The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 24: 24 - BULLET TIME!

Chapter 24: 24 - BULLET TIME!


The iconic power from the classic gunfight movie, Wanted, echoed in Derrick's mind, as he was granted the powerful skill.

His pupils dilated and a surge of adrenaline rushed through his veins, leaving him breathless. At that moment, he knew that everything was about to change.

He was no longer an ordinary skill-less immortal.

As Derrick embraced his newly acquired power, he could feel his heart pounding fiercely within his chest, like a violent drum beating to a rhythm of its own.

The sound was deafening, yet strangely empowering. It was as if his heart had transformed into a high-power engine, providing him with an endless supply of energy for any physical activity. His blood raced through his veins at an incredible pace, fueling every muscle in his body.

Derrick was no stranger to this feeling.

He has experienced it countless times in the research institute. He knew that this was the body's natural response to being stimulated to secrete adrenaline in normal conditions. It was now just happening on a more extreme level.

Derrick's heart rate had skyrocketed, surpassing an astounding 400 beats per minute. He felt as if the 120 heart rate for the C4 detonation was nothing now.

With the secretion of a massive amount of adrenaline, Derrick entered a state of euphoria. His senses were extremely heightened, and everything around him seemed to slow down.

The world became more vivid, colours more vibrant, and sounds more distinct. His eyes focused with laser-like precision as if they were frozen in time, taking in every detail with stunning clarity.

In this state, Derrick's thinking became extremely active. His mind was capable of processing vast amounts of information at a lightning-fast speed. He had a panoramic view of everything captured by his vision, and he could analyze and calculate every detail with incredible accuracy.

His brain worked tirelessly, step by step, to make the most precise and advantageous judgments possible.

The route of the jeep, the trajectory of the bullet, the wind's speed...

It seemed as if everything had become traceable.

Without taking any long or serious aim, only following his breathing, Derrick instinctively raised his pistol and shot.

The curving bullets were shot out of the muzzle of the gun.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Captured by Derrick's visual dynamics, the bullet pulled out a long and curvy trajectory through the air and crashed straight into another bullet that was coming towards the motorcycle.


Unbiased, the two bullets collided in mid-air with a resounding crack, as if they were lovers engaged in a passionate embrace. The collision was brief, but intense.

Under the intense kinetic energy, the warhead underwent a process of rapid compression, until it finally transformed into a flat, small disc-like object that fell to the ground. The transformation was swift, as the energy released by the collision had completely altered the structural properties of the warhead.

"Shooting one bullet to intercept another?!" The words exploded out of Frank's mouth, barely containing his excitement. The idea was audacious, impossible, and yet...intriguing, even for someone like Frank.

Although Frank didn't have Derrick's abnormal vision, he could still see some blurred images.

Frank's marine training had taught him to always be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary, and this collision of two bullets in mid-air was certainly not something that he had encountered before.

As he surveyed the scene, his mind working through the possibilities, he knew that this was no mere coincidence. The probability of such an event occurring was astronomically low, and even someone as skilful as Frank was not confident if he could do it.

'No, this wasn't a mere fluke but his own skillThis isn't a skill that a human can achieve with his own marksmanshipWhat is this kid?'

Derrick was unaware of the thought in Frank's mind and the disbelief in his heart.

At the moment Derrick, who was in 'bullet time', could control the motorcycle even better.

He rode the motorcycle with one hand and used the other hand to shoot again towards his rear.


The bullet was ejected, and following the planned path, it hit the front wheel of a jeep with incomparable precision.

The jeep, which was driving at high speed, spun violently on the road. Amidst the screeching sound of the tires, the car lost control and crashed into another jeep.

The implicated jeep couldn't escape in time. The car was knocked out of the driveway and the front of the car plunged into the fire hydrant on the side of the street.

Under the action of its strong inertia, the driver was thrown out of the car from the windshield, flying more than ten meters into the air and finally falling to the ground with his head down.

Derrick pouted, 'He was driving without even wearing a seatbelt. Is he in a rush to reincarnate?'

Derrick reduced the number of jeeps chasing them down to four within moments for people out of the bullet time.

The man who had spoken to Vladimir earlier was sitting in one of the jeeps.

Seeing Derrick's sudden display of marksmanship, the man's face got extremely ugly as he shouted, "Slow down, don't get shot by that guy. Let our people intercept them at the intersection in front!"

Soon, the jeeps slowed down and created a distance from the motorcycle.

"There's an ambush ahead." Frank sensed their intentions and informed Derrick about it.

Whether it is driving skills or marksmanship, Derrick's performance far exceeded Frank's expectations.

Frank's words didn't make Derrick feel even the slightest bit of nervousness.

If it weren't for the relatively low-end mobile phones of the era, Derrick would have played a song on the spot to add to the fun.

The motorcycle sped all the way to the intersection.

As expected, the gangsters had already blocked the intersection. Six vehicles were blocking the middle of the road.

"What's our plan?" Frank asked aloud.

"Vroom over them!"

"This plan sounds very plausible at the moment"

Frank did not stop Derrick from making this crazy-sounding decision. Faced with such a situation, even in his heyday, he would not stay here.

Seeing that the intersection was getting closer and closer, Derrick's pupils dilated once again and an excited smile appeared on his face.

His heart was still beating violently and the blood was continuously being pumped. Derrick's skin was reddened to the naked eye. Frank in the back seat could feel heat radiating from Derrick's whole body.

His body was crazily secreting adrenaline!

His brain was functioning rapidly, everyone's position was clearly constructed on a map in his mind and all the surrounding details were processed, and finally, the safest and best plan was obtained.

"Sit tight, I'm going to start seriously now"


E/N: Sorry for bugging with these notes recently but, could you all kindly tell me if this chapter was edited better than the rest? Like grammar and quality-wise. Also, happy reading people, have a good day/night.

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