The Insider System

Chapter 343: A Quarter

Chapter 343: A Quarter

This city was as big as he had been told and Lake still hadn't found what he was looking for but he didn't mind because he was enjoying looking around the city. It was very obvious whenever you walked into a newer or older part of the city because the style the buildings were in would change and it made him want to try and figure out what the oldest part of the city was by stopping someone and asking where he should go.

He had an actual goal right now though so he would save that for later if he had time after selling the stolen goods. Finding another part of town that seemed to be more worn out, Lake knew he might have found where the thieves guild would be. He had thought that a few times already though so there was a good chance he was wrong.

Taking a turn he saw the street open up into a plaza and realized he had run into the guild street by chance. He guessed it made sense that the guilds would be in an older part of the city but it wasn't really what he was looking for so he kept walking after making one of the buildings in case he wanted to come back here later.

Depending on how much money he made from selling the things he had taken in the first town he might decide to make the rest of the money he needed by doing some jobs at the Fighters guild or something. It would make him miss his deadline but finally making the gold he needed was worth being slightly late; especially when the deadline was self imposed.

After exploring a few more parts of the city Lake finally saw a building light up and headed for the door. Like always all he had to do was knock and someone called for him to enter. As he walked in he was able to tell that this was probably not the building that the main guild branch was in because this just looked like a small shop.

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"Hey I'm new to town and I'm looking for a place to sell some rare items." Lake figured the guy would understand what he wanted with just this much and he was right. "I'll give you directions. It's a big city so make sure to pay attention. I'm only going to tell you how to get there once." A few minutes later Lake was on his way to the other side of the city and as he stepped outside he felt a large amount of people looking his way.

It only took him around a minute to realize that he was being followed after he left the thieves shop and he guessed this was the shopkeeper of the last place trying to get the rare items he had mentioned for free. He wasn't surprised by this behavior since he was dealing with criminals so Lake decided he would just let them come to him when they felt it was time.

He really didn't have time to mess around so he wasn't going to try and go after them because that would just take more of his time and they probably wouldn't try anything until he got to a less populated area anyway. It would be annoying to hide the bodies as well so he really just hoped they would go away if he moved fast enough.

After thinking this he picked up some speed but all this seemed to do was make the people following him realize he had noticed and get close enough that he could see them. This was most likely an intimidation attempt on their part but he really didn't mind because it gave him a chance to make them all and gauge their strength level using Insider Information a skill he hadn't used in a long time.

Quickly reading the stats he found these people following him were no threat to him so he just focused on getting to where he had been given directions to. A few minutes later he was on the street that he had been told the Thieves guild was on and he used Detector to make sure he wouldn't pass it as he walked down the mostly empty street.

He could tell that the few people that were around were most likely also criminals so he expected the people who had been following him to try and stop him at any moment. Like he expected only a minute after he got onto the street someone behind him called out to him. "Give us the bag!"

Lake had already decided not to kill these people because the many bodies in the middle of the city were bound to draw attention to him and possibly even get him arrested so he just ignored it and continued to walk. If they didn't understand by him ignoring them that he was above their level he would take off a few hands or something as a warning.

He knew it was possible to regrow limbs with potions and magic so he didn't think this would be much of a crime even if the guards decided to care he had protected himself from the people robbing him. "Did you not hear what I said?"

When The Sight activated Lake understood he was being attacked and was surprised by how little patience the people robbing him had. Using Burst for a brief moment Lake moved away from the guy who was the closest to him and realized a dagger had been coming for his back. Using Crunch, Lake used one of his fingers like a blade and removed the man's hand before returning to where he had been before he had moved.

Continuing to walk He was only able to take two steps before he heard the man realize his hand had fallen off. "Ahhhh!" Thankfully that was the last he heard from the group behind them as they quickly retreated after they all realized what had just happened. It was good that they understood the implicit threat in his action of cutting off one of their hands faster than they could even see.

It wasn't surprising that it had worked though because if their roles had been reversed he would have also understood that he was lucky to keep his life after trying to rob someone much stronger than him. Mercy for thieves was pretty rare even back in his more civilized world so here it was probably almost unheard of and the thieves who had just run would probably never forget what had just happened.

After passing a few more buildings he finally saw a building start to glow up ahead and picked up his speed so he could finally finish selling the things he had touched back at the castle. The mayor would put his best people on this case after this so he was going to be looking over his shoulder for a while but he was still excited to see how much he was going to make.

Stepping inside the building Lake saw a person behind a desk and assumed this would be the person to show his badge to so he got it in his hand to be ready. Getting to the desk the Lake expected to be asked what he wanted but when that didn't happen he took the initiative and said. "Here's my badge."

After they got a good look he heard a small noise and the wall next to the desk opened and Lake went inside the passage. After walking down a small hallway he arrived in a room with more desks and remembered a similar layout at the Thieves guild back in the Holy Domain.

None of the desks had any people selling so he just went to the closest one to him and asked. "Can I sell here?" Getting a nod from the man in front of him Lake pretended to reach into his bag and summoned one thing after another. After about five minutes of this he stopped because he had to think hard about the less exciting things from the castle like the books from the lab.

The man took this to mean this was everything though so he started to appraise the things in front of them. Lake decided to spend this time remembering a few more items that he wanted to sell because he knew the appraisal could take a while with this many things.

Twenty or so minutes later the man asked. "Do you want the gold put into our vault?" Lake wanted to know what the amount was before he answered so he asked. "How much am I getting?"

"Oh sorry I thought you could see the number I had written down for you." After the man said this he moved the thing that had been blocking the piece of paper and Lake was able to see the number and while it wasn't as high as he had been hoping it was a good portion of the gold he needed to finish the mission the Insider had given him. "You can place it into the vault."

"Alright can I see your badge?" Giving the man his badge it was returned to him a few minutes later. "Your new balance is 235,560 gold." Hearing he had about a fourth of his goal here in the Thieves Guild Lake gave the man a small smile and wished him a good day before turning to leave. With the amount in the Fighters guild he was probably halfway there he just needed to get a replacement for his badge and move the gold here over.

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