The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 50 - A Breathable Shelter

That way, a water fetching system, and an elevator system was born, and this gave the couple a lot of joy as they rode the bucket of the wheel over and over again to get themselves accustomed to transporting with it...

But the knowledgeable Dara had a better plan for the waterwheel, he was going to make it  a 'Pulley System', by building another smaller wheel at the top of the plateau and using the thick vines to link it with the bigger wheel, and using the resultant force to transport building materials from the ground to the top of the ten meter high plateau…

On the sixth day, Dara woke up from the pit feeling a lot freer from within, he felt like he could allow a load of at least 200 pounds dangle from his hand, and his arm would be able to bear the brunt of the weight effortlessly…

He now had Internal Endurance, Body Strength, Lasting Stamina, Top Speed, Blood Vitality, Bone Girth and finally, Tendon Elasticity that surpasses two Uncle Min combined, and in fact despite not seeing his meridians yet, Dara could beat the snot out of two Uncle Min combined…

His jump power, attack, nimbleness, defense and speed way ahead of his cultivating mates, and should Dara meet Ji Hai at this point, Ji Hai would wish he had never been born…

This morning, Dara and Aunt Lin began to make shelter whilst Uncle Min was left with the task of transporting carcass, and beast blood from the location he had previously told Dara about…

He will fill the ring of fire with the combustible blood and carcass, whilst Aunt Lin would be in charge of supplying Dara with the building materials for the shelter from the ground level…

Dara escorted Uncle Min to the fence, and the moment Uncle Min check for the danger in the area, and left, Dara then shut the massive makeshift gates, they have placed by the fence…

He found the secret path that avoided the Pit of Death, and returned to Aunt Lin, and after explaining how to transports materials using the square bucket of the waterwheel, Dara took their makeshift elevator to the top of the plateau and began to request for logs…

He watched Aunt Lin carry this massive logs and positioned it in the bucket, and with a little bit of guidance and instructions from Dara, Aunt Lin was able to easily supply him logs on her fourth try…

Trying the same method to each her how to supply wet soil, Dara was soon able to begin the construction of the shelter…

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He drew the layout of how the building would look like with on the ground, and then began to dig foundation holes all over the top of the plateau…

Then by the time he was done digging, Dara had dug three separate, 25 foot diameter holes, in a triangular layout; He then placed a fourth 15 foot circle at the center of this triangular layout…

Then he began to bury the logs at the top of the plateau around the hole in the center, and after he was done, he bored a hole into the slabs and log as he had done with the fence earlier…

Connecting the slabs to the erected poles [Dirty Minds!], he then began to pour leaves gotten from the branches of the tree they logged, into the space within the two slabs forming the wall…

Then he would pour wet soil on top of the leaves, and from then on, it was like he was building the fence once again…

Only that, this time, it was round, and he included leaves in its walls for some reason…

Uncle Min came when the structure in the center was ongoing and from what he could see, he could tell Dara was building a round hut, and with the way things were going, he would probably finish erecting the structure before he returned from his second trip…

About two hours into the morning, Dara had already erected the center structure, and though the rest didn't truly know how it was going to look like, but the entire structure he was building was three round compartments set in a triangular manner, then linked with a corridor each, the corridor being the lines that linked the three triangular placed circle together…

Four hours into the day and had completed the second circle, and finally by the sixth hour, he was done with the third, and by that time, Uncle Min had filled about the front quarter of the ring of fire with beast carcass and blood…

Unlike the previous times when they usually stopped working once it was time for the beast to roam, Dara and the rest didn't stop this time around, after all, they were already safe within two lines of defense...

Thus they spent the entire day building their shelter, and by the time Uncle Min joined in to assist Dara, their output was nearly doubled, meaning that by the end of the sixth days, these four rooms were already erected, but they had no roof whatsoever…

Dara also didn't rush it because he wanted the walls of the room to and corridor to dry up first, so they can bear the weight of the roof and not collapse, thus, after sleeping in a part of the ring of fire that had yet to be filled with blood and carcass Dara and Uncle Min this time went to gather the blood and carcass, whilst Aunt Lin went to look for herbs, spices and fruits…

Tomorrow was the beginning of the season of war and from this morning alone, it was apparent, because the day was already brighter than it usually was normally, and they could already see the shape of the light-bearing star in the distance…

Thus they had to rush their work, and assisting Uncle Min to get carcass and beast blood meant that Dara and Uncle Min were able to fill the entire Ring of Fire in six hours…

Then afterwards they both focused on roofing their new shelter which looked like a Benz logo, with the circle around it being the corridor that linked the three rooms together, whilst each point of the Y-shaped logo being three rooms, with one extra round compartment at the center of the entire structure…

Dara placed three massive tress across the roof of each room, and linked them together to act as a base or pillar on which the entire roof would stand…

Afterwards he added many tree branches with their leaves still on them, and after covering the entire ceiling in about three different layers of leaved branches, he then poured wet soil on the entire roof, before adding another three layers of branches, and finally, another layer of wet soil…

Whilst the wet soil ensured that the roof would remain sturdy for a very long time, the leaves would ensure that both the walls and the roof of this rooms and ceilings could breathe, regulating an average temperature within the rooms at all times…

By night of this final day, all the rooms were already roofed, and Dara placed many wooden slabs which had been coated in that sticky liquid, and used it to pave the entire floor within all the rooms except the once in the center which  had a bowl shaped pit dug into it…

Now the shelter were standing and done, and whilst it hadn't been furnished yet in anyway, it didn't change the fact that they have done an inhumane amount of work over the past two days, and in fact, Dara could have sworn today was the day he worked the hardest and most since they started everything three months ago, and that is by comparing the workload on hourly basis…

"What is this central room for?"

Aunt Lin asked after she was finally able to join them at the top of the plateau, and Dara simply responded by taking a big bowl of beast blood that he had reserved, and poured it on some logs he had placed within the depression at the center of their homes, and then lit it on fire;


A loud explosion ensued, and whilst it would have drawn much attention if they were in their former home, this new place was about sixty meters long from the wall of the plateau to the fence, and if one should consider how dense the jungle outside the fence was, it would be no surprise that the sound from the explosion was muffled…

"It is to keep the entire shelter, and even the entire top of this plateau warm at all times…"

To truly confirm the use of this round fire compartment at the center of the shelter, Dara took Uncle Min and Aunt Lin to what would be their new room, and because it was already nighttime...

They could feel the cold that was already descending on this swampy jungle area that they were, but just as they were about to start shivering, the warmth from the blazing fire burning in the central fire room began to billow out intense heat which traveled though the walls of the entire shelter and supplied heat simultaneously into all the rooms and corridors through the breathable nature of the walls…

It was not until now, that the couples knew why Dara had added leaves when he was making the walls, but that was not all; the roof also served to contain the heat within the room and kept it from escaping too fast, but also maintained a steady temperature level, by allowing the heat escape bit by bit through the breathable roof…

Before long, the floor also began to warm up, since the fire that was burning was from within the earth on top of the plateau, and in less than half an hour, then entire shelter became extremely cozy…

"We don't need to step out for the next one week, so we can take our time making our beds, chairs, cupboards and setting up the restroom, baths and kitchen…"

Dara explained as they all picked their rooms, ate dinner, and went to sleep for the day, knowing that they are now save from the harsh weather, as well as roaming dangers all around the area, and all these was done in three months under the guidance and wisdom of a ten year old kid…

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