The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 435 Start Of Battle

The once tranquil forest surrounding Lizardman Town is now a battleground. Its serenity was shattered by the clash of two armies. The battlefield stretched out before it, a nightmarish tableau of chaos and terror. In the dim light of Twilly, the eerie scene unfolded like a surreal nightmare.

Amidst the towering trees, the reptilian army stood resolute, their tough, scaly hides covered in armor glistening with a sheen in the pale moonlight. Each one of them was a hulking figure with sharp claws, very different from their cousins in the swamps.

Facing them, the Army of Shadow Creatures emerged from the shadows. Tall, shadowy figures moved like wraiths, eerily mirroring the lizardmen. Among them were cavalry, Raptor Riders riding on their colossal beasts, and Weavern Riders scouting the sky.

The flying beasts in such large numbers struck terror into the hearts of the lizardmen. They soared through the canopy with unnatural grace, gliding through the air like specters of death.

A lone figure stood; he didn't look like any of the ones fighting. If someone passed by, he would imagine he might not have any role. Which would be the worst mistake? This chaos was all the result of this silver-haired boy. Four massive wings sprouted from his back, resembling the ethereal appendages of an angel—a fallen angel, to be more specific.

He held an ancient black orb, etched with intricate, forebonding runes and ancient carvings that seemed to pulse with another worldly power.

As the claws clashed with metal, the very air seemed to crackle with malevolence. Battle cries mixed with roars, and the ground quacked beneath the onslaught. Lizardmen and shadow creatures locked in brutal combat, their forms illuminated by the black orb's eerie, shifting purple light.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The clash affected the area itself. The forest seemed to remember the violence. The tall trees that have withstood countless trials of nature appeared helpless against the blows of these mighty armies, trembling as if bearing witness to a blasphemous ritual. Leaves and twigs were sent aloft in a chaotic dance, creating a macabre rain of foliage.

From the top, wyvern riders darted through the tangled canopy, their forms flickering in and out of sight, leaving behind a rain of darts and javelins. The clash between the two armies was a symphony of terror, a cacophony of monstrous roars and unearthly cries.

The boy with the silver har remained enigmatic; the black orb pulsing with an ominous glow shot up from his hand and started shining. His very presence seemed to embody the chaos and terror of war, a harbinger of impending doom for the rule of the Saurus tribe in the heart of the woods.

The battle raged on, a horrifying dance of Shdows and reptilians, as the forest wept silently for the carnage unfolding in its ancient depths. The land was filled with green tears as if it had rained just now, leading to this wet and muddy ground, but since when has green liquid rained?

Two behemoths clashed with each other, creating a shockwave in the air itself. On one side was a ten-foot-long giant shadow creature that looked like a Tomb Guardian of the Dragon Temple, while the other one was the representation of the dragon itself. A dragon made up of energy looked very much like it was sending chills down the spines of everyone who witnessed its might.

They exchanged multiple moves, and each swing was enough to wipe out hundreds of ordinary soldiers. They kept fighting tirelessly, each of their attacks capable of turning ordinary soldiers into a cloud of bloody mist.

A strange lizardman, with a reclined back and a beard on his face looked at the situation. It chanted something and struck his staff on the ground. A bell started ringing next. The earth shook, and the shrine behind him released a golden radiance.

With the beats of the drum, two strange creatures appeared; they were eight and nine feet tall, respectively. Their bodies hid behind various strange bandages, and their reptilian eyes looked as if made of molten gold. Carrying long spears in their hands, they started approaching the battlefield.

The boy looked at them with a curious expression on his face, and he started approaching them. A bok appeared on his hand, which sent out a ray of golden light that turned into a white tiger beast. Sheru, take care of the eight-foot one."

As Beast and the Master started battling against their opponents, Rishi activated his Mana Veins network and charged at the opponent, summoning his Frost Armor. He launched multiple attacks, targeting his opponent. The opponent moved his spear and smashed him.


He was sent back like a cannonball, hitting multiple trees. He stood up, his body recovering. He charged again, this time activating his killing intent and aura. He again succeeded in landing multiple blows, but they had little to no effect. His opponent was immune to his killing intent and his attacks.

His speed was slow, but he was able to predict his body movement and succeed in hitting him. 'Boom!' he was blasted again like a kite without string. He rose up again, his expression turning more serious. He had believed that after mastering Mana Veins, he would be able to face an opponent, but it was now that he realized how wrong he was.

His opponent was just too strong; his attacks had no effect on him. He summoned his semi-zone and started playing the ultimate game of cat and mouse with him. He was trying to hold back his opponent as much as he could. He summoned his remaining two beasts and tried his best.

This time he was able to hold the opponent for a while, which raised the fire in his eyes. With new motivation, he started to fight again. He took out his axe and used it to attack. He found out that the attack from Axe had way more impact on the opponent.

Looking at Rishi with disdain, the opponent swung his spear before nailing it to the ground. The next moment, a small earthquake appeared around him. Multiple strange creatures came out of the cracks and grooved together to form three more creatures similar to it; the only change was that they were faster and were seven meters each.

This made the situation worse for Rishi. He was hit again and again by multiple attacks. At last, he transformed into 'Frost Giant' form. Now, when he fought again, he was able to fight against them. He swung his giant axe and chopped the limbs of the opponent into multiple pieces.

The only disappointment was that they regenerated the next moment; even when he was trying his best, he was getting attacked again and again. All he could do now was launch multiple 'Frost Strike' and 'Frost Nova' techniques and build up the energy to launch a powerful burst attack.

Unlike him, Sheru was fighting way better; his opponent was chopped again and again into multiple pieces. It didn't matter which tactic he used; the white tiger was sifted, and his attacks were lethal. It tore apart sheds, barriers, and armor.

The opponent released its zone to gain the advantage, and he succeeded in pushing back the tiger a little. However, unknown to him, he had provoked someone he should never have. The eyes of the beast started shining golden. It released a powerful roar the next moment.

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