The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 55 - An Extremely Valuable Secret

"But as for the other fisherman, he would forever appear as an anomaly to the fishes whenever they see him, and they would be compelled to stay as far away from him as possible…"

"My father was someone who knew the secrets of the Kingdom of Shangri La…"

"He discovered how the natural energy of the entire planet was distributed, and how one could use that knowledge to their benefit."

Uncle Min paused at this point and allowed Dara to open his mind to what he's about to reveal…

"According to my father, the entire Planet Jok has a core of extremely dense natural energy, and this energy permeates the through the entire planet, even into the Dark and Grey Lands…"

"You see, except from my father, I believe everyone thinks the black and grey energy that billows out of the earth was actually death Qi, and that the only place with the energy to cultivate was the Land of the Light, but they couldn't have been more wrong, and the reason is because, the very energy that billows out of the ground is actually true Qi and the purest and most potent type on the planet…"

"What!?" Dara was truly flabbergasted…

If it wasn't that he had known Uncle Min for at least a quarter of a year now, he would have thought he was insane…

Because not only does the grey and black energy corrode things, it also makes people sick, and he had seen many people like that in village of Sang, and some of them had even died because of it…

But here was Uncle Min telling him that it was the purest and most potent form of the planet's natural energy…

But Dara still gave him the benefit of the doubt by allowing him continue to explain;

"The only reason why the Grey and Dark Lands are this way is because of the lack of light and heat, thus, the entire place becomes chilly almost all year round, and do you know what would happen to a place where there is no light, heat and even scarce water sources?"

"It would die!?"

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Dara gave an obvious answer but also left the gap for any anomaly by making it sound like a suggestive question than an outright answer [This helps a lot in our modern day earth]…

"Yeah, it begins to die, but do you also know why it has not completely dies after existing for so long?"

Dara shook his head signifying that he had no idea;

"It survives because it is being nourished from directly from the core of the planet…"

"But because the Death Aura on the surface of the land is so thick, when this natural pure and potent energy comes out of the core, it gets masked by the Death aura on the surface making it seem more like a potent Death Qi rather than a Potent Qi wrapped in death aura…"

"There is a difference between the two…" Uncle Min continued;

"My father was even able to devise a technique that can help get rid of the death aura around this pure Qi…"

It was at this point that Dara began to get skeptical about Uncle Min's story;

"But if that was the case, why haven't you used the technique to cultivate?"

He asked doing well to mask the interrogation within the seemingly harmless question;

"That is because of the method required to do so…"

"To use my father's methods, one would have to absorb the Qi with the Death aura, and when it is within them, they would have to sacrifice an organ where all of this death Qi would store once they are within the user's body…"

"Because of the nature of the Death Qi, it would find any part of that person's body that is filled with life and seek to feed on that life and thereby kill that specific body part..."

Dara frowned deeply when he reached this part;

"Are you trying to tell me that I would have to kill a part of myself just so I can gain more power?"

"No silly, just let me finish explaining, and when I am done, you will completely understand my father's theories…"

Dara decided that this was his last straw, and should this entire theory and stuff end up being an unfiltered bullshit, he would simply part ways with these guys…

"The reason why I couldn't use the technique was because I was born in the Land of the Light…"

"Only those who are born in the Land of the Light would face the danger of killing a part of themselves in order to cultivate using the energy within the Dark and Grey Lands…"

"This is because being born and living for so long in the Land of the Light had altered most of our human configurations, and for us to inject something other than that into our body would be like exposing oneself to a chronic disease…"

"But what about those who were born within this disease, and had even lived long enough within it?"

"Have you ever wondered why the Death Qi doesn't corrode you?"

"You dug over thirty feet into a ground extremely rich in potent Death Qi and you didn't get infected even once…"

"You even dug around the entire plateau, not once or twice but thrice and still you didn't even catch a cold despite how chilly these lands were…"

"You built a shelter with a blazing fire at its center to provide warmth from the cold outside, but instead whenever you are inside this warmth, you sweat so much like a melting candle, and you still don't understand why?"

"Are you saying-"

"Yes; that is exactly what I am saying…"

"The potent Death Qi in these lands cannot affect you…"

Dara's frown had already began to transform into a pondering expression, and after a while of pondering, the smile returned as he asked;

"But I am not the only one born within the Dark Lands in my village, how come I am the only unaffected by the Death Qi?"

"Naturally, because I have never been to the Dark Lands, I don't know why, but I can give two possible theories on why that is the case…"

"Firstly, there might be others like you, but you simply haven't taken not of them yet, after all, you are just learning about this now…"

"But can you tell me how many of the younger generation of your village gets infected by this diseases?"

Dara thought about what Uncle Min just said and after a while, his frown gradually began to change into one of incredulity;

"It's true, there is almost no case of the younger generation of our village getting affected or sick, and even when they manage to fall sick, they usually recover in little to no time…"

"My sister was obviously not affected, and neither were all of us who go out on scouting missions outside the village…" Dara revealed;

"I think your village head had found out that the younger generation weren't too affected by the Death Qi, and that was why you guys were chosen to scout the outskirts of the village, rather than the much elderly ones who all came from the Land of the Light…"

"Moreover, I already told you that the possibilities of someone else knowing about this energy secret other than my father might not be more than two at most, and that is including me…" Uncle Min continued;

"Furthermore, you always said your village is surrounded by fire and a lot of heat, and these two things work well to drive away the Death Qi as well as the Pure Qi within them…"

"Thus when your people try to forcefully cultivate using these techniques, they end up killing themselves, because the Death aura around the Qi overwhelms them…" Uncle Min revealed;

"But for you, that is not the case, and that is why I suggest that, if you are intent on cultivating with this insanely pure and potent Qi, then you will have to be very deep underground to allow the Death Qi purge all that heat and warmth your village had infused within your body, and when that is done, you will find yourself more attuned to the energy within this part of the planet…"

"After you have managed to achieve that, then you will have to return to the Dark Lands where a much more potent and pure version of this Qi is condensed within…"

"There not only will your cultivation speed surge through the roof, you would also possess purer Qi than those within the Land of the Light…"

"In fact, the purest Qi in the Land of the Light would look like dirt in the presence of your Qi…"

Dara frowned once again but not as deep as before as he asked; "Why is that!?"

"Well, that is because billions of people are within the Land of the Light and are all using the Qi from the Land of the Light to cultivate, and as a result, there is only so much Qi each person can get to cultivate at any point in time…"

"But in the Dark and Grey Lands, you might as well be the only person who is basically cultivating using the masked Qi in here, which means basically a fourth of all the energy on the planet; to you, is for the taking…"

Uncle Min revealed and this time, Dra really had his mind blown to bits…

"But why are you doing this much for me, even to the extent of sharing this extremely valuable secret with me?"

Dara knew there was no free lunch in this world, or at least that is the first lesson he had learnt from Uncle Min today;

"Well asides from the fact that I know detest the entire Land of the Light with their underhanded means of cultivation, I also still want to continue cultivating which means I will need to return there sooner or later…"

"Then lastly, you not only saved the life of I and my wife, but you also created a better life for us within a place that was meant to make us experience the worst way of life possible…"

"Thus, I feel giving you this secret is the least I could do, and it would have been much more complete if I had a cultivation technique for you to cultivate this energy but I don't…"

"The one I use was made with the mindset of cultivating within the Land of the Light…"

Uncle Min sighed in self-ridicule and shook his head in defeat;

"You gave us a complete life, but I can't even give you a complete method to cultivate; I guess even after all that's happened, I am still incredibly useless...." Uncle Min muttered absentmindedly…

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