The Grand Mistress

Chapter 221 - The Weakling

The next morning, the whole Devon City was filled with a scandalous uproar. Many pictures and videos leaked online about Hawk Monsanto's mistress and how Feather, the most celebrated ballerina in the whole country fell on her dance routine.

The news outlets and social media sites were flooded by Hawk Monsanto's pictures with his woman and images of the crying Feather as she miserably searched for her fiancé after her fall. It was a bad shoot and people laughed at how Feather looked that day but some also felt an extreme pity on her knowing that after her fall, she found out instantly that her fiancé had a mistress. She even caught them in the act.

"I'm frustrated at how Hawk Monsanto turned out to be a two timing animal! I always have high respect for him!"

"Feather looked terrifying in her white tutu and ruined mascara! She's turning into my nightmares!"

"Don't say that! Miss Han must have been extremely hurt about what happened that time! Imagine her making a concert for her fiancée who ended up cheating on her!"

"Who is this mistress? What a lewd shameless woman!"

"Yikes! Her face should be revealed!"


The scandal did not only stay in the internet, it spread to all media channels that one afternoon while Gabriella was cooking at Lucy's apartment, she saw the news. Immediately, the knife that she was holding fell and she ran to heightened the volume of the tv as the news flash was flashing.

"Hawk Monsanto, the known woman evasive bachelor who was engaged to ballerina Feather Han was caught cheating with her last night on her concierto…" The announcer started and this made Gabriella's heart panic.

"No!" She covered her mouth with her two hands as she tried to put herself together. She was aware that Simione was not home because she had checked her bedroom just this morning and thought she might have gone back to work or might have picked some errand for the house. 

However the news that was flashing on the screen gave her the fact that Simione wasn't around or at work, she had gone to the concierto of Feather and went without her knowledge! 

What was Sisi thinking?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

  Now that this news blew up, she wasn't sure then if she could still see Simione again and she was certain it was hard to escape Hawk Monsanto's grip especially if you made such a huge trouble. 

"Oh God Simione, what have you done?" Gabriella cried instantly. "Why did you do such a stupid act? Hawk Monsanto will surely not forgive you this time!"


When Hawk woke up, he was already at his chateau. He found himself half naked in bed, head still a bit hurting. Round at the corner he saw Felip, his illegitimate brother sitting on a chair, crossed legged.

"What happened?" Hawk asked as he caught his head trying to remember what took place before he lost his consciousness.

"You fainted. What a weakling," He replied with mockery.

"What are you doing here?"

"Lady Beatrice welcomed me," The young man replied, referring to their aunt. The chateau was Monsanto's ancestral house and so most of their immediate relatives lived there. The lady was one of Hawk's respected aunt whom he entrusted with the management of the house.

"Felip, I told you to stay low,"

"I told you I'm not here to take anything from you," Black replied with a smirk. "Have you found out the truth yet? About that girl?"

"It's none of your business. Stay out from it," Hawk threw the bed covers away from his naked top and gathered himself at the end of his bed.

"If not for me, you'll not be able to find the girl," Black replied. "You should be thankful,"

Hawk did not reply but rather raised his head to look at the sky that he could see beyond the window glass that was standing tall on the corner of his room. His hurting head was bothering him but the thought of his foolish mistake was more bothersome than it.

"Hawk…." Felip knew he was miserable. Hawk Monsanto was always a competent man but ever since that woman emerged, he got lost on his track. He understood it must be very important that she drive him mad. His brother had never confided to him with this but looking at his face then, he knew it was not his hurting head that was killing him but rather his heart.

"Just leave me and have Mr. Blue come here," Hawk instructed him as he got up in bed and walked toward the window to contemplate more.

"I know you messed up, you had the wrong woman," Black chose to ignore his instruction. "However I don't understand why you had to be that miserable. It was an innocent mistake. Instead of feeling guilty about it, why don't you just fix it?"

"Fix it?" Hawk chuckled at his brother's suggestion. "You don't have any idea Felip,"

"Then make me understand," Black dared. 

"This is not your problem" Hawk sighed deeply. "All I ever wanted was for you to go back to school and be good at your craft,"

"She's already in Finland. At this time, she might have unloaded from her plane," Black continued, discussing Simione even when Hawk certainly wasn't welcoming his suggestions. "You can go to her and explain things. I'm sure she'll understand,"

"You don't know her Felip," Hawk's expression went helpless, "She will never forgive me,"

The tone of his last words went so rigid that Black could feel the intensity of such a dilemma. Hawk needed not to explain more to him then why he was feeling that bad even as surely Black immediately got the point. 

Truth was it was indeed for Hawk to apologize to Simione and tell her the truth but he was so afraid that this mistake would only make the girl hate him more. He promised to come back to her. She must have been waiting all her life.

Hawk remembered the way she called his previous name 'Spin' in the theater and it was like she had called such a name from the dead. He felt her longing, her pain, her resentment. 

"She will never forgive me Felip," Hawk repeated, seemingly mumbling then,  as the pain in his heart became pronounced on his face. "She will  hate me. She had already run away from me even when she did not know the truth yet. What do you think she would do if she found out the man who had promised her everything betrayed her and even went as far as attempting to kill her?"

"You didn't know it was her," Black said as gently as he could but he was an inaccurate judge of his own tone so it sounded like he was casting a mock on Hawk.

"That is not an excuse!" Hawk surprised the boy with another hard tone. His nerves almost burst as he held his fist tightly, so tight that Black thought he would break his own bones. "I should have known! How could have I not known it? But…but…."

Instead of finishing his own words, Hawk charged a hard punch on the glass windows, almost breaking it. The sound of his charge filled the room, almost making everything shake, including Black himself.

"Foolish…." Hawk gritted his teeth so angry with himself. "Foolish man…how could you be so blind! How could you not recognize her!"

"You did recognize her," Black butt in in Hawk's self confrontation. "In another way. Now I understand why the woman evasive brother whom I think had already fallen in love with the Han's heiress, took a mistress,"

If Black thought that what he told Hawk made him feel less guilty, he was wrong because when Hawk remembered how Simione became the mistress when she was supposed to be his queen, got him more angry with himself.

"I ruined her," Hawk couldn't believe how far his foolishness went. "I made her the other woman…I made her miserable….I pushed her into such a shameful mud,"

The pain was rather unbearable. Hawk thought of all the times Simione had to go as far as seducing him just to get his attention. How she swallowed her morals and used her body just to give justice for herself. 

All his life, he wanted to give her all the good things in life that was why he worked hard to become the man he was now. Yet, the woman whom he loved did not taste a single drop of his hard work and love. Instead she became the other woman, the one who was always short of his time and attention. The one who once begged him to choose her and instead of sheltering her, he chose to break her heart too many times.

"Then should you just continue on blaming yourself here?" Black inquired as he tried to put some sense into Hawk's self guilt. "If you act foolishly again, you will lose her forever,"

"That's not going to happen," Hawk rebutted and looked at Black intently. "Tell Mr. Blue to book me a flight right away,"

"To Finland?" Black stared right through him as it seemed like his brother's bore something more than following the girl wherever she planned to flee.

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