The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 35 - EndOfLife Rally

'Just stay alive for a few seconds and you'll survive this…'

But then, the penthouse complete burnt, and the everything atop the building fell to the ground; mast, network dish and all, they all fell atop Sam;

"Shit! I jinxed it!"

That was his last words as he was instantly crushed to death…

And thus, came the end of Super Sam whose tale would go down as a valiant hero gone rogue!

Sam Richter, a citizen of Irish Spring...

Formally serving in the nation of Weindall's International Military Police Special Unit, Military Division with a plethora of meritorious feats throughout his service...

He partook in the Global Special Forces Tournament, winning the honor of the deadliest individual combatant and was acknowledged as "Iron Unicorn" due to his massive size, overwhelming strength and success rate with assignments and missions...

In a certain special forces mission, he had ignored his safety and sacrificed several limbs in order to save not only the lives of his men, but that of the package he was told to retrieve, and this resulted in him leaving the International Military Police Department [IMPD], and return to the life of a normal citizen...

After being disabled to the extent of not being fit for any military roles whatsoever, he had decided to retire and left his position as a Brigadier to settle down with the person who saved his life...

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After retiring, he laid low and simply focused on recovery and starting a family with the package he was told to retrieve [a girl and a boy]

But little did he know that his desire to put everyone else before himself and also sense of deep responsibility had touched the citizens of the nation of Weindall...

But just after settling down; jobless, his best friend who was also one of his comrades and underlings at the IMPD was able to get him a job in what happened to be one of the top three firms on the globe as the Chief Security Officer of this prestigious firm…

From then on, Sam's life would forever change as he was exposed to some secrets and level of technology he had never thought he would come across in ten lifetimes…

The owner of the firm had treated him with the deepest respect, hospitality and regard…

He made the decision within himself to discharge his duties without sparing any effort [which was to protect the three most valuable interest of the owner of the firm; His family, some extraterrestrial materials in his possession, and finally the firm itself] But after only working for what seemed to be a single day, everything turned upside down in Sam's life…

His privacy and safety was compromised, and the only set of people he cared about the most in the world were kidnapped and taken hostage, as the culprit and his entire team of mercenaries used the death of his family to blackmail him, forcefully making him their inside man…

Sam tried every possible means to free himself from the strings he was being controlled with, but every time he tried such maneuvers it was the string that held up his family that was instead being lowered into what seemed to be their gruesome deaths…

His actions also caused the death and severe injuries to those he was supposed to protect…

He was then labelled as an enemy of the firm he truly wanted to serve with all honesty and drive…

He was later given the location to the safe house his family was being held hostage as a means of preventing the sects Special Secret Service Division from arresting him and finding out information about them through everything Sam understands about the hostage-blackmail-puppet situation he was in…

But little did Sam know that the reason why his family were easily captured and why all his possible escape route were shut off was because someone he knew; someone very close to him had sold him out, but he didn't find out until it was too late, and not only was this mole his best friend, it was also this best friend that killed him, for reasons he would never know…

Sam died on the same day he was appointed into the post and it somehow felt like he had been a pawn in a scheme that was hatched way long before he was chosen or appointed by the firm…

Sam failed at all his three duties, because not only was the sect taken over momentarily by the criminals, those he had sworn to protect also died tragic deaths and the three extraterrestrial materials he was charged with protecting should have been taken or stolen by those who schemed against the firm…

But what caused the entire resentment, wasn't just his failure to do the job he was appointed to do, but the fact that the last time he saw his family, they were strewn by chains above a tank full of purposefully starved Piranhas, and now, he couldn't even tell if they were still alive or not, but he was sure the people who did this to him wouldn't want to have any sort of loose ends…

Sam didn't even get the chance to clear his name, and despite the fact that some of the people he was working with understood the truth, the point was, there was no way they could help him clear his name either, because the watch that was supposed to serve as proof had been taken, and definitely, someone would be needed to serve as the scapegoat of the entire day;

The one who all the blame would be put on, and who better could be the perfect candidate for that other than someone who was dead and couldn't defend himself…

Then finally, was his best friend [or so he thought]…

Someone he had sacrificed all he had at that moment to keep alive…

The friend who they had spent over a decade together and become brothers…

The same best friend who had got him what felt like the job of his life at the moment…

It was this friend that ended up taking everything he had away from him…

It was like he was given two feet only to have two miles taken from him instead…

Sam felt resentment when he saw the smile on James' face when he pulled that trigger, or the joyful voice he had used at the pilot when he took the watch from his hands and left him there in his own pool of blood without even looking back to say anything…

Sam had been betrayed...

Most tragically, by the person he trusted the most; His best friend/brother.


Sam had thought as life ebbed out of his body slowly; breath by breath…

Even till this moment, he couldn't figure out why James would do this to him.

"After many years of depending on each other and surviving dangerous missions together..."

"James, for what great reason have you done this to me?"

Sam mentally lamented as he snuggled deeper into eternal darkness, silence and peace...

It was at this moment that Sam remembered his primary duty, which was to protect the person who employed him, as well as his family, and out of sheer will and desire to simply check if their situation were salvageable, he saw the penthouse where these people lived completely ablaze with all of them within…

Sam had thought Roy would at least hide himself and his family within the flame resistant massive tree, but he had misunderstood the nature of the flames that were burning…

They were being fueled by specific synthesized chemicals which were designed to resist any form of fire resistance… Water fueled these types of flames; just like pouring water into a boiling oil that had been set ablaze…

Furthermore, these were flowing flames that would burn wherever their liquid fuel managed to enter, and that tree might be fire resistant, but he was sure that it would be helpless against the flooding of fluids, and thus, there was no way these guys could have survived…

Then to confirm his train of thought, the penthouse itself and everything on it came crumbling downwards, and fell on his already dying self, sealing his miserable and tragic fate once and for all…

Sam couldn't even fume or get angry…

He was never given the chance to, and as a result, all he could carry into death was sheer anger, regret, grief and all other deeply negative emotions, one which was against free spirits who dies and are sent to heaven, and as a result, there was only a single alternative place Sam's soul could go to if not heaven, and that place was one that only piled upon Sam's already miserable fate…

A place for the lost…

A place for the bad, worse and worst…

A place of punishment and eternal torment...

A place where status, talent and achievements meant nothing… It was a prison; a prison where all its residents are being tormented, tortured and topsy-turved…

It was a place called;


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