The Insider System

Chapter 292: Orders Now

Chapter 292: Orders Now

As they walked in Donny saw they were the only group to arrive just yet and wondered if maybe Keel in his distressed state hadn't kept the track of time correctly. He didn't say anything about this though and just silently waited for other people or Keel to say something. He didn't think that would happen though because when he looked at Keel he was just looking at the ground.

After a while Rigbis and his entourage showed up and Donny apologized to Keel in his mind for thinking he had messed up. It seemed they had only been a few minutes early in reality. Going back to waiting since none of the other groups had shown up yet Donny tried to read the faces of the people near Rigbis like he always did whenever he knew they had news for the fortress.

Like the last time he had done this he didn't get much from the faces of the people close to Rigbis and he was pretty sure the people who looked upset were the same people that had the last time. Since last time it had been good news about rescue Donny guessed trying to read the faces of any of them was a complete waste of time.

Like this they all waited till another group of people walked in. Donny looked at some of the faces and found it was the people that hadn't been put into either team when he saw Fendis with them so all that was left was the other team and they could finally hear what Rigbis had to say.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After a while Donny started to get worried and when he saw the people in Rigbis' group whispering he knew he wasn't the only person who thought it was a bad sign that the other team hadn't come yet. As he was wondering if in fact they had been infested by Demon Worshipers and undead when they went outside a few days ago Donny looked around for the guy he had been yelling at all day to shut up about infiltrators so he wouldn't cause a panic.

Donny would really hate it if this guy thought he had been the only person to see this coming if it ended up being true because that wasn't the case at all, Donny had just shut him up so no one would panic because what he had been saying was a real threat. There had also been nothing they could have really done about the other team since they weren't allowed to leave their room.

"It seems we might be in the middle of a situation. I would ask the two groups that are here to move to either side of the room in case there are more threats spread among you." After they had all done what Rigbis had told them to he continued to talk. "I have just sent a group out to see what is keeping the other team. If it is what we all fear, we need to be ready to fight whoever comes through that door even if they look like our allies."

Donny had no problems killing someone who looked like someone he knew if they tried to attack him but he was sure there were others here that wouldn't be able to do it so it was good Rigbis was making them think about this. It would help get them ready to do what they needed to if it came to a fight.

A few minutes Later all of them heard a scream from outside of the room and turned towards the door in preparation of what was coming only to be surprised by another scream from behind them. Since the second scream was closer they all turned towards the stage and saw a small fight had broken out between the people that had been with Rigbis and on the ground between the two groups was Rigbis obviously being the one who had screamed.

"Keel there already in the room, orders now!" Keel was in charge of their team so Donny gave him a chance to be the one to give the first orders. "Everyone near the wall. Donny get a barrier ready but don't activate it yet." Donny was happy that Keel had snapped out of the mindless mood he had been in and did as he was told.

With his barrier ready to come up at a moment's notice Donny was able to look away from it and look around to see if any other fights had started in the room yet. After checking the other group of people on the other side of the room and seeing them still calm and united Donny looked back up onto the stage to watch the fight that was still taking place.

Since both sides looked like normal people Donny wasn't able to tell which side was there or if they were winning so it was a weird feeling whenever someone landed an attack. He didn't know if it was good or not so it was causing constant confusion as he watched. "Hey Keel, what was the news Rigbis was going to break to us?"

Donny didn't think it would matter too much if Keel told him what the big secret was since it seemed the fortress was filled with enemies. "The Metal Temple was overrun around seven hours ago. Rigbis was going to tell everyone what happened to some notable people that are popular to the people of the Metal Domain and the fact the forces that had been besieging the Metal Temple would most likely be coming this way soon."

Hearing the Metal Temple had fallen Donny couldn't lie and say it hadn't affected him at all. It was like a small chill ran through his body for a second but right now wasn't the time for him to get caught up in his emotions. The screams from outside the room had happened a while ago so it shouldn't be much longer till there were things attacking them.

Almost right after he thought this the door to the room was smashed open and Donny could tell almost right away that they were dealing with undead. Normal people didn't have the ghostly appearance that mindless undead did so it was really easy to tell when you were dealing with them.

Seeing it rush towards the closest person to it and be struck with a spell Donny looked away from the door it had come in through and looked at Keel. "What are we doing?" They needed to go and reclaim the fortress before the intruders completely took it over and opened a gate to let more enemies in and so far Keel hadn't shown any signs he planned to do any more.

"Waiting." There were reasons for them to do this but since Keel hadn't given any Donny started to worry that maybe Keel didn't have any and was panicking too much to think. It didn't make sense for someone at Keels rank to act like this but the last few hours made it clear the news about the Temple had affected him heavily and he wasn't in top condition at the moment.

"Keel we need to move towards the gate and secure it." Donny was sure there were a few other smaller entrances but the gate should be their top priority. It would also make sense for him to make a barrier there since it would help protect the gate if there was going to be an attack from outside as this was happening. "You're right. Give the orders."

Hearing Keel give him command Donny yelled over the noise of the room and gave his orders. "Into the hallway!" He made it loud enough so if any of the people that weren't in a team wanted to follow him they knew what he was doing. Of course this would allow any enemies who were hidden within this room to go with him but there was nothing he could do about this.

As they moved he could tell no one wanted to follow him out into the hallways that were infested with an unknown number of undead but they did as they had been told and a few extras from the other group joined them including Fendis. Like he had thought he felt very wary of the others that had followed them but he didn't fear for his life just the other people in his group.

Knowing it wasn't the time to hold back Donny started to weave a formation he had learned from the shield and held it in front of him. He could feel how unstable it was as they moved but the fact it was holding together this time really showed that he had made a lot of progress in mana control in just the last few weeks.

As they turned the first corner Donny saw a large group of undead doing something to a small group of bodies. Not wanting to give them the time to finish whatever it was they were doing Donny sent the shield formation forward to cut them in half.

This was the first time he had tried to use this formation to attack since he had never had enough control to keep it stable this long so he wasn't sure if it would even work but when he saw it pass through the undead like the shield did he put his worries in the back of his mind and kept moving towards the gate.

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