The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 156: Don’t Be the Catcher

Chapter 156

After Jiang Yuqing got acquainted with Huayang Zi, every time she came to the Three Purities Temple, she would go directly to see him after burning incense at the main hall.

Except for the first time when she disguised herself as a middle-aged person, she would directly go to him in her true form afterwards. This old guy had some dao heritage, he could see through her disguise even if she transformed, so there was no need to bother with pretense.

"My young friend, long time no see. You seem to have grown taller again!" Huayang Zi teased her as soon as they met. He also liked to comment on her height every time.

Jiang Yuqing smiled, "Thanks for praising me. It's just that I keep growing taller, why do your hair and beard keep getting shorter?"

Huayang Zi was silenced for a moment, coughing awkwardly, "Accident, accident!" He couldn't possibly tell an outsider that he burned his hair and beard while concocting alchemy, such an embarrassing thing! Of course not!

After exchanging a few playful jabs, Jiang Yuqing finally stated the purpose of her visit this time.

She poured out all the odds and ends she had taken from the Gray Robe Cave last time for Huayang Zi to look at, and asked him, “Daoist, do you recognize these items?”

As soon as Huayang Zi saw them, he was greatly shocked and cried out, "My young friend, where did you get these?”

Jiang Yuqing replied, “When I went back to my hometown Qingzhou for the New Year festival, I encountered a demonic snake that kept devouring people and livestock, causing terror amongst the commoners. Its master turned out to be a Gray Robe evil cultivator.

He had captured many extremely intelligent beasts in his cave that he tortured daily, seemingly wanting to research some evil beast control techniques. To prevent him from further harming the innocent, I disposed of him.

Before his death, he admitted that he was once your disciple. Therefore, I brought all the remnants I found in his cave here to ask if you recognize these items."

Huaya Zi said, "These items are indeed from my sect. Many years ago I accepted a disciple, this boy was clever, but his mind was twisted. He liked to research evil and deviant techniques, his thinking also tended toward extremism, he did not heed advice and corrections.

I was worried that he might cause great calamity in the future that would be difficult to resolve, so I abolished his martial arts and expelled him from the sect.

I didn't expect that he still refused to give up and ended up walking the path of harming others.

My young friend, you have helped me clear up my sect this time!"

Speaking of which, he called for a dao attendant to bring stacks of talisman paper, a talisman pen, and a box of cinnabar, “This is Judge Pen, it is made from lightning struck wood, using it to draw talismans can greatly increase their power for double the effect. It is one of my personal treasures.

He also pointed to the cinnabar and said, "This is Zisha Crystal, the finest grade of cinnabar, it was passed down by my late master. Today I'll give them to you as well, consider it a token of goodwill from me!"

"Very well, very well!" Jiang Yuqing smiled gleefully as she accepted them readily, after all, who doesn't like good stuff?

After receiving the gifts, Jiang Yuqing chatted with Huayang Zi for a while longer over good tea before leaving leisurely.

After she left, the dao attendant asked Huayang Zi, "Venerable Master, why did you give her such precious treasures?"

"The things she brought were distributed to almost every senior disciple in our temple. I feel it's not equal in value."

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Huayang waved his feather duster, glancing at the little attendant, he said "We cultivators believe in karma.

No matter what, that man came from our temple, that is the cause. She helped clear up our sect, that is the result as well as the cause."

Huayang Zi saw that after much thought, this little disciple still remained completely puzzled. Unable to endure it further, he gave him a knock and scoffed "It's a wonder your master always praises how smart you are, his eyes must be covered by dozens of cataracts. Truly a case of master and disciple's shared stupidity."

The little attendant's face flushed red from his scolding. Huayang then waved his duster again and walked into his room.

Pacing about, he added "There is a common saying in the mundane world - it's easy to repay a material debt but difficult to repay an emotional debt! You still have much to learn!"

The little attendant responded softly and lowered his head, not daring to speak again.

After returning to the city, Jiang Yuqing went directly to He An Hospital. The place was still filled with patients as usual.

Seeing her arrive, the medics all came up to greet her "Doctor Jiang is back!" "Princess, you've returned!"

Jiang Yuqing smiled as she responded to each, then told the front desk "Inform them that I'll be seeing patients today, put me on the patient roster."

"Yes!" The front desk happily agreed.

Everything went smoothly in the morning. In the afternoon, a heavily bundled master and servant pair came to her consultation room. They were wrapped up so thoroughly with only their eyes exposed.

Apparently the master had developed an obstinate affliction in her abdomen and wanted Jiang Yuqing to prescribe medicine to clear out the rotten stuff.

With just a touch, Jiang Yuqing immediately realized this was no affliction at all, but a pregnancy. They wanted her to prescribe abortion drugs instead.

Although the pair had wrapped up tightly, they were still completely exposed under Jiang Yuqing's spiritual sense.

From their attire, they were clearly an unmarried young lady. Getting pregnant out of wedlock was rather interesting in this feudal era.

Jiang Yuqing did not expose her though, only saying "I'm unable to diagnose your condition, young lady. I suggest you seek treatment elsewhere."

The girl became impatient, "Aren't you supposed to be a genius doctor? How can you not even diagnose such a minor problem? I knew you were all bluster with no real skills!"

Jiang Yuqing leaned back in her chair nonchalantly, arms crossed, "There's no need to try to provoke me. You know fully well what you did, are you not even a little ashamed? I'm not exposing you as a way to preserve some dignity for you, don't continue to shame yourself."

The girl gritted her teeth, then could only leave in anger with her maid.

Jiang Yuqing had no intention of getting involved in this trivial matter further. But as that maid left, she gave a kick to the garbage bin outside in the hallway to vent her frustration.

The garbage scattered all over the floor, giving everyone a big fright.

Jiang Yuqing's anger immediately flared up. She rushed out and shouted, "By my authority as Princess, stop those two! Make sure they clean up the floor before letting them leave!"

The commanding aura cultivated over two lifetimes on the battlefield erupted completely. Ordinary people simply could not withstand it.

The master and servant pair were terrified. No longer daring to be rude, they tearfully cleaned up the hallway before slipping away gloomily.

They secretly felt fortunate to have bundled up so thoroughly today, otherwise they would have lost all face.

As Jiang Yuqing watched them depart, she called over a small bird and asked, "Sorry to trouble you, but can you follow them and see where they end up?"

The little bird chirped twice then flew off chasing the pair.

Not until near the end of her shift did it return to report that after leaving He An Hospital, the two had visited several small clinics in a carriage before obtaining some medication from the last one and returning home.

They lived in a big house in the western city with a pair of stone lions at the entrance.

Those residing in the western city were either wealthy or nobility. A house with stone lions at the entrance surely belonged to an official or lord.

Jiang Yuqing was nearly off work anyway, so she tidied up and had the little bird lead her there.

She didn't know why she felt compelled to make this trip, only that a voice in her heart kept telling her she would regret it if she didn't go.

Immortals follow their hearts. She trusted her sixth sense.

Upon arriving, she immediately understood when she saw the plaque displaying "Diwu Residence" on the gate.

She had assumed the matter would end there.

Unexpectedly, just two days later when she returned home to grab something, the place was extremely lively.

She asked what was going on and found out it was actually a matchmaker sent to probe about a potential marriage alliance! Since it concerned her elder brother's lifelong happiness, she inevitably had to pay more attention and asked, "Which family is the girl from?"

The madam replied, "The Vice Minister's Residence!"

"Please clarify, which Vice Minister's Residence exactly?"

The madam smiled, "The Diwu Vice Minister's Residence!"

Jiang Yuqing exclaimed in realization, then queried further "How many daughters are there in the Diwu Residence?"

"Only one. The Vice Minister's wife's own birth daughter. Exceptionally beautiful, knowledgeable in literature and etiquette, extremely well nurtured."

"As she has long admired Eldest Brother she sent me specifically to initiate a marriage proposal."

Jiang Yuqing immediately laughed meaningfully, "Madam, please return. My brother is but a commoner, I'm afraid he would not match the standard of the Diwu Residence's daughter."

Everyone was stunned by her words.

That madam's expression immediately soured. "Princess, although you hold a lofty status as Princess, Eldest Brother is your elder. This marriage is for the parents to decide. It is somewhat inappropriate for you to interfere like this, don't you think?"

Jiang Yuqing ignored her words and only told Lu, "Mother, listen. This marriage is unsuitable!"

Although Lu did not understand, she knew her daughter would not harm this family.

She hesitated for a moment before saying to Mrs. Diwu who had come to propose the marriage: "Even so, Madam should go back first. This matter needs to be discussed with my family's Duke before a reply can be given!"

Although it was an excuse, Mrs. Diwu knew this was how it was.

But letting a junior rebut her face was still somewhat unpleasant. Her words carried some barbs: "This concubine wants to know how the young miss saw that my niece is unsuitable for the Prince?"

Jiang Yuqing gave a cry of understanding: "So you are her aunt! That makes it easier to say. I was going to spare you some face, but now that won't be necessary.

Isn't your niece the precious daughter of the Diwu family? She is already secretly pregnant, over two months along. Were you not aware?"

"No matter how country bumpkin my Jiang family is, we do not have the propriety to be someone's backup option. Wouldn't you agree, Mrs. Diwu?"

Mrs. Diwu's face was deathly pale, even her voice trembled: "You, you are talking nonsense! My niece is as pure as ice and jade, how could she be pregnant?"

Jiang Yuqing smiled meaningfully: "Whether it is true or not, Madam can go back and check, after all there is no other Vice Minister Residence surnamed Diwu in the capital.

But by now, your niece is likely claiming illness, because that medicine for ending pregnancy does not taste good!"

Mrs. Diwu could stand to hear no more. Shivering, she bid her farewells and hurriedly left with her people.

After she left, Lu immediately asked what had happened.

Jiang Yuqing recounted what had occurred at the hospital that day.

Lu was so angry her hands shook as she cursed: "What is this mess! Calling herself a precious daughter, she is not even as good as a kiln girl! Despicable!"

Jiang Yuqing advised her mother: "I know you want to hold a grandchild, but this cannot be rushed. Most important is that my brother likes her."

She paused then continued: "Mother, you are still young. Why don't you and Father try harder, and give us a younger sibling!"

As soon as Lu heard this, her face instantly flushed red with embarrassment: "Wretched girl, even you dare tease your mother!"

She seemed somewhat regretful yet also relieved: "You think I don't want to? After having you, I was never able to conceive again.

But your Father and I, having you and your brother, two such outstanding children, we feel very content for this life! Truly!"

Jiang Yuqing was moved and immediately embraced her: "Mother, you and Father are so good. Being your daughter in this life, it is the blessing I cultivated over eight lifetimes!"

Lu stroked her daughter's nape affectionately: "Silly girl..."

What Mrs. Diwu did after returning home will not be mentioned.

But there are no walls that do not leak. News that the young miss of the Diwu family secretly met her lover and conceived before marriage still spread out eventually.

Having a daughter who so thoroughly ruined their reputation, the Vice Minister was enraged beyond measure. But since she was his only daughter, he could not bear to have her killed.

He merely sent her to a convent outside the city to atone beneath the cold Buddha for her lifetime.

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