The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 92 The Venue

In the evening, Rishi woke up and took a quick shower, and dressed; today was a big day for All-STARS because they were about to celebrate their guild's first victory. He also intended to make some significant announcements.

He was dressed in a white full-sleeve round neck T-shirt over black jeans while wearing white shoes at the bottom and checked himself in the mirror. "Not bad, but I would have preferred it if I had my natural silver hair."

Rishi constantly underestimated himself because his charm didn't work on him; to others, Rishi appeared to be a model with his charming big eyes and symmetrical face.

"Ajit, is everything ready?" he called out. "Do you require my assistance?"

"You just need to come to the venue; everything else is ready," Ajit replied.

"Thank you, bro; sometimes I wonder how I would have arranged so many things if you hadn't been there to help me," Rishi said.

"Stop it, I'm the guild manager, and it's my responsibility to organize everything; I'm not doing you any favors," Ajit responded.

Rishi hung up the phone and began walking towards the event; he exited the academy and continued walking until he came to a halt in front of a large gate. The watchman requested Rishi to show him the invitation.

Rishi took out his phone and displayed the virtual invitation card, which the security guards scanned and allowed him to enter. Inside, he discovered a completely different atmosphere: a large garden with three round tables beneath a large mushroom-like structure acting as an umbrella in the center.

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Rishi used his 'inspect' skill to discover that it was a special plant species that glowed in the moonlight and lifted everyone's spirits; it was known as Radiant Mushroom.

A dance floor was nearby, with large speakers and many colorful lights; on the other side was a food stall with a human standing. Rishi arrived a little early; the others had not arrived until now; he looked up at the sky and noticed that there were many light bulbs covering his head.

Because there was still some time left, they did not turn on these lights. He also noticed large poles with lamps near the tables, which looked very nice. He approached the stall and looked at the strange green fire burning inside them.

"Uncle, do you know where my friend Ajit is? he booked this hotel?" Rishi asked.

"That boy is in the kitchen, checking the dishes," the man replied.

"Where is the kitchen?" Rishi inquired.

"There," the man pointed out with his hand; Rishi thanked him and searched for Ajit. He entered the room and detected the aroma of various food items; He noticed three cooks preparing food while Ajit checked to see if everything was in order.

"How are the preparations?" Rishi asked Ajit.

"Everything else is fine, but they started cooking the food late," Ajit grumbled.

"We decided to cook late, Sir, because we wanted to serve everything hot," explained one of the cooks.

"Don't lie; you're just lazy; I have attended many events. Where they prepared everything beforehand," said Ajit.

"Ajit, come with me; let them do their work; arguing now will only delay things even more," Rishi said as he dragged Ajit outside.

"Calm down, Ajit; everyone at the party is our friend; no one will say anything; we will simply make some changes," he added.

Rishi and Ajit emerged from the house, noticing the glint of moonlight in the door. He looked up at the sky, filled with stars, before looking at the radiant Mushroom, which was also glowing with a dark purple hue, with lights emanating from its center covering the entire garden.

"Ajit, tell me exactly how much did it cost; it must have been expensive," Rishi speculated.

"Don't worry; our budget covers everything. The owner of this hotel was one of our sponsors, and I told him that we would only have a few sponsors from now on. He asked me to be our sponsor for a long time, and I told him that our guild's owner is a jerk; he is someone who plants the seed after eating fruit so he can get more fruits in the future."

"He will not agree till you show some sincerity to him; believe me, Rishi, this was all I needed to do, and he gave me a diamond membership card for his hotel. Its services are now available to us for free," he added.

"Ajit, the hotel owner, is not a fool; tell me what the real deal is that you signed with him," Rishi asked. "And why are you painting me as a villain? My reputation in the academy is already tarnished, and you're only adding to it."

"The deal I made with him is that our guild members can use his hotels in exchange for him being our sponsor. As for me making you look like a bad guy, Rishi, go out in public and listen to how people perceive you; you're already known throughout the academy as a bad boy."

"Students are afraid of your name, and bad publicity is also good publicity, so if you can't do anything about your bad image, shouldn't I use it to our advantage?"

"You could have asked for money; we rarely party," Rishi said.

"Rishi, We don't own any property and can't always hold meetings anywhere like we usually do; we can use it as our backyard," Ajit replied before turning to face the entrance.

"The others have also arrived; let's meet them," Ajit said as he approached Dev.

"Ajit, the location you chose is fine for having a warm tea daily, but where is the venue for the party?" Dilip asked.

"He's joking, Ajit; you've found a good place," Dev said.

"If you think this is a good place to have tea, you can come here daily; I will make that happen," Ajit said.

"I'll decide after I taste their tea," Dilip said before looking around.

Nina and the other guild members also arrived; She was dressed in a red gown. Rishi greeted her and ordered her drinks, All guild members had begun chatting, but Rishi was still waiting for someone.

Will she show up? Perhaps not, he reasoned in his head.

'But she said she'd come, and she's not the type to back down from a promise,' he started considering various possible explanations for her absence.

'There's only one minute left, and why am I feeling as if I've forgotten something?'

'Let's assume she arrives and enters, but the watchman asks her to show the invitation; wait, did I send her a virtual invitation?' he asked Ajit, who replied that he had sent her invitation, despite the confirmation Rishi was not feeling right, so he decided to check himself.

Others were surprised when they saw Rishi moving towards the gate, but they ignored him. When Rishi opened the gate, he saw something that made his heart race and his nostrils flare.

He clenched his fist as he stared at the group of men who had stopped Kajal and Sakshi some distance before the entrance, Their backs were turned to him, making it difficult for Rishi to guess their identities, but it didn't matter who they were in this situation. Rishi only knew one thing: they were asking for it.

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