anymore or he'll see," Fara finally said ready to close the conversation. She then slightly bent to touch Feather's hair and pushed it back behind her ears "If you had to eat a thousand of cow's balls just to prevent him from searching further then you must. Understood?"

Feather nodded slowly, a tear was ready to crack out from her eyes. Many years had passed and yet she felt threatened by something that didn't exist anymore. Right then her desire to become a Monsanto deepened. There were too many at stake and she certainly didn't want to lose. Not before and certainly not now.

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