The King's Beloved

Chapter 142 - Clavis’ Dilemma

~ [Music Recommendation: "Sunny Mornings" by Peder B. Helland (Instrumental only) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in the loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter XD ~

"I have a dilemma …," Clavis began. He sat with legs apart on a couch and his elbows leaned on his knees. His fingers were intertwined together, supporting his sharp chin. In front of him was his father, nervously sipping his tea, though he tried to hide it.


"And what dilemma would that be, for you to come straight to my office on a working day?" his father replied as his eyes narrowed in curiosity. In his mind, he thought, "This child who had long forgotten how to visit his parents ever since he became the Oracle's Interpreter … what could be troubling someone as intelligent as him? Is it an enemy? But he's powerful enough to defeat anyone! He's next to the king for goodness sake! Hmmm … or is it the king himself? Did they fight again? Last time was about love. I wonder what it is this time".

 "It's …," Clavis hesitated and sighed before continuing, "It's about Selena".

Clavis' father almost spilled his tea. "Did you two fight again? What insensitive thing did you do this time?"

"Huh?" Clavis scoffed and raised his eyebrows. He answered in his most defensive tone, "I didn't do anything. Why do you easily accuse me? And what makes you think that it would always be my fault if we fight?"

"Well ... your fiancée is not insensitive like you are".

"Seriously? Are you my father? Or are you Selena's father now?"

"I am both your father - in blood and in law".

"I didn't - argh … nevermind. That's not even the dilemma I'm talking about," Clavis moved from his position and laid his back on the sofa.

"If that's not it, then what is it?"

"It's her birthday and I don't know what to give her as a gift," Clavis confessed. A hint of flush could be seen from his cheeks as he scratched it with his forefinger.

His father's eyes widened and blinked twice before he was able to comprehend what his son just said.

"Alright," he gulped, trying to suppress his laughter. "This is a dilemma, indeed," he chuckled.

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"Ugh, please don't laugh at my misery," Clavis sighed. "I didn't even know it was her birthday until last night. Ugh, I should have prepared better if I knew in advance. Why did I only think of checking it last night? Argh!"

"I'm guessing you visited the archives?'

Clavis nodded. 

"Ha ha ha! This is a sight to behold. My son is showing frustration on his face! Mitis would love to see this".

Clavis slammed his palm on his face. "Please, stop it," he begged. Then, with a serious tone, he told his father, "I don't want to give her just anything. It should be something she really likes. It's her birthday after all. You only celebrate it once a year".

"Indeed," Clavis' father nodded. 

A sudden silence surrounded the whole office.

"You've been with her for a while now. What did you observe?"

Clavis pondered. "That's the problem. I never saw her completely fascinated about something".

"Hmm … I see," his father pondered. "Then why not try the usual ones? Flowers? Confectioneries?"

Clavis squinted his eyes in disappointment. "Is that how you pursued mom? With flowers and sweets? That's so outdated".

"D-did you just insult your father?" Clavis' father fumed. "Of course that's not how I - Ugh … nevermind," like Clavis, he dropped the topic. Truly, like father like son - they don't like engaging in meaningless arguments. But getting back at him, he mumbled while sipping his tea, "I only suggested that since you're a failure of a fiance for not knowing what your future wife wants".

Gritting his teeth, Clavis answered back, "That's why I'm here to ask help but it seems I'm getting insulted instead".

The father and son engaged in a staring battle afterwards. They only stopped when someone barged in like a thunder.

"Honey!" Mitis cheerfully shouted as she banged the doors open. "I brought lunch! Let's eat together!" Opening her eyes, she noticed her son and husband looking at her from the couch. "Oh! You're there! And Clavis, too. What brings you here my son? Did you bully my dear Selena again?"

Clavis was flabbergasted. "Even you, mother? Am I being disowned?"

"Fu fu fu fu," Mitis chuckled. "Oh, don't take it to heart my dear. I love you both of course!" She then placed the lunchboxes she carried on the table and sat beside her husband. "But what happened? Why are you suddenly visiting your father?"

"It's Selena's birthday on the day after tomorrow," Clavis answered. "And I don't know what to gift her".

Mitis took a moment to process what her son just said.

"Oh no! That's so soon!" Mitis exclaimed. "I need to buy a gift for her, too. And prepare for a party! We should have a party! Why are you only telling me now such an important thing?"

Clavis bowed his head, "I only found out last night".

"We should be hasty! So many things to buy, so many foods to prepare, and gifts! It should be a surprise so we need to do it in secret," Mitis panicked. "I should call every servant to help me on this. And Illumináire, too! She'd hate not knowing since she's been fond of Selena as well". On and on, Mitis mumbled to herself as she thought of a plan. "So much to do, so little time … Well, I'm off! See you later boys!"

"Wait! I haven't even -" Clavis tried to stop her but Mitis vanished into thin air. And just like that, she was gone. "Ugh … where can I get reasonable answers?"

Thinking it would be a waste of precious time to stay in his father's office any longer, Clavis went outside. He walked absentmindedly through the hallways in the Grand Palace. 

"You've been with her for a while now. What did you observe?"

Recalling what his father told him, Clavis pondered, "Hmmm … If I'm not mistaken, there was something she told me. What was it again? It was when we …," he blushed, remembering one of their steamy nights. A glimpse of Selena's body on top of him ran through his mind. "No! Not that! I mean … after that! When I told her she could use magic! Ugh … what's wrong with me?" He shook his head in disappointment of himself.

Then, he finally remembered it.

 "Wooow! I never imagined I would be able to use magic! It's like those role playing games I've been playing before! Amazing!" Selena's eyes twinkled in Clavis' memory.

"Yes, that's it!" Clavis thought. "And what comes after that?"

And another memory came to mind.

"Role what? Role playing games?" Clavis asked.

"Yes! There's this game I really like with lots of installments! It's called Last Dream!" Selena's eyes continued to twinkle. "There's Last Dream 1, Last Dream 2, up to 15 but my favorite is Last Dream 7! I just love Faerith's character! She's really amazing and she's my favorite!"

"That's it!" Clavis snapped his fingers, bringing him back from his thoughts. "It was a human's game. Last Dream … I wonder where I could get that?"

"Brother?" Illumináire called him.

Clavis didn't notice that he was already in front of the temple inside the Grand Palace.

Finally noticing Illumináire, Clavis responded, "Sister ... what is it?"

"I have been calling you many times but you do not answer".

"Sorry, I was lost in thought".

"Indeed you are," Illumináire nodded. "I presume it's about Selena's birthday? Mother just came to me".

Clavis nodded. "Are you helping with the preparations?"

"I am. Have you thought of your gift yet?"

"I just did. But I'm not sure how to get it".

"I see".

A moment of silence passed by. Though mostly together due to their duties, they still had not mastered the arts of small talks, considering they were twins. Thus, always resulting to a boring conversation between them.

"One advice," Illumináire broke the silence.

"Hm? What is it?"

Illumináire whispered her four words advice and Clavis' eyes widened in surprise. After saying her piece, Illumináire went back inside the temple, leaving Clavis still shocked. A few moments passed by before he shook his head and banished the thoughts of him being so stupid.

"Focus, Clavis," he slapped his cheeks lightly. "You need to get her present first. And to do that … I need to go down to Earth".


Hi Beloved Readers!

Due to unforeseen recent events, I was unable to update any more chapters and have incurred a lot of backlogs in the process. I would like to apologize for all the inconvenience this has caused all of you. I'm really sorry. T_T

Moving forward I won't upload any new chapters until I catch up on updating the most recent one. I won't be able to join the September Win-Win event any longer as well. Feel free to support other authors as well to get the badge and other rewards.

Thank you for your understanding.

Lots of Love,



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