The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 126: Rotten Peach Blossoms

Chapter 126

The common people were talking enthusiastically about which country's clothing was the best looking. If Jiang Yuqing happened to see them on the street, he would also stop to watch for a moment or two, and that was it.

With so many foreign envoys entering the capital at the same time, the Ministry of Rites was really busy to death. Especially its subordinate department, the Ministry of Reception, where everyone was so busy they wished they had eight hands to get everything done. They were truly desperate for help.

Minister Qing Zheng was anxious to pull people in to help. His idea even reached as far as the Imperial Academy. He spotted the newly entered Jiang Yuchuan at first glance.

This young man was outstanding. Not only was he handsome, but he was also a top scholar who had placed first in the imperial exam three times. It was natural for someone so talented to also be good-looking. He would be perfect to present an impressive image.

Jiang Yuchuan's superiors were reluctant to let him go, but Minister Qing Zheng begged and persuaded until he finally borrowed him, along with this year's third-ranked scholar, Lu.

Minister Qing Zheng assigned Jiang Yuchuan to the team receiving the Xiongnu envoys. But Jiang Yuchuan adamantly refused.

He said, "Those barbarians made my younger sister bedridden for half a year. She almost didn't make it.

If you make me receive them, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop myself from poisoning them."

Seeing that he was truly unwilling, Minister Qing Zheng could only re-assign him to the team receiving the East Woman Country envoys.

There was a blood feud between the Xiongnu and Da Xia. Minister Qing Zheng also looked down on those barbarians.

But there was no other option. The Xiongnu had formally submitted a diplomatic letter saying they wanted friendly relations!

There is a saying, "Don't hit a smiling face with your hand outstretched." As the country of etiquette, Da Xia could not openly mistreat them. Moreover, the two countries should avoid fighting if possible. Wars exhaust the people and drain the treasury. Even the richest country could be impoverished by constant fighting.

When Lu found out, he teased Jiang Yuchuan, "The East Woman Country's envoys are all women. With your handsome looks, be careful not to get carried off to become a son-in-law."

Jiang Yuchuan gave his friend a sideways glance. "The Jiang family's men do not become sons-in-law!" Having said that, he turned and calmly walked away with his hands behind his back.

Jiang Wenyuan was also busy. Because of the bridge collapse incident, the Emperor had ordered a thorough investigation. Earthquakes were happening across Jizhou's officialdom, implicating a series of big figures.

These prominent figures not only had many concubines, but the family assets seized were even more substantial.

At this time, he was busy cataloging these treasures for storage. He had no time to worry about his son.

When he heard that his son had been borrowed by Minister Qing Zheng, he merely nodded to indicate that he knew.

Young people getting more experience was always a good thing.

However, just three days after Jiang Yuchuan went to the guest residence, Princess Erma Wuzhen of the East Woman Country brought her retinue to the Duke Jiang residence to propose a marriage alliance.

When Lady Lu heard that this princess had taken a liking to her son and wanted to take him as her husband, she was so shocked she almost fainted!

It happened that Jiang Yuqing had just returned home. Lady Lu immediately said, "The princess holds an esteemed status, my older brother cannot marry so far above his station. Please go back, Princess!"

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Princess Erma Wuzhen naturally refused to give up so easily. In stilted Da Xia language, she said, "He can reach it. Also, I don't need him to be a consort, I want him as my principal husband!"

Jiang Yuqing looked to the heavens and took a deep breath through gritted teeth. "Princess, we have a saying in Da Xia about self-awareness. As a princess, how can you not even understand the most basic words!"

Princess Erma looked puzzled. "I want to marry your older brother, what does that have to do with me not understanding Da Xia language!"

"It matters because my older brother will not become a son-in-law. Princess, stop fantasizing!" Jiang Yuqing really could not stand this idiot.

What the hell, how did such a fool become a princess!

Jiang Yuqing spitefully guessed that maybe this Erma person was the only child left to the Queen of the East Woman Country, or she was just a scapegoat who had been pushed up.


Jiang Yuqing's eyes were spouting fire. She yelled, "Let me tell you why. My older brother is the heir to a first-rank Duke of Da Xia and a three-time top scholar.

If he abandoned the honorable status of heir to become whatever principal husband you're offering, a second-class citizen in your country, it would be like his brain was full of water!

You think your East Woman Country is the greatest thing, some backwater barely worth mentioning. Who cares about it!"

Princess Erma was left speechless by Jiang Yuqing's verbal beatdown. She pointed at Jiang Yuqing with a shaking finger, her chest heaving heavily, but no words came out for a long time.

Although the female officials of the East Woman Country accompanying the princess also looked down on Erma's foolish behavior, they still represented the East Woman Country. One of them rebuked with a black face, "Princess, mind your words!"

Jiang Yuqing was furious. "I can't control my words! From your fluent Da Xia language, it seems you have studied our culture.

Then you should know that men are superior here. Unless forced to, Da Xia men will not easily become sons-in-law to another family since it leads to disgrace.

My older brother is the sole heir to a first-rank Duke's household with an esteemed status.

If you had any brains, you wouldn't dare suggest that my brother become a principal husband to your so-called princess.

It would be humiliating to both my brother and the Duke Jiang household. Be grateful I haven't chased you out with a broom for even coming here with this insulting proposal!"

The female official's face twisted in anger. "Is this how you treat guests in Da Xia?"

Jiang Yuqing snorted disdainfully, "Don't twist things out of proportion with me.

Real guests who were invited should be treated well, but people like you who show up uninvited are called unsolicited guests. Naturally, we don't need to be polite.

If you're dissatisfied, go complain to His Majesty the Emperor. I'll accept any punishment due!"

Things had already reached this point. If the East Woman Country envoys didn't leave now, they'd truly have no face left.

The delegation had arrived full of arrogance, but they left crestfallen and ashen-faced. It was quite a laugh for onlookers.

When Jiang Yuchuan heard the servant report that the Princess of the East Woman Country had openly come to propose, he was so angry his face turned red.

His friend's joking prediction had come true that day.

That princess was only 18 or 19 years old, but already had several consorts.

As soon as Jiang Yuchuan arrived, that loose woman took a liking to him and demanded he become her consort. Later, finding out his status, she changed her mind and wanted to take him as her principal husband instead.

These last two days he had fled everywhere, yet never expected she'd actually go to his family! It was utterly disgraceful.

By the time he hurried back home anxiously, he found out his valiant younger sister had already driven away that so-called princess back to the guest residence.

Lady Lu was furious and hurriedly asked her son what had happened. Jiang Yuchuan helplessly explained the bizarre incidents of the past two days.

Lady Lu said, "That princess is up to no good. You can't keep doing this job. If nothing else works, have your father speak to the ministers of the Ministry of Reception to get you reassigned. This is too vexing!"

Jiang Yuqing also felt her mother made sense.

Jiang Yuchuan agreed that he couldn't keep hiding like this. That princess was like a burning fuse ready to explode at any moment. After returning, he went straight to Minister Qing Zheng.

Minister Qing Zheng was also badly shocked. What the hell was going on here!

It was just a job, how could it stir up such a rotten lawsuit. It seems that sometimes being too good-looking wasn't a blessing at all, it easily attracted rotten peach blossoms.

To think that a princess who should behave appropriately was actually a female pervert. This was dangerous!

Afraid there might be more trouble he couldn't explain later, Minister Qing Zheng quickly moved Jiang Yuchuan to another residence.

Furthermore, whichever reception officials were the most handsome in the East Woman Country's delegation were also promptly replaced.

So the next day when Princess Erma discovered the reception officials had all been switched to middle-aged uncles in their 40s and 50s, even old men, her face turned green.

What Princess Erma caused at the Duke Jiang residence quickly spread across the capital city. Emperor Xia Jing's face didn't look very happy when he heard about it.

The East Woman Country's princess was truly too inappropriate.

It was one thing for her delegation to bring consorts on their mission to Da Xia, but she actually dared covet outstanding Da Xia youths. When rejected, she went straight to their household!

She treated Da Xia like what, this was simply preposterous!

Emperor Xia Jing was furious and immediately ordered the Ministry of Reception to lower the reception standards for the East Woman Country envoys by two grades.

Now it wasn't just the envoys switching from handsome youths to old men. The number of reception officials also dropped from the original ten people to the present measly three.

The food and supplies provided also decreased to Da Xia's lowest level for receiving foreign missions. It was extremely embarrassing for the other countries' envoys to witness.

Even if the East Woman envoys were angry, it was still their own people who had caused the offense in the first place. There was nothing they could do about it.

Go back and tell Her Majesty the Queen that it would be better to replace Crown Princess Erma Wuzhen. She really is just a pile of useless mud that cannot support anything.

On the seventh day of the ninth month, the Double Ninth Festival.

The Jiang family, like other prestigious families, dressed up grandly and went together to the palace to celebrate the Emperor's birthday. Even though it was a celebration, the ministers could hardly avoid having to present celebratory gifts.

In order to curry favor with the big boss, the ministers had also racked their brains.

Rare antiques from previous previous dynasties, genuine works by great masters from before before, lone editions of certain certain certain.

Rare pearls and jades, gold Buddha statues, jade Guanyin statues, night pearls, everything imaginable was there.

It really made Jiang Yuqing open his eyes to the spectacle, like a grand exhibit of treasures.

When it was the Jiang family's turn, Jiang Wenyuan also presented a large box.

When Li Deshun opened the cover and looked inside, it turned out to be a pot of flowers, or rather, a pot of vibrant green rice seedlings in excellent condition. He was stunned for a moment.

But he was an experienced man, and after reacting for a bit, he glanced meaningfully at Jiang Wenyuan, who was standing by with a smile, and understood.

So this must be another incredible invention. He announced, "Minister of Revenue, Jiang Wenyuan, one pot of green rice seedlings!"

Everyone in the great hall was a bit confused when they heard the announcement. What on earth? One pot of green rice seedlings?

Could it be that the Jiang family has gone crazy from poverty, to actually present something like this?

Only a few intelligent ones immediately realized that rice crops should have already been stored away this season, so how could there be green rice seedlings.

Moreover, looking at these seedlings, they were clearly just watered and fertilized, and were at peak condition right now.

Emperor Xia Jing also thought of this question. He got up from his seat and walked down the steps.

After carefully observing the green shoots, he asked Jiang Wenyuan, "These seedlings seem to be perfectly grown? Does Your Honor have any new discoveries? Please speak frankly, We truly cannot guess."

Jiang Wenyuan smiled and revealed the secret: "This was sent by my hometown in Qingzhou. It is the second season rice we tried planting this year. The growth is currently very good, estimated to be harvested in mid October."

Hearing this, Emperor Xia Jing was surprised, then extremely delighted. He burst out laughing loudly: "Wonderful, Elder Brother Shi! How much did your family plant?"

Jiang Wenyuan said: "We planted two acres on trial. The first season was planted in early April and harvested at the end of June. This season was planted in early July, so calculating the time, there is still over a month before harvest. If successful, next year we could promote second season rice cultivation extensively across southern regions."

Emperor Xia Jing was so excited that his voice even quivered slightly. He clapped Jiang Wenyuan on the shoulder and said: "Excellent, truly excellent! Your family's people are all outstanding folk! This is the best gift We have received this year!"

The ministers in the hall also broke into astonished clamor. Rice crops already had high yield as it is, now if the provinces in the south also implement a second season rice cultivation, the food production of Da Xia could double again.

My goodness, could it be that the Jiang family is possessed by the spirit of Shennong! They are too amazing!

Da Xia's ministers were astonished, and the envoys from other countries were even more shocked.

They had long heard about Da Xia's high yield grain crop, but never imagined the thing called rice could even be cultivated a second season.

The envoys from Southern Borderlands were excited.

Coming to Da Xia to celebrate the Emperor's birthday this time, one of their greatest aims was to bring Da Xia's high yield grain crops back to their country. They never imagined that on this Double Ninth festival, they would be able to hear news even better than the high yield varieties.

This further reinforced their determination, that no matter what the cost, they had to buy back Da Xia's high yield rice and methods for cultivating second season rice.

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