The King's Beloved

Chapter 100 - Extra #5: In Elliot's Eyes

~ [Music Recommendation: "Beautiful" by Crush (Instrumental only) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene XD ~ 0////0

Hi Beloved Readers!


For today's extra chapter, I will be writing about Elliot's POV during Chapter 89's "Under the Moonlight", along with some other things. Hope you enjoy it! <3


After taking a long bath, Elliot went outside to cool off his head and think about a couple of things that had been weighing his mind for a while now. Plus, the new facts they just found out from the Fourth Gate. 

He initially planned to go deep in the Forbidden Forest but his feet stopped when he reached the pavilion so he decided to rest there instead.

"Haaah …," Elliot sighed as he stared at the unshrouded beauty of the moon's light. In his mind, he thought, "A king, huh? How do I even become a true king? What does that mean? I don't even know a thing about ruling a kingdom, much more, a planet. Sure, I have read books about them before. But … will that suffice? I need experience. And I can't just experiment on things - I need to know how to do it right during the first try or else …"

Elliot sighed deeply again. 

"If it's a king, there's already one sitting on the throne and he has experience. He's been a king since who knows when? I don't see why I'm even needed. What if I just make a mess of it all? Or be someone worse? What if I do it wrong?"

Suddenly, a shooting star passed by, near the moon he was unconsciously staring at. It caught Elliot's attention and for some reason, it reminded him of Rania.

"Rania …," Elliot whispered in a sweet and lovely voice. All the complex things he was thinking a moment ago, disappeared in an instant. 

A moment of silence passed by as Elliot's lips curved into an endearing smile.

"It's amazing how I always find myself unconsciously smiling whenever I think of her," Elliot thought to himself. "She's a really amazing woman. Always saying the perfect words you need, when you need it. Always supportive, and positive, and smiling like an angel. Always patient and kind and funny, too," Elliot laughed. In his mind, he reminisced about the moments he shared with Rania for the past couple of months they've been together. Just a few more and it'll be a year.

"Lately, I've been having this … weird feelings," Elliot continued to talk to himself. "Feelings I don't understand ...

Somehow, I don't like it when Rania's not around or when I can't see her. But when she's there … I feel very comfortable. It's as if I found a place where I belong … or a sanctuary. It's so relaxing and fun being with her. I wonder why?

Another thing I don't like is when I see her eyes reddened from crying alone. Or when she feels lonely and chooses to hide and suffer alone. I absolutely hate that feeling. I find myself getting worried and angry at the same time. Worried about her and angry that I can't do anything for her … And angry that maybe ... she doesn't trust me enough to let me know.

It's weird really … because if I compare it to Luna and Ducis, it's not that I'm fine seeing them sad, but I can bear it. Well, no - not bear … it's more like … it just hurts more to see Rania sad. I feel like I want to take her pain away. Or I just … I don't like seeing her hurting. And I don't want to see anyone or anything hurt her …

I don't even remember when it started but … she's become very dear to me. Someone very important. And at times - actually, most of the time - I feel like she's even more important than myself. 

Yes, I don't mind seeing myself hurt … I can endure it. I've been hurting for years and I survived. But if its her … it feels like my heart is dying. 

I just want to see her smile … always.

I wonder what this feeling is called.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It's not obsession … or gratefulness … or friendship …

Hmmm … well, who knows? 

I'll just let these feelings overflow. 

And hopefully, it reaches her".

After his long discussion with himself and his feelings, Elliot noticed someone arrived. Tilting his head, he saw Rania - in her white sleeping robe, staring back at him, clenching her chest, with a face of an angel. He noticed she was blushing for some reason. But after considering she just got off the hot spring, it would be natural to have a pink face from staying too long in there, hence probably the reason she's taking a walk outside - to cool herself.

When Elliot saw Rania, he forgot to breathe for a few seconds. He felt his face warm up as his heart beated loudly inside his chest. In his mind, he thought again, "Ahhh … how beautiful … I want to hug her … Argh, what am I thinking?". Dismissing the thought, he smiled warmly at her and greeted, "Rania, you're here".

Involuntarily, Elliot tapped the seat beside him, gesturing Rania to sit next to him. Rania smiled back at him and did as he gestured. Sitting side by side, with their eyes locked to each other, they laughed and talked, basking in the brilliance of the moon's light.

Little did they know that both of their hearts had been thumping together, responding to each other's heartbeats, each passing second. Like the echoes you hear when you shout in the mountains, repeating, and reverberating, reaching the depths of their souls.

One, was oblivious to what it was, and the other, holding herself back.

But both were pure … simply seeking the other's happiness more than their own.

Where would these feelings take them?

When there's still so much more to be done …

And when duty and feelings collide … 

Which should hold more importance?

Only time could tell …


A little memory of Rania's first lesson from Elliot about cooking ...

Rania: Alright, I'm ready! (eyes burning with passion) Let's do this!

Elliot: (casually preparing the ingredients by magic and looking so gorgeously handsome in an apron XD) Don't move around too much and don't go too close to the fire, you might burn yourself.

Rania: (blushes but tries to hide it) Oh, okay! I won't. Thank you. So … what are we cooking today?

Elliot: Hmmm … Have you ever cooked before? Or not? (tilts his head)

Rania: (gulps) A-ahm … he-he-he … (shakes head) That's why I'm asking you to teach me. (pouts and blushes in embarrassment)

Elliot: (thinks Rania is cute and blushes, too) That's fine. Let's start with something simple and easy, since it's your first time. (grabs a clear bowl and eggs) Omelette should be easy to do. It's a human dish, too so you should be familiar with it.

Rania: (nods) Yes! I know what an omelette is. I love it with cheese and mushrooms. (smiles gleefully, remembering the time she last ate it)

Elliot: (Hmmm … so she likes omelettes that way, huh?) Good. Then we could go with that. First, crack the egg into a bowl like this. (demonstrates how, by tapping the egg at the edge of the bowl, separating it through the cracks with two hands, and letting the egg fall into the bowl) Try it. (hands out the tray of eggs to Rania and slides the bowl in front of her) Once you get a hang of it, you should be able to do it with one hand.

Rania: (blinks) (H-how did he do it again?) Ahmm … okay, so I just … crack it here … (grabs an egg and smashes it on the side of the bowl - crack! - she smashed too hard and the egg splatters on her hand and unto the table) Oh no! I'm so sorry! 

Elliot: (chuckles) Pft! Don't smash it too hard. Just do it gently, like a light tapping. (inches closer to Rania and wipes her hand with a clean cloth)

Rania: (face turns red, Elliot was nonchalantly touching her hands) I - I can wipe it on my own. I'll … go wash it as well. (runs towards the faucet and cleans her hand)

Elliot: (blinks) Okay. (stares at Rania while she washes her hands - suddenly realizes that he was casually touching her hands which he was reprimanded before to be careful on doing) Ugh … sigh … (What did I just do? I'm too careless again) (blushes again)

Rania: I'm back. So how was it again? (grabs another egg and tries to crack it gently into the bowl - but it's not cracking - she was too gentle) Why?! Why won't it crack (pouts) Am I really hopeless in cooking? (teary eyes)

  Elliot: Ha-ha-ha-ha! (couldn't stop himself, so he laughs hard) You're doing it too gently this time. Here, let me guide you. (unconsciously grabs Rania's hands, puts an egg to it, then holds it, and guides it on cracking the egg with just the right amount of force) Don't hold on it too tight as well, or it will burst in your hand again. (Elliot now stands behind Rania, with his chest touching Rania's back)

Rania: (heart beats loudly and can't concentrate) Ye - Yes … (Elliot continues to explain the next steps but she's no longer listening - her face is burning)

Elliot: Then, we whisk the egg with a whisker, and put in the ingredients we want to add with it. (whisks the egg and grabs the rest of the ingredients - cheese and mushrooms as Rania liked) Once all mixed, you go to the pan, and light up the stove. (does as he says) You can choose between butter or oil, but butter will give more flavor so we'll use that.

Rania: (taps her cheeks) (Focus!) Yes! So … we use butter.

Elliot: Yeah. Wanna try it? (Elliot hands her the frying ladle)

Rania: (thinks that Elliot might grab her hand again when she fails so, shakes her heads) Ahm, no. You do it first, then, I'll copy.

Elliot: (shrugs, then handsomely cooks the egg on the pan, tosses salt and pepper, and other ingredients like a pro)

Rania: (Since when did cooking look so elegant and beautiful?) (unconsciously dazes at Elliot)

(few minutes passed)

Elliot: And there, it's done. (puts the omelette on a plate)

Rania: (gets distracted by the smell of delicious food) Uhmm … it smells so good! Can I taste it? (smiles so cutely and cheerfully)

Elliot: (unconsciously dazes at Rania) Yes …

Rania: (grabs a fork and slices the omelette and tastes it) Uhhhm! It's so yummy! (presses her cheeks in delight) You're such a great cook Elliot! Your future wife would be so lucky to eat such delicious food everyday!

(one … two … three seconds passed)

Rania: (coughs, suddenly realizes what she just said) I … I mean - you know, ahmm … never mind. (sighs) Anyway, it's really delicious. (blushes hard)

Elliot: (the idea never crossed his mind before, and still unfamiliar with romance and marriage and stuff, so he was just nonchalant about it) A wife, huh? It's a man's partner and the one he gets to spend the rest of his life with right?

Rania: (gulps the food in her throat) Yes, that sounds about right.

Elliot: (opens his mouth, asking Rania to feed her, since she's the one who has the fork) Ahhh … give me some. I want to taste, too.

Rania: (eyes widened) (Relax, this is Elliot we're talking about so … he's definitely not thinking about it that way - it should be fine) (hesitant, but feeds him the omelette XD 0///0)

Elliot: (calmly deliberates the taste of the omelette) Hmm … cheese and mushroom with eggs really does taste good. (smiles so handsomely again)

Rania: (feels her heart squeeze) Uh-uh! Told you so. (smiles warmly at Elliot)

Elliot: Hmm … (stares at Rania) I don't mind spending the rest of my life with you. I like being with you, it's fun. (smiles endearingly at Rania)

Rania: (almost dies from heart attack, face turns tomato red) W-what?

Elliot: (innocently tilts his head) Huh? I said -

Rania: Yes! I heard you! Don't repeat it! You're giving me a heart attack.

Elliot: (confused) Why?

Rania: (sighs and pats Elliot's head) It seems that my son still has a lot to learn.

Elliot: (squints) I'm not your son.

Rania: Ha-ha-ha-ha! You're so cute! (brushes Elliot's hair and messes it)

And so, their first cooking session ended without Rania doing any cooking at all.

Hope you enjoyed it!


Hi Beloved Readers!

I'm trying out a new book cover for this novel! Please let me know what you think in the comments section below!

Please comment if you prefer the old one or this new version so I can adjust accordingly!

Thank you very much! Love you all! <3


Hi Beloved Readers!

As part of "Authors & Readers Win-Win Event", I've decided to do a mass release if we reach the below numbers of privilege readers for September! XD

1000 Privilege Readers = 10 chapters mass release

500 Privilege Readers = 5 chapters mass release

PS: It's just the start of September and I already have 36 Priv Readers, thank you so much! So JOIN them to achieve the next milestone! <3

Also, I adjusted my privilege tiers so it will be affordable for everyone. See below:

Tier 1 = 1 coin only, 2 advanced chapters (preferred)

Tier 2 = 99 coins, 3 advanced chapters

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Lots of Love,



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