The King Of All Pussy

Chapter 1 I Found An Elf Sleeping In The Forest. - [Updated]

I slowly open my eyes and I'm immediately captured by an unknown world. I'm lying amidst a lush forest, where nature exudes its vitality in every detail. I feel a mix of confusion and surprise, my body is numb, and a throbbing pain consumes my head as I try to get up. I groan in anguish as I struggle against the agony, but my determination surpasses the discomfort, and slowly, I manage to rise.

The gentle breeze caresses my face, bringing with it the sweet scent of the flowers that surround me. A delicate floral aroma, an invitation to contemplation and enchantment. I look around and see a carpet of lush green grass stretching as far as the eye can see. Each blade of grass seems to dance softly under the influence of the wind, creating a natural spectacle that hypnotizes me.

Majestic trees rise around me, forming a welcoming shelter under the green canopy. Their leaves whisper soothing melodies, as if welcoming me into their silent sanctuary. Branches intertwine above me, creating a tapestry of shadows and light that dance in harmony with the sun rays piercing through the dense foliage.

The sky, a vast crystal blue dome, stretches infinitely above me, offering a sense of freedom and serenity. White clouds lazily float, drawing abstract shapes against the celestial backdrop. They seem to dance in tune with my scattered thoughts, as if sharing a cosmic secret.

As my vision adjusts to the surroundings, I notice small insects flying around me, tiny creatures with iridescent wings that streak through the air in a charming ballet. Their gentle buzzing echoes in my ears, like a chorus of life filling the fresh forest air. I watch fascinated the harmonious movement of the winged beings, as if they were secret guardians of this magical place.

Still confused, my lips tremble as I form the question lingering in my mind. "What? How did I get here?" My words blend into the silent environment, but nature remains indifferent to my anguish. The answer seems suspended in the air, like a secret shared only by time and destiny.

Now, my confused mind is assaulted by questions clamoring for answers. As I remain immersed in this enigmatic forest, my lost gaze fixates on the horizon, while my consciousness retraces the last vivid memories before waking up here.

I clearly recall being in my room, absorbed in reading an intriguing story. The title of that online tale was "How it would really be if someone from this platform could go to another world with cheats." Curiosity ignited my imagination, and a quick click led me to a blank page, as if the words and adventures had never been written. A disorienting void filled my being, and a sense of dizziness overcame me.

Now, facing this mysterious scenery, I find myself confronted with pressing questions, cast in an internal monologue: "What happened after clicking on that story? How did I end up in this unknown place, completely oblivious to my understanding? Is there any connection between the blank page and this enchanted forest? Did my reading trigger this strange journey?"

The questions multiply in my mind, echoing amidst the silence permeating the nature around me. The lack of answers only intensifies my determination to unravel this enigma, seeking connections and hidden clues in the lines of what I have experienced.

While I try to understand the relationship between that unwritten story and my presence in this mysterious world, an unsettling sensation of blurring boundaries between reality and fiction takes hold of me. Could it be that, somehow, I have been drawn into the blank pages, now transformed into this surreal landscape?

Just as this realization takes hold of my mind, a peculiar vision unfolds before my eyes. A projection, resembling a computer screen, materializes in front of me. My breath becomes short and fast as the displayed information confirms all my previous thoughts.

Within this holographic image, words and phrases appear, emitting a vibrant energy that resonates within my being.

"Exterior consciousness located!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Hello, user 7nine! You have been selected to become a real protagonist, and your story will be broadcasted on a platform as you advance and achieve feats in this new world!"

As my eyes absorb these words, an uncontrollable smile spreads across my face, and a wave of adrenaline rushes through every fiber of my being. An excitement never before experienced makes my heart beat frantically, almost leading me to let out a shout of joy. However, containing my emotion, I take a deep breath to calm myself.

Drawing on the experience gained over the years while devouring stories of people acquiring a system and being transported to other worlds, I seize the moment to take action. My voice echoes firmly and determinedly, "Status!"

Almost instantly, the image on the screen trembles and transforms, revealing a new set of information.


[Title] = ()

[Name] = [Atreus Raven Darkin]

[Age] = [15]

[Gender] = [Male]


[Strength] = 1

[Vitality] = 1

[Agility] = 1

[Intelligence] = 1



[Description] = You are in another world, however you are not a slime, nor the good guy, you are a real human who will show what would really happen if someone wins a cheating system in another world. From now on, everything for you will be like a game.

As I read these words, a sinister laughter escapes from my lips, as if I were a villain.


"Now everything makes sense!"

I raise my arms, clenching my fists with determination, and head towards a nearby tree. With a mix of excitement and curiosity, I begin a series of punches against the sturdy trunk. Instead of feeling my hand getting hurt with each impact, the tree seems to succumb to my strength, transforming into small blocks of wood.I think you should take a look at

A funny sound, a delightful "blop," resonates in the air as I break the central part of the trunk. Instantly, a new message appears before me:


[You have received 1 Oak Wood Block!] (x1)

Ignoring the notification, I focus my attention ahead. I verify with my own eyes and confirm that the information I received is true. The tree did not fall, but it is floating in the air, disconnected from its base.

A smile blossoms on my lips, radiating satisfaction. I continue to relentlessly strike the tree, dismantling it into wooden blocks until only floating fragments remain in space. I raise my hand and observe a small wooden block hovering over my palm, just as it would happen in a game.

I take a deep breath, feeling the thrill pulsating through my veins, and decide to explore more of this new dynamic. Drawing from my previous experiences, I verbally command, "Inventory!" Almost instantly, another screen appears before my eyes, revealing the contents of my inventory.


[Oak Wood Block] (x5)

[Description]: A wood block is a solid, rectangular piece of wood. It usually has four flat sides and right angles, forming a cubic or rectangular shape. (Unprocessed item!)

After carefully analyzing the inventory, I decide to use the raw wooden blocks to create wooden planks. Being familiar with game mechanics, I know that I need to speak the right word to unlock this functionality.

"Crafting table!" I confidently proclaim, and immediately another screen materializes in front of me. It's a crafting table, with various options available for my creations.

With skill and dexterity, I select the 4 raw wooden blocks from my inventory and place them on the virtual crafting table. With precise movements, I process the wood, turning it into 20 oak wooden planks. Each time I complete the process, I hear a cheerful and familiar "blop," a sound that signifies the success of my creation.

After completing this step, my eyes fixate on a new idea. With the wooden planks in hand, I realize that I can shape them into useful tools for my journey. Using the crafting table, I begin working with the available materials.

First, skillfully combining some wooden planks and sticks, I create a wooden shovel. The materials fit perfectly, forming a simple yet effective tool. Next, utilizing the remaining wooden planks and sticks, I construct a wooden pickaxe. Each creation is accompanied by the familiar "Wishh," confirming my success and increasing my satisfaction.

With the tools ready, I remove them from the inventory and hold them in my hand, feeling the texture of the wood beneath my fingers. I am excited to use them and further explore the environment around me.

Determined to continue my adventure, I start using the newly crafted wooden shovel to dig the ground beneath my feet. Each movement is accompanied by the sound of the soil breaking apart and the sensation of earth piling up around me. The blocks of dirt accumulate as I progress, while the constant "Wishh" fills the air, a charming soundtrack that marks each action.

I keep digging, going deeper and deeper until I finally reach the stone layer. With the wooden pickaxe in hand, I begin extracting stone blocks, each strike producing a distinctive sound that echoes through my new reality.

Every movement, every creation, and every sound reinforces my perception that I am immersed in a world beyond my previous experiences. With growing enthusiasm, I forge ahead, aware that there is much to discover and conquer on this fascinating journey.

With renewed determination, I utilize the stones I've just collected to create new stone tools. I command the crafting table, and it materializes before me, ready to meet my needs.

With agile and experienced movements, I select some stones and start shaping them skillfully. Quickly, I transform them into a sharp stone sword and also create a sturdy stone axe and pickaxe. Each time I finish a creation, I hear the satisfying sound confirming another success.

I take the newly crafted stone sword in one hand and carefully observe it. Despite its solid appearance, I notice that it is surprisingly light, as if it were made of paper. This realization triggers a series of ideas in my mind. Quickly, I make a decision and store the sword in my inventory, determined to explore these ideas later.

With the stone pickaxe in hand, I refocus on my initial goal: obtaining more stones. Firmly gripping the tool, I start mining the ground beneath me, digging a large hole in the floor. Each strike of the pickaxe resonates, echoing through the depths of the underground.

As I continue to dig, the environment around me transforms. The soil is replaced by layers of compacted earth and stone, forming an impressive underground landscape. The scarce light, filtered through the cracks above, creates a mysterious and shadowy ambiance.

The air carries an earthy and damp aroma, permeated with the gentle fragrance of minerals. As I delve deeper, the sound of my tools hitting the stone blends with the sound of rocks breaking and shifting, as if the very underground is coming to life under my influence.

After spending some time exploring the depths of the underground, I realize it's time to return to the surface. With the sword in one hand and the axe in the other, I begin to climb back up through the hole I dug. I carefully place blocks of dirt, one above the other, creating an improvised staircase to ease my ascent.

Each step toward the surface is accompanied by the sensation of fresh air caressing my face and the sounds of the forest gradually becoming more audible. As I ascend, my senses sharpen, attentive to any signs of danger or opportunity.

Finally, I emerge from the ground, finding myself once again in the lush, unfamiliar forest. I observe the canopy of trees dancing in the gentle breeze, the blue sky above me, and the green grass stretching across the ground. It's a scene of serene beauty, tinged with the golden rays of sunlight filtering through the foliage.

With the sword still in hand and the axe firmly grasped, I begin to explore the forest in search of food. My steps are cautious, attentive to every sound and movement around me. The gleam of the sword reflects in my eyes, conveying a sense of confidence and determination.

As I advance along the narrow, winding trails, the feeling of being in an unknown world is accompanied by a mixture of excitement and caution. I observe the majestic trees, their leaves swaying gently in the wind, creating a whispering symphony.

After walking for about 3 kilometers, my eyes fixate on a slumbering figure not too far away. Just a few meters away, I come across a dark elf of unparalleled beauty, clad only in a few leaves, revealing her dark body and white hair, like a combination of contrasts.

Her features are soft and delicate, emanating an aura of mystery and gracefulness. The dark skin enhances her exotic beauty, while the white hair cascades over her shoulders. The improvised leaf garments seem to complement her intimate connection with the surrounding nature.

I realize that the elf is deeply asleep, as if in a peaceful and serene slumber. I continue to observe her for a moment, reflecting on the unexpected encounter amidst this uncertain journey.


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