The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 33 - Betrayal & Death

Sam calculated how long it would take a smoke grenade to churn out enough smoke to hinder their vision...

Then when he got his estimate, he threw a smoke grenade about a few meters ahead of himself before running into it, and just as he had calculated, before the APB guys could reach the grenade, massive plumes of smoke had already covered everywhere...

But these guys weren't giving up and they seemed intent on breaking a few bones in his body…

Sam bolted for the service door at the end of the hallway and bolted into it; there he saw the electrical junction box controlling the electricity distribution of the entire floor, but he wasn't just going to put off the electricity of this floor, he wanted the electricity of the entire building off…

Taking out the last grenade on him, he gave it a quick good luck kiss before placing it in-between the electric cables that ran upwards towards the roof and downwards to the ground floor and dashed out of the room…

Though all these took a while to write, they all happened simultaneously under about three seconds…

When he got out of the room, he was just out of arms reach of the APB soldiers, and just as they were about to catch him, the grenade exploded distracting them slightly as Sam used that tiny window to put a miniscule distance between him and the trio…

Power was instantly lost within the entire firm, and whilst the power generators were still running, the main cable supplying electricity throughout the entire building had just been severed, and for the first time since the firm had been created, there was no power; something that was almost as impossible as a man running around the earth in ten seconds…

These trio chasing Sam could have had one of them take a look at the service room, but asides the fact that even whilst they were three, Sam was still making it very impossible for them to catch him, by hurling several distractions after distractions at them, then if they were reduced to just two, they could as well just allow him escape, because they would just be wasting their precious time...

Moreover, the smoke grenade didn't allow them see what happened exactly as they only caught sight of him the moment he stepped out of the service room…

Sam kept running for his family's life as he thought to himself;

"I only have about five minutes before the alternative power supply comes online… What do I do?"

Sam saw a room up ahead and with a heavy slam of his body, the door broke open with a loud bang reducing his speed slightly in the process, as the APB soldiers stretched their hands to grab him, Sam's brain raced faster than ever as he look towards the only escape route left; The Windows…

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Without even as much as a second thought, Sam jumped through it;


Sam jumped out and twisted mid-air looking at the APB soldiers who wouldn't dare jump with him;

'I thought so too!'

Sam commented mentally as he saw himself approaching the 65th floor at break neck speed;

"Orchid, do you have any strengthening serum available?" Sam asked;


I have about 2 milligrams of the synthesized APB serum, but it can't save you from a drop like this…

"Do it, and limit the spread to my left arm alone!"

Sam blurted as he approached the fiftieth floor with insane speed, causing the rest of the onlookers and the few WTF agents outside looking stunned as one of them blurted incredulously;

"What The Fork!"


A tiny needle delivered the dose of the serum from the watch as the dialer of the watch stretched out into a long metal string which tied itself around Sam's left shoulder, preventing any drop of blood from leaving or entering the arm…

Sam saw all his veins and muscles bulge as he ordered once again;

"Open all windows from the 40th floor to the ground floor!"

Chu Lom!

Sam who was now at the 43rd floor stretched his hands out and grabbed the window which was made out of convertible reinforced steel, because the window converts into a mini verandah for workers who wanted to take a break and get some fresh natural air…

But the speed at which he was descending was just too fast as the first window complete ripped off its hinges falling along with him…

Sam grabbed the second one, and a similar situation ensued, albeit reducing his speed significantly due to the abrupt jerks he sustained, but his hands were now swollen and slightly bleeding, but since he could only feel more power coursing through it due to the serum, Sam continued to grab at the windows and finally stopped at the 30th floor which was still and insanely massive drop to death for him…

But now, the window he had caught was still holding and then he tried to climb into the 30th floor…

It was now night time, and just as Sam was about to climb into the window, the bright lights of a very much advanced helicopter gave him a spotlight and could see him struggling to climb into the windows…

But just as Sam looked behind to identify if the helicopter was one of the media or the WTF, he saw a sight that would forever shock him to death;

There within the helicopter was his best friend; James, as well as the ambassador to the government; Mr. Ola and three other government commissioned secret service agents…

James pulled out some sort of high tech newly developed weapon, placed it on his shoulders for support and aimed it at Sam;

"James! You backstabbing son of a bi-"

James didn't let the statement end as he pulled the trigger;


A massive and potent soundwave rippled out of the weapon and slammed into Sam and the building destroying everything as Sam began to free fall once again…

He lost consciousness for a split second as he began to bleed from all his orifices, his brain quaked, his eyes stung and his ears rang with deafening pitches, and then, the windows that opened to serve as his source of survival became the source of his doom as his head slammed into one of the steel reinforced verandahs…

Then was his ribs, and then the rest of his body, breaking uncountable number of bones in the process as well as a crack in the skull…

His spine shattered, and his hands were now twisted in odd angles, then he slammed his head into another verandah, knocking him out and sending him spinning downwards in a cartwheel-like manner…

Then he landed on the road doing the splits, and his balls became paste…

"Sir, what have you done!?"

"We were only told to retrieve the watch, not kill him…" One of the pilots screamed at James when he saw what had just happened;

"How will you explain this to the HQ!?" He continued;

"Don't fret over it, I will tell them that he discovered our agenda and since the APB was about to catch him, I decided to silence him forever to keep our motives a secret…" James replied with a nonchalant smile;

"But that's not the t-"

The pilot wanted to refute but got a bullet in the skull instead as blood and brain matter splattered over everyone within the chopper, including James who was stunned;

"Anyone else has any buts!?"

Mr. Ola asked with his gun still smoking from its first shot, and after seeing that no one responded, he returned his gun back into its holster before commanding one of the two spare agents to take over from the dead pilot…

Then he took the high tech newly developed weapon and aimed it at the ground, and then;


A massive ten meter wide and two meter deep depression was made into the ground as everyone standing and bearing witness to the incident was instantly sent to the realms beyond the physical…

Flesh, organs, limbs and body part littered everywhere on the ground as blood flowed like a river;

"I don't want anything that happened here to be leaked in any form…" Mr. Ola spoke when he saw James' questioning gaze…

James didn't reply, and simply closed the door of the chopper before ordering the pilot to descend quickly…

He alighted from the chopper, grabbed Sam's watch and bellowed;

"Go! Go! Go!"

Apparently, the chopper from the WTF was approaching and it was a war type helicopter;

"Yes sir!"

The pilot then sped off into the distance before the WTF chopper could even reach the site of the incidence…

Sam's consciousness returned for a split second and the moment he opened his eyes, he could see a completely burnt penthouse, and then all the pain from his injury assaulted his mind, and his vision blurred as he thought to himself;

'Just stay alive for a few more seconds and you will survive this…'

But then, the penthouse complete burnt, and the everything atop the building fell to the ground; mast, network dish and all, they all fell atop Sam;

"Shit! I jinxed it!"

That was his last words as he was instantly crushed to death… And thus, came the end of Sam whose tale would go down as a valiant hero gone rogue!

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