The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 56: The Smoking Little Red Riding Hood

Chapter 56

Aoki Derivative Art is a martial art that combines offense and defense into one. It is divided into three stages: primary, lesser success, and great success.

Primary level: Regardless of the season, it can make grass and trees within a radius of 5 li sprout and bud. It can also ripen crops, fruits and vegetables within at least 1 li.

It can also control at least five iron-thorn brambles and vines as weapons of attack and defense, following the battle and growing as if they were its arms and fingers.

Lesser success level: Regardless of the season, it can make grass and trees within a radius of 20 li sprout leaves and buds. It can ripen crops, fruits and vegetables within 5 li. It can also control at least 100 iron-thorn brambles and vines to fight.

When you practice to the great success level, you can make grass and trees within a radius of 100 li grow, and ripen crops and fruits within 20 li. You can also control large areas of iron-thorn brambles and vines to fight.

Rejuvenation formula is a healing technique, also divided into three stages. The primary level can heal superficial wounds without leaving scars.

The lesser success level can heal internal injuries in the lungs and organs.

The great success level can eliminate all toxins in the world. It can instantly heal anyone with a breath left, even regenerating severed limbs.

If the former gave her more means to establish herself in the world, then the latter made her, who studied medicine for two lifetimes, overjoyed.

In her previous life, she watched so many heroic comrades become disabled for life, retiring in hatred. Some even closed their eyes forever because the treatment was not timely enough.

She was not without hatred.

Now with this technique, she does not seek anything else, only hopes that there will be less such regrets in this life.

There are two wide side halls on the left and right sides of the idol. The right side hall is the elixir room.

The shelves are full of high-quality jade bottles of various textures, it’s just that they are all empty.

She also found a thick stack of pill formulas covered in dust due to the passage of time in a drawer.

The left side is the pill refining room with earth veins and strange fires inside. With strange fires and pill furnaces, she only needs to slowly refine pills after her cultivation level goes up a bit later.

Coming out of the side hall, she went to the rear hall.

There are many strange things on the shelves in the rear hall that she doesn’t quite understand and has no use for at the moment.

She only picked out a few techniques related to cultivation, such as Talisman, Formation, and Basic Magic, and plans to study them when she has time.

The flow of time in the Spirit Realm is 12 times faster than the outside world.

That is, one day in the Spirit Realm is one hour outside.

Of course, this only applies to plants. Otherwise, if she stays here for a year or two because of something, it would be a big deal when she goes out.

Since there is still plenty of time now, Jiang Yuqing took a cushion and sat cross-legged in the square in front of the hall to start practicing.

Her current body is too small and weak, and mastering skills earlier will allow her to gain more self-protection skills earlier.

Nothing happened overnight.

Jiang Yuqing only practiced for one night, but she had already led Qi into her body and sweated out black sweat all over.

The sour and stinky smell made her want to vomit when she smelled it herself, so she quickly jumped into the Lingquan River to wash herself clean.

These are all the impurities in the body. Due to her young age and long-term drinking of the spiritual spring water, there are not many impurities in her body.

Bai Xiaoshi said that if it were someone else, at least they would be smeared with black oil.

She didn't sleep all night, but miraculously she didn't feel tired at all, on the contrary, she felt refreshed. It must be the benefit of cultivation.

After breakfast, she instructed everyone to work as usual.

Not long after work started, a servant came to report that there were people from outside the manor seeking medical treatment. It seemed to be someone from Mu En Marquis Mansion. Asking if they should let them in.

When Doctor Qiu heard this, his face turned black. "How come they are everywhere!"

Seeing her master's abnormal expression, Jiang Yuqing asked, "Master, what's the problem with this Marquis Mansion?"

Doctor Qiu indignantly said: "According to your senior brother, their prodigal son usually hangs out in brothels and teahouses, and contracted venereal diseases.

Because they were afraid of embarrassment, they endured without saying anything. By the time the family found out, it was too late.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Now the little cubs of the Imperial Medical Bureau can only sustain his life with medicine.

They saw me cure Ritual Master Tina and came up with some false hopes.

When I was in the capital, those mother-in-law tried to force their way to our mansion and knelt at our gate to coerce me. I had to sneak out the back door.

Now that I have fled here, they actually chased me here again, it’s simply disgusting."

Venereal disease, that is, syphilis, is still in the late stage.

Even in modern times with advanced medical care, this disease cannot necessarily be cured, let alone in this era.

No matter how good Doctor Qiu is, he is still a human, not a god. Kneeling at the door trying to morally bind others is really disgusting.

If they had known this today, why didn't they take better care of their younger generation earlier? Now that something has happened, they are forcing others. It's too late.

Especially since he classified this guy as the "three no cures" in the "can't stand to see" category.

He didn't want to bother with it even more.

However, although Doctor Qiu is not afraid of this rubbish Mu En Marquis Mansion, he is afraid of these shameless women.

Therefore, unfortunately encountering them, he can only hide.

She is different.

After all, she is the county mistress personally appointed by the Emperor. The imperial edict granting that title is still hot.

Judging only by rank, she is one level higher than Duke Muen's wife.

Especially with the Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion and even Jing Yan standing behind her.

Jiang Yuqing patted the old man's arm sympathetically and comforted: “Master doesn't need to worry, I'll go out to meet them."

After speaking, she brought twenty Imperial Guards, Bai Xiaoshi, Nanny Yan and Er Yu, and the group strode towards the manor gate mightily.

On the way, Jiang Yuqing asked Nanny Yan: “What kind of situation is this Mu En Marquis Mansion? Listening to this title, it doesn't seem to be one with any foundation."

Nanny Yan curled her lips and said, "This Mu En Marquis Mansion Wang family was originally a declining minor family in the capital. Later, the family’s eldest daughter entered the palace and gained favor for a few days, and was granted the title of Consort Wang Zhaoyi.

Consort Wang Zhaoyi was quite capable, she gave birth to a princess after being favored. The Emperor was happy, so he gave the Wang family some face and granted them the lowest rank of marquis.

It’s just that this princess was unlucky and died at the age of two.

Later, new people entered the palace, and Consort Wang Zhaoyi was no longer needed, now she only has an empty title left."

Oh, Jiang Yuqing understood.

It turned out that today's Mu En Marquis Mansion that came was just a paper tiger.

They can only bully people like her master who has no foundation in the court.

Other families in the capital probably held the attitude of watching the show or observing.

If the Mu En Marquis Mansion people successfully coerced, it would show that Doctor Qiu was not as tough as he claimed.

They could also come ask, if that really didn’t work just press with power and influence, let’s see if he gives in.

If coercion fails...then make do with the second best option!

After all, they can't smash their heads open and bleed just to ask for medicine.

When they arrived at the gate, there was indeed a large group of people standing outside. Apart from the two nobly dressed women in charge and several serving maids, the rest were all burly men.

They were really up to something, it was obvious what their intentions were.

Seeing her, Mu En Marchioness Lady Zhong forcefully mobilized the muscles on her face, trying to put on a benevolent smile.

Unfortunately, with her mean looks, the smile looked twisted and creepy no matter how you looked at it.

I have to admit, the wrinkles squeezed out are quite symmetrical.

"Are you the county mistress of Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion’s Linghui County?

We are from Mu En Marquis Mansion. We came to find your teacher to ask him to save a life!

My child at home is seriously ill and urgently needs your teacher to save him!"

This smile and attitude was like the Big Bad Wolf seducing Little Red Riding Hood. She really treated her as a three-year-old child.

It’s just a pity that while the Big Bad Wolf is really a Big Bad Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood is an evil Little Red Riding Hood with a blackened heart.

Dumpling started acting.

She tilted her head and smiled innocently, "Master is not at home."

Lady Zhong's smile froze slightly: "Then where did he go?"

Dumpling looked at her like she was an idiot: "Master is a doctor, apart from seeing patients, doctors also need to collect herbs!"

"I see!" Old Lady Zhong looked embarrassed: "Then can you let us in to wait for him!"

Dumpling shook her head and resolutely refused: "You can't.

Master said there are bad guys outside who want to catch me away if I let them in. If I get caught, I won't be able to see Master anymore."

Er Yu, Nanny Yan and the group of Imperial Guards endured their laughter until their faces turned red. Jiang Yuqing was really worried they might hurt themselves from holding it in.

The smile on Lady Zhong's face was about to crack, is this naughty child so irritating?

"Little county mistress, we are not bad people. I am from the capital's Mu En Marquis Mansion, the birth mother of Concubine Zhao Yi in the palace."

Dumpling pursed her lips: "Is Concubine Zhao Yi older than the Crown Prince?"

"No, not much!" What does this have to do with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince again? Old Lady Zhong only felt her forehead throbbing violently. Are the thoughts of children these days really so unconstrained, randomly saying one outrageous thing after another?

Dumpling let out a sound: "Oh! I still call His Royal Highness the Crown Prince older brother. I didn't say anything! Why are you showing off in front of me?"

It's just a background check, as if no one has done that before. My background is harder than yours!

Old Lady Zhong could no longer maintain her composure, her face completely tense and extremely unpleasant. She clearly had been angered.

She now also understood that she had been mocked by a little girl.

She pointed at Jiang Yuqing and said, "Is this how your family taught you to speak to your elders? You really have no manners!"

Having been accused in this way, Jiang Yuqing was also angry, her voice loud, Dumpling's even louder.

"My surname is Jiang, yours is Wang. How am I your elder? What's more, my father taught me that manners should be judged by the person.

One should be respectful and courteous when welcoming honoured guests to our home. But if it's uninvited guests with dubious intentions, of course there's no need to be polite!"

"You, you, what a sharp-tongued little girl!" Madam Zhong was so angry she couldn't get the words out, her face twitching, her hands shaking like leaves in the wind.

She is also quick-tempered. To be honest, Jiang Yuqing is a little afraid that she might have a stroke. That would be terrible if she were to falsely accuse her.

Duke Muen's wife, Madam Zhong, is Old Lady Zhong's niece.

Being both mother-in-law and aunt, their looks and personalities are quite similar.

Seeing her mother-in-law furious, and worried about her son's illness, she felt both anxious and angry.

She couldn't help but knit her brows: "Mother, why waste words with this little brat? Doctor Qiu must be inside! Let's charge in!" As she said this, she waved her hand, about to lead people to rush inside.

Dumpling hurriedly took a step forward, straddled her legs, spread her hands, and shouted in her little milk voice, "Let's see who dares!"

Although small in size, she emitted an imposing manner of 1.8 meters.

Moreover, when it comes to fighting, regardless of right or wrong, as long as you appear imposing first, you've already won halfway.

What's more, they were clearly in the right this time, with a 100 percent chance of winning.

Madam Zhong had lost her head from Dumpling's imposing manner, but her underlings had not.

The little miss across from them was the newly instated second-rank County mistress by His Majesty the Emperor. If they were to hurt her, even killing nine generations of her family would not be enough to punish them.

For a time, no one dared to make a move!

When Madam Zhong saw that the people she had brought were actually frightened by a little girl, she felt both angry and resentful. Blood rushed to her head, and amidst cries of shock from the crowd, she charged forward and slapped Dumpling squarely on her little face.

Jiang Yuqing was after all a cultivator, even though she had just started guiding qi into her body. Her body's agility was not something an ordinary child could compare with.

She instinctively flashed to the side, lightly pulling with her little feet.

Madam Zhong immediately swung at empty space. And because she had used too much force, unable to stop her momentum, she stumbled and heavily fell face down onto the ground.

Her face, plastered with white powder, just happened to land dead center into a pile of still steaming cow dung...

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