The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 31 - A Fucking AntiArtillery SUV!?

"Welcome to hell!"

He said as he tossed the lighter into the chemical which was instantly set ablaze, as the flames quickly transferred through the liquid chemical on the ground and into the penthouse garden, setting the plants and trees there ablaze…

Now, the garden which was a source of calm, happiness and serenity have now become a vital recipe for horror, death and absolute disaster…


High up within the building…

75th Floor…

"Leave the building and head down to your SUV… You will see the location to the warehouse where your family is being kept…"

The deep voice ordered Sam who was stunned at the fact that the man actually wanted him to get to his SUV which he would obviously know was a moving safe house…

'So, you want me to rescue myself out of this place and then continue controlling me when I am out of harm's way…'

Sam thought to himself, knowing that the person controlling him, most likely needed him awake and alive to get to his goal…

He also predicted that the location of his family was probably a fake and a trap, but he had no choice but to go…

He dashed out of the room which was now filling up with sleep inducing gases…

He reached an elevator, and entered; but instead of going down, he actually went upwards instead…

Jim, Tim and Kiki as well as the trio from the WTF were watching Sam head upstairs from the elevator cameras, as they quickly radioed the situation to Special Agent Skywalker's team who were still waiting at the basement;

"But why would he be heading up instead of downwards?" One of the WTF agents spoke in confusion;

"If he truly is who we know him to be, then we must always treat every of his actions as a possible escape tactic…"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Thus, what do you nerds think he might be going after up there?" Agent Guilty Cameo asked;

"Perhaps, he has a parachute and is probably trying to jump down from the top of the building…" Kiki suggested;

"Nope… He obviously knows they will be choppers out there…"

"If he chooses such an option, then that would be the quickest way to die or get arrested… Think guys!" Agent Guilty Cameo bellowed at everyone including himself…

They were the eyes and ears of the entire WTF squad, both inside and outside, thus, they would be needed to give accurate and precise information at all times…

After a brief minute of silence, Jim suddenly blurted;

"Oh no, no, no, no…"

"What is it!?" Agent Guilty Cameo grabbed Jim by the shoulder with an almost vice like grip;

"He is stopping at his apartment!" Jim added;

"Fuck! The secret Elevator!" Tim blurted as he began to type faster than his only hand could carry...

"Where does the secret elevator lead to!?"

"All the way down to our top secret garage…" Kiki blurted;

"He is going after his SUV!" Jim added;

"An SUV!?" Agent Guilty Cameo was so furious right now;

"Are you fucking messing with me right now!?" He snapped at them;

"No fool! You don't understand…" Tim stood up and bellowed into Agent Guilty Cameo's face;

"If he gets into that SUV, only a nuclear warhead can stop him from escaping!"

"You know what that means right… Agent!?"

Tim added in sheer fury… Then he punched the enter button on his keyboard, and it was then everyone realized that he had reached the self-destruct page of Tulips A.I, and has now begun the countdown of the self-destruct sequence which would take about sixty seconds, but Sam was obviously going to get there in half the time…

Agent Guilty Cameo hurriedly radioed his boss in the basement and told him about the new development;


"A fucking anti-artillery SUV!?"

"Who the fuck did they make that for anyway; the president of the fucking world!?"

Special Agent Skywalker utterly snapped when he heard the new development and how hard his mission just became…

This was the first time they had ever been called to action in a decade, are they going to fail their very fist mission?

'Hell No!' Special Agent Skywalker revolted.

The elevator was a secret elevator which meant there was no way they could access it except through the A.I running it; and as fate would have it, it was about to self-destruct in about 45 seconds…

Even if Tim had ten arms and fifty fingers, he still won't be able to do so before the A.I self-destructs…

Whilst they were busy fussing over everything, Jim instead began to switch on every defense system within the Sam's apartment, from the high tech lasers, to the shock pins, temperature regulator which made the entire corridor bone-chilling cold, and lastly, switching the patter of panels on the corridor floor which was giving him some sort of headache, because Sam was already there and also understood what was happening...

As a result, he had ordered 'Orchid' to regain control of the entire floor; and though 'Orchid was fast as fuck', it still took some seconds for it to get past the dozen or so roadblocks Jim had put in place…

Jim smirked slightly as he watched Sam get delayed, but just as the smile came to his face, Tulips self-destruct and took Jim's smile away with it...

He had been using Tulip's mainframe to gain access to all these road blocks, and now that she had self-destructed, it barely took Orchid two seconds to clear out the rest of the roadblocks...

Sam bolted for his bag, grabbed it and darted back out towards the secret elevator whilst writing something on his palm along the way, and when he got to the camera in front of the secret elevator, he smacked his palm at the face of the camera before pressing the call up button for the secret elevator which didn't respond…

"Fuck!" Sam cursed as he dropped his bags and found the service staircase…

Picturing how many steps he would have to take from over a hundred floors to the secret garage in his mind, Sam sighed as he reminded himself;

"Just like your training… it's just like your training!"…


Back at the workstation…

"Bring up the footage from the camera he just destroyed, I think he was trying to pass a message…" Agent Guilty Cameo ordered;

"Really, we only saw him destroying the trails of his escape…"

Jim who had for some reason lost all optimism of Sam still being the good guy blurted with a roll of his eyes;

"And there are no better ways to take care of the camera than using not even one's fists but the palm?"

Agent Guilty Cameo spoke like he was a grandmaster being challenged by a child with autism…

Tim bought into what the agent was insinuating, and using a normal I.T procedure, he was able to being up the last footage from the camera Sam had just slapped into oblivion…

[Note:- The A.I is just a program designed to make work easier by automatically processing some predesigned protocols… But it doesn't mean that the system will crash once the A.I is gone… It is like a library and the person who arranges the books; if the person arranging the book dies, the library would obviously remain, and someone else would be able to access it easily… That is the case with Tulips, Tim and the entire network of data within the Aeon Consults…]

Once the footage came up, it was somewhat blurred, but it was obvious something was written on it…

Tim began to sort the image out frame by frame and in less than thirty seconds, he was able to reveal the information;

"They've got my wife and kids!" That was the message passed along;

"So, he was being used all along…"

Kiki spoke with a disappointed and guilty tone…

She would be lying if she said she hadn't seen Sam as the bad guy on some occasion, and it was the same for Tim and Jim;

"Well, we can only be sure once we have got him!"

Agent Guilty Cameo said as he radioed the new development to Special Agent Skywalker;

"Finally, something I can work with… I am starting to hate the musk down here…" Special Agent Skywalker blurted in frustration mixed with anger;

"Alright, everyone on me…"

"He is taking the service stairways which meant if we hurry, we can welcome him midway…" He added;

"Alright, it's gonna be a very tough climb, but nothing as bad as our training routine…"

"Remember, we want him alive, so switch to non-lethal and stun grenades…"

"Move it!"

Special Agent Skywalker bellowed as the 25 plus men bolted through the tunnel, not even sparing the dead lady another glance as they opened the basement door and began to head up the service stairways…


Sam burst open the door to the of the 100th service floor whilst the WTF agents were already up the 40th floor as they hunter and the hunted drew ever so closer to one another, and thus began the chase between a cat and dozens of mice…

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