The King's Beloved

Chapter 168 - Ninth Gate: Bolt Of Bronte (Part 1)

~ [Music Recommendation: "Avalanche's Theme" by Masashi Hamauzu (Final Fantasy 7 Remake OST) - available in Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

"Wooooww!" Eres marvelled at the sight of the enormous dragon-formed Holy Fire in front of him. "Is this real? Y-you didn't even create those small balls of elements! Just like my late master! How did you do that?" His eyes sparkled, waiting for answers.


Elliot stared at the Holy Fire he created. Even he didn't expect he'd be able to pull it off in one go. But somehow … every time he saw magic cast in front of him, his eyes seemed to understand everything in it.

Sighing, he answered Eres, "Probably because I'm a visual learner?" He wasn't even sure of his own answer. "It's just … when I see magic, look at it, or try to study it - even without the 'analysis' skill we do when we put spiritual energy in our eyes - I can … see specific patterns, composition, and I'm not sure how to word it but … it's like all the elements 'harmonize' themselves to form a certain skill. They follow a certain 'flow' … ugh, I'm not that good at describing but it's more or less like that. And that thing that I see is what I copy. That's why I don't cast magic the usual way as everyone else does it".

Eres' mouth remained wide opened. He blinked a couple of times, still unable to process what he was hearing. Ducis simply smirked, feeling so proud of his master.

"Hmmm … So it's kinda like in Mathematics," Rania joined the discussion, "We are told that there is a specific equation to solve a specific problem, but Elliot does it differently, not following the equation but still managing to solve the problem".

Elliot turned to her and nodded, "Yes, something like that".

"I guess that's how prodigies do it, huh?" Rania chuckled. "That's some great eyes you got there, Elliot". She leaned closer to stare at his beautiful bright aquamarine eyes. "Now, I want to see what those eyes see".

Elliot stared back at Rania's eyes and smirked afterwards.

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"I'm seeing 'you' right now".

Rania flinched. "A-ah … T-that's not what I meant. I … I want to see, ugh, nevermind," she blushed and took a step back from Elliot.

Elliot laughed at Rania's blushing face. Noticing the sweet atmosphere between the two, Eres snapped out of his amazement.

"Uhmm … are you two perhaps ..." Eres pointed alternately at Rania and Elliot - his curiosity got the best of him, "lovers?"

Rania blushed harder at his question. She never imagined a mere boy could tell it so easily. She lowered her head, somehow feeling embarrassed but she nodded in response. 

Elliot, on the other hand, was very proud and answered confidently, "Yes, she's my beloved".

Eres' face turned red. "B-beloved?" even if he's young, he knew very well what those words meant. In his mind, he thought, "So she's gonna be his queen once he takes the throne … I see. But she's human! - who can also use magic … So does that make her a Magi now? Or just a human with magic? Is that even possible? Or is this considered like a hybrid? Half human, half Magi? I have got to ask brother Caligo to fill me in the details. I'm too scared to ask Sir Ducis," his eyes shifted to Ducis, "He looks so … scary".

"Stop it, Elliot," Rania pouted. "Let's continue with the training instead".

And so, they continued the training until noon. Elliot easily grasped the other skills and was able to experiment quite a few new skills himself. Fire was a rather interesting element to combine with the others. Once done, they ate lunch, rested for a bit and prepared. Eres went back to the Zweihänder, resolved to interview Caligo of the things he wanted to know. Then, Rania, Elliot and Ducis set off to Anguis Solum, towards the next gate. 

This time, the gate looked more befitting of the human race, rather than Magi's, as compared to the rest. It was made of a sturdy-looking metal, with poles on each side that produced sparks of electricity, and large gears at the top of the arch. The gears moved when they stepped in front of the gate, and suddenly a black hole appeared in front of them. They hopped into the black hole, and on they went to the next realm.

When they opened their eyes, what awaited them was a city - and a well-developed civilization, at that. Though it was not as advanced as Caligo's City of Pleasure, Tenebris, it still looked more advanced than the Pius Village in the Land of Terra. The houses appeared medieval, except you could find a lot of structures made of metals all around the town - from shops, to stalls, even the fountain at the Town Square had mechanism in it. At first glance, you could mistake the city for that of the early stages in human history where steam energy was discovered. If not for the magical equipment that the shops were selling and some children playing around with magic, Rania would have asked already if they somehow got transported to the wrong realm.

"Ramus … City," Rania read out a large signboard on top of the city hall. "I guess that's what this place is called. I wonder what we're supposed to do here".

"Yeah," Elliot agreed and spun his head around, observing the whole place. "We better ask around and see the situation".

Thus, the team asked around the town and found out that they were in the Kingdom of Bratus, specifically in Ramus City. The townspeople seemed to be living alright, and the whole city was bustling with no dire problems going on, according to them. As they asked around, Elliot got curious about the magical weapons they were selling. They got inside a popular shop and saw lots of crossbows, swords, spears, shields, etc. - all of them with a large gem embedded on its body. If not for its perfect sphere shape, it would look like the crystals on his Zweihänder. Also, it had these ancient letters engraved inside the gems.

"Wonder if Luna could read these," Elliot thought to himself. He didn't ask Rania anymore since she'll just feel lonely again. Turning to the salesman, he asked, "What do these gems do? Why do all the weapons have it?"

"Oh-oh! Great eyes, traveler!" the shop owner said, coming out from behind the counter. "Those gems are the specialty of our kingdom! It adds power to the weapon and makes even the weakest of Magi more powerful than they really are!" 

"How does it make them more powerful? Is it these strange markings inside the gems?"

"A-about that …," the shop owner stuttered, and a hint of sweat could be seen from his forehead, "that's a trade secret! We're sorry but it's business, you know. And also, we don't sell them to anyone nor can we trade them," he snatched the sword that Elliot was holding, "We can only do so with the citizens of this city. So unless you register yourself as a citizen, I won't be able to sell any of these beauties to you".

"Ahh … how unfortunate," Elliot replied with his eyes staring fiercely towards the shop owner. It was obvious he was hiding something. And things hidden were usually … not good. "In that case, we better register ourselves, right?"

"Y-yes! Indeed!" the shop owner forced a laugh. "Just go to the city hall and submit the requirements they need. It's right there in front of the town square," pointing in its direction, "If you want, I can have my servants accompany you, s-sir".

For someone who never knew Elliot, his poker face looked rather cool and intimidating, especially if he's staring at you intently. Thus, the reasons for the shop owner's actions. Elliot deliberately made himself look as such, after hearing his peculiar response. Not only that, ever since he stepped foot into the shop and touched those magical weapons, his heart felt uneasy for some inexplicable reason. He wanted to observe the gems more but it was snatched away from him before he was able to study its properties.

"I don't feel so good about those gems," Rania said as soon as they got out of the shop, voicing out Elliot's exact same thought. "And they really had to chase us out! Hmm … that just makes them more suspicious. I hope it's not something too bad, though".

"Yeah, I hope so, too," Elliot sighed. When he turned around towards the street they came from, he suddenly saw a young boy crying. He was holding a bunch of papers on his small arms, giving one of each to the people passing by.

"Sniff … sniff," the young boy couldn't stop his tears, "P-please help me look for my sister … She's been missing since yesterday. A-anyone … sniff … please". He kept on wiping his eyes as he handed out the papers containing a picture of a little girl.

Rania, Elliot, and Ducis approached the child.

"What's wrong little one?" Elliot asked him, patting his head in the process to calm him down.

The young boy bawled his eyes. Finally, someone stopped by and noticed him.

"Please mister! Help me find my sister!" he shouted his desperation to them.

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