The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 9: China National Examination No.01

Chapter 9

At the end of July, Jiang Wenyuan packed his luggage and prepared to go to the capital city to participate in the autumn imperial examination.

The autumn imperial examination started on the ninth day of August and lasted for three consecutive days on the ninth, twelfth, and fifteenth of August.

It takes four days to travel from Qingzhou County to Lingzhou Prefecture.

Jiang Wenyuan and several fellow examinees, led by the headmaster of the county school and an academic official, set off on the second day of August to the capital city for the examination.

Lingzhou Prefecture is located in the southern part of Daxia and has a warm and humid climate.

Although it was already autumn in August, the autumn heat was still scorching.

Jiang Yuqing felt that it was inhumane to have an exam for three days in such hot weather, where eating, drinking, and even going to the bathroom were confined to small rooms the size of a palm.

Exams are like going to war, and if the logistics cannot keep up, it won't work. She had to think of a way to prepare something for her dear father.

Jiang Yuqing's consciousness delved into the spiritual realm, selecting and organizing, and finally came up with a package of things she believed would be useful.

A packet of pure traditional Chinese medicine mosquito repellent, with a one-month validity. With this, she wouldn't fear mosquito bites.

Two boxes of cooling oil, not only for relieving itching but also for applying to the temples to stimulate the brain. They were absolutely essential.

Since no fires were allowed in the examination room, and only hot water was provided, she also prepared a box of instant noodles with various flavors, accompanied by pickled vegetables, ham sausages, and braised eggs. It was quick, simple, and delicious.

Let's not worry about the nutritional value for now, at least they could have something warm to eat.

Entering the examination room required strict body searches, and the things that could be brought were limited. These items were sufficient; bringing more would raise suspicions.

Jiang Yuqing did not remove the outer packaging of the food.

She was just over five months old and far from speaking.

The packaging had instructions printed on them, although in simplified Chinese characters, Jiang Wenyuan and Lu, with their intelligence, could easily guess their purpose.

Sure enough, Jiang Wenyuan and his wife saw this pile of things and, based on the fonts and pictures on the packaging, successfully guessed the uses of these items.

While marveling at the magic of these divine objects, they hugged their precious daughter tightly.

Then, Jiang "Milk Bun" Yuqing was subjected to a shower of affectionate saliva from her parents and even her grandparents.

Oh my, what a sweet burden it was!

After the couple's surprise, they removed the packaging of the food, wrapped them in dried lotus leaves, and then covered them with a layer of oil paper.

Even the cooling oil was taken out and carefully packed in a miniature bamboo box. A tree that stands out in a forest is bound to be toppled by the wind.

When it came to protecting their daughter, the couple left no room for error. Or rather, the elders of the Jiang family instinctively concealed the extraordinary aspects of the child.

On the second day of August, Jiang Wenyuan set off for the capital city amidst the eager anticipation of his family and several classmates.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, while Jiang Wenyuan was in the examination room, faced with a table full of delicious dishes, the adults of the Jiang family were somewhat absent-minded.

Old Jiang took a sip of strong liquor and suddenly sighed, "I wonder how the third son is doing?"

Jiang Wenkang put down his chopsticks and said, "If we calculate the time, he just took the third round of exams today. We'll have to wait until the results are announced, at least until early next month."

"Mmm!" Old Jiang didn't say anything and lowered his head to eat his food. Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit gloomy, Jiang Yuqing wanted to liven things up, so she stretched out her little arm towards Old Jiang, asking him to pick her up. "Ah, ah, ah!" Grandpa, pick me up.

Old Jiang happily embraced his granddaughter and said, "Oh, oh, my precious grandchild, come to grandpa's embrace!"

The chubby arms of the little girl held onto Old Jiang's neck, and her small hands gently patted his shoulder to comfort him. "Ah, ah, ah!" Grandpa, don't worry, everything will be fine.

Dad is so capable, he will definitely pass the exam.

Old Jiang was immediately comforted. His darling granddaughter was so considerate, even at such a young age she knew how to comfort him. Unlike those stinky boys who only knew how to bury their heads in cooking.

Hmph! They have no ambition.

In the anxious atmosphere of the Jiang family, time came to early September.

The sweet pomelo in the yard had turned yellow, the branches were weighed down heavily with the fruit.

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Although these fruits were not as big as the one that was harvested on the day Jiang Yuqing was born, they were much better than previous years.

Afraid that the fruit would break the branches, Old Lady Hu had her sons prop them up with wooden supports.

These past few days, the children in the family would occasionally look up and steal glances at them.

Old Lady Hu thought it was time to pick them, so as to prevent the children from succumbing to temptation.

Poking the pomelos was a minor matter, but damaging the pomelo tree was a major concern.

This old pomelo tree had been nurtured for over thirty years. Every year, it would bear over a hundred large pomelos that tasted great and could fetch a good price. Even if just one branch was harmed, she would feel heartbroken.

During dinner, Old Lady Hu announced this news.

Upon hearing that they could pick the pomelos after school tomorrow, the children in the Jiang family became excited.

The next day, on the third day of the lunar month, the autumn weather was refreshing. Early in the morning, magpies were singing on the pomelo tree.

After breakfast, the boys in the Jiang family went to school as usual.

Old Jiang took his two sons to the fields to weed.

After the rice harvest, the vacant fields had been planted with peas, fava beans, radishes, cabbage, and some vegetables that could survive the winter. Now, the vegetables had grown, and the grass had also grown tall.

Old Lady Hu carried a basin of chicken feed to the backyard to feed the chickens, while the three daughters-in-law of the Jiang family sat under the pomelo tree with small stools, doing needlework.

In another month, the weather would turn cold, and they needed to quickly make winter clothes and shoes.

In previous years, the family was tight on money, and they wouldn't replace their cotton clothes and quilts for many years. They had long lost their warmth.

Thanks to the blessing of their little sweetheart at home this year, Old Lady Hu had money in her hands and decided to make new cotton clothes for everyone.

Jiang Yuqing lay in her own baby cradle, listening to her beautiful mother and aunts chatting about family matters, while idly staring at the carvings on the cradle.

The cradle was specially made by her second uncle. The railing was carved with exquisite flowers and birds, and it was spacious and large.

The bottom of the cradle was also equipped with wheels, so it was more like a miniature baby bed than a cradle.

A few days ago, two small white dots finally emerged from her gums.

Because of teething, she always felt an itch in her gums and wanted to bite anything she saw, and now she wanted to bite her fingers again.

Although she felt a bit embarrassed, after struggling a few times, she couldn't resist her baby instincts.

Jiang Yuqing immediately felt satisfied as she stuffed her little hand into her mouth, experiencing an inexplicable sense of contentment.

Oh well, let it be destroyed! Embrace complete decadence! She didn't care about losing face because no one would mock her anyway.

"The fruits on this tree look really good!" Suddenly, a voice exclaimed. Jiang Yuqing listened carefully and realized it was a magpie speaking.

"Yes, they are indeed good, but unfortunately, the skin is too thick for us to peck open," replied another magpie, sounding somewhat regretful.

Jiang Yuqing was overjoyed in an instant. It seemed that her ability to communicate with birds and animals from her past life was still intact.

"Ah, hello little birds! How are you?" she greeted them cheerfully.

Startled, the two birds were taken aback upon hearing someone talk to them.

After taking another careful look, they flew over to Jiang Yuqing lying in the baby crib. They discovered that the scent emanating from this human baby was incredibly pleasant, akin to the breath of Mother Earth herself.

But she was unmistakably a human.

One black-feathered magpie hesitated for a moment, unable to resist the temptation, and flew down from the pomelo tree, landing on the railing of the baby crib.

With its black, bean-like eyes, it gazed in astonishment at Jiang Yuqing in the crib.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp." Are you calling me? You can actually understand us talking.

"Ah, yes indeed! Surprised, aren't you? Unexpected, isn't it?" she replied.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp." You are so beautiful, and your scent is delightful, like the life essence of Mother Earth.

"Ah, yes! I am the most beautiful child in Xijin Ferry," Jiang Yuqing said proudly. "Ah ya ya ya. Can we be friends? I like you."

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp." Will you hurt me?

"Ah ya ya ya. Of course not. We are friends, aren't we?"

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp." Alright then, I'm willing to be your friend. Moreover, I really like you.

"Ah ya ya ya. My name is Jiang Yuqing, and my family likes to call me 'Sweetie.' You can call me Qingqing."

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp." I don't have a name. The magpie sounded a bit sad.

"Ah ya ya ya. How about I give you a name?"

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp." Alright, thank you.

"Ah ya ya ya. Your species is a magpie, so how about I call you Xi Xi?"

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp." Xi Xi? I like that name! From now on, I'll be called Xi Xi. You're really kind.

Not like some human children who always chase and hit us. Many of my friends have been injured by them.

"Ah ya ya ya!" That's truly a heartbreaking thing.

But I promise you, the people in my family will never hurt you.

When you and your friends are out in the wild, be careful if you encounter mischievous kids with slingshots. Quickly move away from them.

That way, they won't be able to harm you. Or better yet, you can bring your other friends to my house to play.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp!" Alright, I'll remember that.

There's some commotion outside. It seems like many people are coming to your house, making noise and banging gongs. I'm a bit scared, so I have to go now.

"Ah ya ya ya!" Okay, take care of yourself and don't let the bad people capture you.

If you can't find food and your stomach is hungry, come to my house, and I will give you food.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp!" Alright. Thank you, Qingqing. I'm leaving now. I will come to visit you often.

Xi Xi chirped a few times and flew away flapping its wings.

The women of the Jiang family lovingly watched the child in the cradle, dancing and talking to a bird.

Both sides, one human and one bird, chatted happily.

No matter how you look at it, this scene feels inexplicably funny, yet surprisingly cute and heartwarming.

They remained silent and didn't disturb each other until the magpie flew away.

For a moment, Lu even suspected that her daughter could understand the language of birds. But that was too far-fetched. However, considering the extraordinary qualities her daughter possessed, being able to understand bird language didn't seem like a big deal.

At that moment, a faint sound of gongs came from outside. Lin said, "It sounds like gongs!"

Zhu said, "Maybe someone is having a celebration!"

Just as they were speaking, a flurry of footsteps could be heard from outside.

Two young men from the same clan, drenched in sweat, rushed into the Jiang family's courtyard and shouted, "Aunties, great news! Our Uncle Wenyan has passed the imperial examination, he succeeded!"

The messenger of good news is about to reach the village entrance. The village head sent me to hurry back and deliver the message."

"Is this true?" Although mentally prepared, when this moment arrived, Lu's mind went blank, thinking she was dreaming. Her two sisters-in-law were dumbfounded.

"It's true. He will be at the doorstep soon. The village head asked you to prepare the wedding gift money!"

"Alright, I understand!" Lu took a deep breath and reluctantly composed herself.

The young man who brought the news said, "Huazi, your grandfather and your two uncles are weeding at the arched bridge. Please go and tell them to come back quickly. Find someone with fast feet to go to Xiushui Bay School and inform my father and the other kids from our family."

Huazi excitedly said, "I'll go call my grandpa, and then I'll go to Xiushui Bay."

"Good child, when you come back, he will treat you to a drink."

Huazi happily said, "That's great! Aunt, I'm going!" After speaking, he turned and ran out, disappearing in no time.

Lu turned to another short and sturdy young man and said, "Yucai, please go and invite the clan leader and a few elders to come over. Find someone quick to help set off fireworks for our family!"

"Alright, Auntie, I'll go now. I'll be the one to set off the fireworks. I enjoy doing that!"

"Alright, it's you then!"

After the two young men left, Old Lady Hu also came out from the backyard upon hearing the commotion.

Upon hearing that her son passed the examination and the official messenger of good news was about to arrive at their doorstep, she became so overjoyed that she didn't know what to do with herself.

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