The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 36: I Raise You

Chapter 36

The next day was the first day of the lunar new year. Villagers and fellow townspeople went around visiting each other to exchange new year greetings.

The first wave of visitors were children from the clan and village. The kids came in groups, offering new year blessings and auspicious words. In addition to the usual peanuts, melon seeds, and candy, Old Jiang and Old Lady Hu also gave each child a red envelope with five copper coins, for good fortune.

After that came the adults of the village. Li Deshun didn't like the prying eyes, so he went back to his room. Little Dumpling, afraid he would be lonely, took him to tour the vegetable garden in the backyard.

Only then did Li Deshun realize that the green vegetables they ate every day came from right here. Looking at the lush, thriving vegetables, he was very surprised.

No wonder this was a family that could grow high-yield sweet potatoes. Even in the dead of winter they could grow vegetables so well.

Because of the recent snow, the family had built simple thatched roofs over each vegetable patch, afraid the freezing hail would kill the vegetables.

Though it didn't really insulate, as long as the vegetables stayed out of the snow, they could survive, just growing a little slower.

Because there were so many extra mouths to feed these days, Jiang Yuqing was afraid there wouldn't be enough vegetables. She often had her grandparents cast spells over the vegetables to stimulate their vital energy and ensure adequate supply.

There were fewer New Year's visitors in the afternoon.

Little Dumpling went with her brothers to visit homes in the village.

The eight siblings were warmly welcomed at each home they visited, especially Jiang Yuqing.

She didn't know that among the villagers she had long ago become their cherished lucky star. So at every home, the elders crammed treats and candies they normally couldn't bear to part with into her little bag, making the other children quite envious.

Of these goodies, she kept very little for herself. The rest, when they passed Granny Yang's home, she asked her brother to leave them for Granny Yang's two children.

On the second day of the new year, daughters-in-law returned to their maternal homes. Previous years this day would find the Jiang household empty. But because Li Deshun was leaving for the capital tomorrow, this year the daughters-in-law all voluntarily postponed their visits.

Old Jiang took his sons and Li Deshun on a stroll around the village outskirts, pointing out which fields grew rice and which fields would plant sweet potatoes this year.

After dinner, everyone started packing for the early departure back to the capital tomorrow.

The Jiang family also prepared gifts for Li Deshun.

As commoners, they had neither gold, silver, antiques nor paintings to give. All they could offer were local specialties.

Steamed cakes, rice cakes, candied fruits, steamed minced pork buns. A basket of last year's fresh tangerines from the old courtyard, a basket of water caltrops, even a basket of freshly picked vegetables from the backyard garden, all loaded onto a cart. It was all very down-to-earth.

Qingzhou was over two thousand li from the capital. They might not always find inns or hostels along the way. Things like steamed cakes kept well. They could build a fire by the roadside to heat them up for a quick satisfying meal.

After half a month together, they had all developed some feelings for each other. And the Jiangs were exceptionally kind people. Thinking of leaving them tomorrow made everyone a little reluctant, especially Li Deshun.

The eunuch had uncharacteristically drank too much. He held Old Jiang's hand and wept, "Old brother, I really envy you. A virtuous wife, filial children, a family full of grandchildren, enjoying domestic bliss. It only looks like I live in splendor, but actually I've had a bitter fate. I was sold to the palace by my father when I was just seven years old. From then on I've had no family, nothing but money. When I die, there will be no one even to smash my burial urn."

The eunuch's drunken frankness contained true sadness.

Although Old Jiang sympathized, he had never been one to comfort people. He racked his brains but couldn't think of the right thing to say. In a moment of confusion, he blabbered, "Don't worry, I'll smash your urn. No no, I mean, I'll have my son smash your urn."

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The guy was two years younger than himself. It would be inappropriate, not to mention inauspicious, for him to offer to smash the urn himself. Bah!

Hearing this, Li Deshun's eyes lit up. He quickly considered his future care in old age. Perhaps after retiring from the palace he really could move to Xijin ferry to live near the Jiang family. If anything happened to him, given the Jiangs' kindheartedness, they certainly wouldn't ignore him.

The more he thought about it, the better the idea seemed.

Just then, little Dumpling came struggling to carry a large package. Seeing this, the eunuch tactfully took over the package from Dumpling while also lifting her over the threshold so she wouldn't have to climb it again.

Seeing Dumpling arrive, Li Deshun stopped crying, afraid to startle her. He quickly wiped his nose and tears and said, "Ah, my good little darling, what have you brought for me now, it's so heavy."

Dumpling said, "Medicine!"

Opening it, inside were medicines he had used before. Five bottles of a muscle and joint formula, fifty patches of an analgesic cream. She had prepared these afraid his old injuries might act up after he left.

Such a tiny child, yet so dear and thoughtful. Li Deshun teared up again.

Wiping his tears, he said to Jiang Yuqing, "Dear child, Grandpa Li can't bear to leave you. Where in the world could there be such a good child as you? Come to the capital with me, I'll buy you anything you want!"

Before Jiang Yuqing could reply, Old Jiang objected, "What, no she's not going. You old devil, I treated you like a brother yet you want to steal my granddaughter. No, the matter is settled, just hurry up and go tomorrow!"

Jiang Yuqing knew the two old men were joking. She smiled and said, "Won't go. Grandpa, stay." I won't go to the capital, why don't you stay instead.

The eunuch said, "If I stay, who will provide for me?"

Little Dumpling thumped her chest and declared stoutly, "Me, provide!"

Li Deshun instantly felt his life was complete.

The next day, the Jiang family rose early.

After breakfast, Li Deshun's convoy officially departed for the capital. The Jiangs accompanied them all the way out the north gate of Qingzhou.

Before parting, Little Dumpling handed Li Deshun a small box. "Gift, for you, Little Brother." Inside was a nesting doll set of Monkey Steals Peaches she had bought before New Year's, ten peeled candy sticks wrapped in white rice paper, and a small red wooden toy car powered by clockwork springs.

Li Deshun accepted the box and patted her little head, reluctant to leave. "I will certainly deliver these, and don't you forget Grandpa Li. Come autumn, when your father goes to the capital, have him bring you along. Then Grandpa and granddaughter can get together again."

"Okay, good child remembers."

"Such a good girl..."

After sending off Li Deshun, the Jiang family finally relaxed. Hosting such an eminent guest, they hadn't slept soundly the whole time. Fortunately in the end nothing had gone wrong.

After settling things for a day,

On the fifth day of the new year, the Jiang family's three carriages set off in different directions at the same time, carrying the married sons to accompany their wives on visits back to maternal homes.

Yesterday Jiang Wenyuan had sent word he would arrive today with the children. When he came with his wife, her elder brother and sister-in-law were already waiting at the gate with their two children.

After formal greetings they proceeded to the inner hall. Jiang Wenyuan and his wife respectfully bowed to her parents.

Seeing his distinguished son-in-law, Old Scholar Lu's face cracked into a grin.

At the time he could see the young man was no ordinary talent. He never expected the son-in-law would distinguish himself so quickly. Just becoming the top scholar was impressive enough, but not even half a year after becoming magistrate he was conferred a title of nobility. Though only a hereditary county earl rank, for commoners it was a meteoric rise.

Now when he went out, who didn't praise his discernment in choosing a son-in-law? Old Scholar Lu could boast about it for a lifetime.

While the men talked in the front hall, Lady Lu spoke privately with her mother and sisters-in-law.

Lady Lu's mother, Madam Guo, said, "Now that the son-in-law has been titled, by regulation, both maternal and marital relatives can request investiture. Has the son-in-law mentioned which side he wants to invest?"

Guo said: "As Third Brother said, we should first request a title for my mother-in-law. She has worked hard for most of her life, and it is time for her to enjoy the blessings of her children and grandchildren.

As for me, Third Brother said that nowadays the situation is very good. As long as our family does not make mistakes, granting me a title by marriage is only a matter of time, so I should not worry."

Guo nodded: "That makes sense. Although the palm and back of the hand are both made of flesh, everything still has an order.

She is his birth mother, and the son-in-law is also filial, so of course he would request a title for your mother-in-law first.

Today your mother is telling you this to prevent you from suddenly developing biased thoughts and getting the wrong idea about your son-in-law."

Lu did not agree: "Mother - do you think I'm that petty?"

Guo bluntly criticized: "You're talking as if you are very open-minded, but who knows..." Before she could finish speaking, Lu covered her mouth.

Lu was afraid that her mother would blurt out her past embarrassing stories, and she was quite annoyed: "Mother, please stop talking. Can you leave me some dignity in front of Sister-in-law?"


Chen looked at the young auntie in front of her. Over the past two years, she had become more and more graceful and charming.

Although she was already the mother of two children, she still retained the innocence she had when she was a maiden at home. It was clear that her husband's family had treated her extremely well over the years.

Guo had also noticed this. As a mother, she did not ask for her daughter to become rich and noble, she only hoped that her son-in-law would treat her wholeheartedly, be more considerate, and have no messy affairs - that would be enough.

The adults were talking inside the room.

Jiang Yuqing was taken by his brother and two cousins to tour their school.

Grandfather Lu's home was a large compound with two courtyards. His own family lived in the back yard, while the front yard was the school.

There were four classrooms, a rest room for the teacher, as well as a cafeteria, storage room, latrine, etc.

In the middle was a flat and spacious football field. During breaks, students could freely form teams to play football here and strengthen their physique. There was even a monthly football match. The winning team could get half a month's tuition waived.

The students who came here to study were all from nearby villages and were not very wealthy, so half a month's tuition was a considerable temptation. As a result, the competition among the students was also very intense.

Old Scholar Lu felt that in the path to the imperial examinations, having only book knowledge without a strong physique would also be in vain. So he placed great emphasis on nurturing his students' physical fitness.

Originally there were only three classrooms, but after Jiang Wenyuan passed the palace examination as Zhuangyuan (top scorer), the number of students coming here to study had increased even more, and later another classroom was added.

At this time, the school was on winter break, so the spacious and bright classrooms only contained neatly arranged desks. Jiang Yuqing even sat at his brother's seat for a while.

After touring the classrooms, the brothers took the little dumpling to a household in the village that raised rabbits, to buy her a pair of snow-white baby rabbits to take home and play with.

The few of them happily carried the rabbit cage back, and happened to run into a woman walking towards them while cracking melon seeds and staring at them.

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