The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 88: Five Steps Up

Chapter 88

The next day, the Jiang family got up early in the morning. Because today they were going to the palace to give thanks, except for the plain-clothed old Jiang Lao, the rest of the people dressed up according to their ranks.

Jiang Yuchen was afraid that her mother and grandmother did not know how to dress up, so she specifically sent Er Yu and Yan Nainai there to help.

After breakfast, when everything was ready, the family members took two carriages and drove towards the imperial palace.

When they arrived at the palace gate, everyone got off the carriage and found that the eunuchs had been waiting here early.

Mr. Lin led Jiang father and son to the imperial study, while another eunuch led Jiang’s female family members to the Pepper Room Hall.

At this time, it was just after the morning court session.

All along the way, many officials looked up and down at Jiang Wenyuan father and son. Seeing that their clothes and ranks were obviously not low, but their faces were very unfamiliar. They were all guessing where these nobles came from.

Some smart ones had already guessed that they must be the newly arrived Marquis of Qingzhou and the heir who had just entered the capital yesterday. Sure enough, their guesses were confirmed soon.

Jiang Wenyuan and his son bumped into Qin Jue, the heir of Pingyang Marquis head-on. This was an old acquaintance. When they met, they inevitably had to bow and greet each other.

Qin Jue said, "You finally came to the capital. Tomorrow night, Yuan Yun and I have agreed to set up a table for you at Shengping Building to welcome you."

"I will definitely come tomorrow!" While letting Jiang Yuchuan pay his respects to him.

Because this was not the place to catch up, the two only chatted briefly before parting ways. Qin Jue left the palace, while the Jiang family father and son continued on their way.

At this time, the Emperor and the Crown Prince had returned from the morning court to the Imperial Study. After taking the tea handed over by Li Deshun and taking a sip, the Emperor asked, "Has Wen Yuan Jiang arrived yet?"

Li Deshun said, "He has already entered the palace. It is estimated that he will be here soon."

Before a cup of tea was finished, they heard the announcement outside, "Marquis Jiang Wenyuan of Qingzhou Prefecture is paying respects to His Majesty with the heir!"

The emperor's spirit was immediately aroused: "Please come in quickly!"

The father and son came in to kowtow and salute: “Your humble servants, Jiang Wenyuan (Jiang Yuchuan), pay respect to Your Majesty!” Long live the Emperor, long live, long live! Greetings to the Crown Prince, may you live a thousand years, a thousand years! "

The Emperor and the Crown Prince personally helped the two of them up: "Dear Sir, please get up!" While giving them a seat to sit down and talk. This treatment was not something ordinary people could get.

The Emperor looked at Jiang Wenyuan in front of him. His handsome and slightly dark complexion showed a kind of simplicity and tenacity that ordinary civil servants did not have.

It was such a plain person who had increased the grain output of a county by more than that of someone else's prefecture in three years, and tripled the total tax revenue of the county. Three new commercial streets were added in the county town.

At least every household in the whole county had surplus grain, if not brick-tiled houses. Not only that, the high-yielding grain varieties also benefited the common people all over the world.

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The Emperor thought of the news that came from the south a few days ago: "The abyss has left Qing, the common people took the initiative to see off for ten miles, giving umbrellas to the people, and the cars were full of fruits."

Throughout the past dynasties, there were few who did so well as an official. Such a person was the real pillar of Da Xia.

The Emperor was quite emotional: "You've worked hard these years. You have governed Qingzhou very well, and you’ve grown so much good grain. I, on behalf of the commoners of the world, thank you!"

Jiang Wenyuan was terrified: "Your humble servant does not know how to speak well. I only know how to deliberate based on my position. Your humble servant has only done what a county magistrate, a parent official, should do."

"What a great statement 'deliberate based on my position'. The Emperor said emotionally: "If all the officials of Da Xia have your childlike heart, then the world will truly be at peace."

The emperor chatted with him for a while, then asked Jiang Yuchuan beside him who was sitting upright: "I remember your name is Jiang Yuchuan. How old are you?"

"Replying to Your Majesty! I am nine years old."

"Have you studied?"

"I just passed the Schoolchildren Examination!"

"Oh!" The emperor was instantly interested: "Don't tell me you still plan to take the imperial examination?"

Jiang Yuchuan said, "Yes, your humble servant wants to become the top scholar!"

"Oh, this is to surpass your father, right! Good, very ambitious!"

Jiang Yuchuan scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "Not entirely!"


Jiang Yuchuan said, "Because your humble servant’s younger sister is very smart. Everyone in the family said that if she were a boy, she might be able to become the top scholar in the future.

It's a pity that she is a girl and cannot become the top scholar. So your humble servant will work harder to make her the top scholar's sister in the future!"

As soon as he finished speaking, even Jing Yan, who was usually indifferent, twitched his mouth. This Jiang Yuchuan was still simple and honest as before.

The Emperor laughed out loud: "Good! I like your idea, and I will support you."

In the previous dynasty, noble children with titles were not allowed to take the imperial examinations, saying that it was competing for benefits with common people. As a result, it has bred a group of good-for-nothings who only know how to eat, drink, play and enjoy.

Da Xia was more open than the previous dynasty, allowing noble children to participate in the imperial examinations, and even encouraged it. As long as you have the ability, feel free to come.

If you get some achievements, you will definitely be the envy of other noble families, the flag and benchmark for educating their children.

The emperor said with a smile: "Dear Sir, I have discovered that you not only govern well, but also educate your children well. Everyone has great potential."

"As for your precious daughter Linghui, she is so cunning and charming that I adore her so much. The Empress even hates that she can't take her into the palace and raise her on her knees."

"It is my daughter's blessing!" Jiang Wen RMB appeared humble on the surface, but his heart was beating rapidly, thinking that in the future it would be better to let his precious daughter have less contact with the royal family.

In case they really find her cute and hold her in the palace, he won’t even have a place to cry.

The royal family will not reason with you, just one imperial decree or edict is enough. At that time, you have to present her even if you don’t want to. He has only one precious daughter, and he hates that he can't carry her with him every day.

Well, the matter was settled here.

Because the emperor had to discuss official business with Jiang Wen Yuan, this occasion was obviously not suitable for Jiang Yu Chuan to listen in. So the eunuch brought Jiang Yu Chuan to Empress Dowager's Pepper Room Hall.

As for the Crown Prince Jing Yan, as the heir apparent, he naturally had to stay by the emperor’s side to listen to state affairs.

After Jiang Yuchuan left, the emperor said, “Has the dear sir paid attention to Su Prefecture?”

Jiang Wenyuan shook his head and said, ". Your humble servant has never been there and only has some superficial understanding of Su Prefecture. I only know that Su Prefecture is an important place in the northwest border of our Da Xia. The climate is extremely cold and sparsely populated."

The Emperor nodded and then asked, "Do you know how much grain Su Prefecture produced last year after the disaster?"

Jiang Wen Yuan awkwardly said: "Your humble servant is ashamed for not paying attention."

The Emperor frowned: “Less than one third of Qingzhou County.”

Jiang Wen Yuan: “...” The population of Su Prefecture was almost four times that of Qingzhou County, and the area was more than twenty times that of Qingzhou County. It was the largest prefecture in Da Xia's territory. However, the grain output was so low. But why did the emperor suddenly mention Su Prefecture?

He suddenly shuddered. Did His Majesty want to send him there to drink the northwest wind? He cautiously said, "Does Your Majesty mean ..."

Sure enough, the emperor said: "Su Prefecture is bitterly cold. There are also Xiongnu and Tartars who commit border troubles from time to time, killing and looting. The people there are really suffering too much. I have always hoped to find a capable prefect to go to Su Prefecture. Your ability is obvious to all. Are you willing to go?"

Jiang Wen yuan: "...Your humble servant is willing to share worries for Your Majesty." When you have said so, how can I, as your servant, have a second choice?

In short, there is no escape on this matter.

The emperor gave him a month to hurry to the Ministry of Personnel to hand over the handover matters. After a month, he would set off for Su Prefecture to take over as the prefect of Su Prefecture.

The monarch and his ministers talked very happily, chatting for a whole morning. The emperor even kept him for lunch and rewarded him with a bunch of good stuff before letting him out of the palace.

On the side of the Pepper Room Hall, the atmosphere was also quite harmonious because Jiang Yuqing interrupted from time to time.

Empress Dowager Qin was very fond of Jiang's women.

It was probably because they grew up in the countryside. Their temperaments were pure and simple, without the twists and turns of the capital noblewomen. It was very comfortable to talk to them.

Empress Dowager Qin also kept them for lunch.

Jiang Yuqing often wandered around in the Pepper Room Hall. At mealtimes, she also ate in big bites. After finishing one bowl, she asked for another bowl to be refilled, completely unaware of such a thing called etiquette. Empress Dowager Qin let her be, and even personally picked dishes for her.

Mrs. Lu now finally realized that in this palace, her precious daughter was no different from being at home. Empress Dowager Qin really doted on her.

After the meal and a short rest, the Jiang family bid farewell to the palace. Before leaving, the Empress Dowager rewarded them with a lot of good stuff.

After returning home, Old Mrs. Hu arrogantly bragged to Old Jiang: “Oh my! Word will get out that I’ve been to the imperial palace and seen the Empress Dowager herself! She even treated me to a meal. None of the old ladies in the village will have had the good fortune like me.”

Jiang sucked his teeth sourly and said: “Indeed. That’ll give you enough to brag about for the rest of your life!”

Mrs. Hu rolled her eyes at him and mocked in a sarcastic tone: “Tsk, I see that some people are just sour grapes. The men in my family are distinguished, while you are a nobody. You’re just jealous over nothing.”

The old man was so angry that his moustache bristled as he glared with wide eyes, yet he was helpless against his wife’s antics.

Indeed, his jealousy was in vain!

Later, Jiang Wenyuan came back. He brought news, uncertain whether good or bad:

"What? You're saying His Majesty wants to appoint you as prefect of Su Prefecture?" His family was extremely surprised.

"Mm. Time is tight; I'll have to set off in a month." He had originally believed that with his outstanding performance appraisals, he might get promoted one or two ranks and remain in the capital or be transferred to an upper county as county magistrate. He never expected the Emperor to appoint him as prefect of Su Prefecture.

The prefect was a fourth-rank official. He had originally been just a sixth-rank petty county magistrate. To jump from sixth-rank to fourth-rank positive in one go, ascending five levels at once, was as drastic as the homemade firecrackers set off by the guy in the neighboring village at New Year.

The bad thing was, Su Prefecture was no nice place. Despite being Da Xia’s largest prefecture, it was the poorest. The climate was bitterly cold, the land barren. Rumor had it that bandits even ran rampant in parts of its territory.

One could say Su Prefecture had been a hot potato dynasty after dynasty. Anyone with a bit of sway at court was unwilling to go. His Majesty the Emperor had probably run out of options before dispatching him there, hoping he could develop the place.

The elderly couple immediately stated their unwillingness to follow their third son to Su Prefecture. They decided that when their son left the capital, they too would leave for their hometown in Qing Prefecture.

Firstly, their hometown still had two other sons. Secondly, they felt that at their age, returning to the countryside to farm would be more carefree.

Old Man Jiang even explicitly said: "I'm not going. I'm old. If I die in Su Prefecture, you'll have to ship my entire coffin back. It's so far away, I'll probably rot on the road."

Mrs. Hu glared at him. "Or should we pack some coarse salt to pickle you up? Tsk, still spouting nonsense without a filter at your age."

Old Man Jiang then shrank his shoulders and didn't dare speak further.

Jiang Yuchuan, the eldest brother, would also follow his grandparents back to Qing Prefecture. As a county student, he had to return to his original locality to take the county exam this August. If he passed, he would become a private school graduate.

That night, when Imperial Physician Qiu returned from the hospital, Jiang Yuqing told him about it. She said she wanted to follow her father to Su Prefecture.

Qiu thought for a moment then said: "Okay! You go first. Teacher will settle things here within at most half a year, then come find you. I’m done with this capital too."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqing immediately beamed with smile lines by her eyes: “Great!”

The next day at the morning court session, Emperor Xia announced that Jiang Wenyuan would soon take over as prefect of Su Prefecture. The ministers were instantly in an uproar. There was admiration, but no envy.

That Su Prefecture was no nice place!

What’s there to be envious about?

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