The King's Beloved

Chapter 174 - Ninth Gate: Bolt Of Bronte (Part 7)

~ [Music Recommendation: "How Can It Be" by Lauren Daigle (instrumental version) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

"Ooohhh~ So this is the Kingdom of Bratus," Elijah, now all grown up, commented as he lifted his hand on his forehead, peering over the whole city as far as his eyes could see. He wore a navy blue tailcoat with golden lines and embroidery at the edges, and white shirt inside. His pants were the same color as his tailcoat, simple and slightly fitted. On his feet were long dark brown lace up boots that extended just below his calf, a few inches above the ankles. With this outfit, matched with his extremely attractive face, he looked quite princely.


"It 'is' a very beautiful city," the charming blonde woman beside him added. "I wonder what nice delicacies they have here?" She wore a tea-length pink dress that had a front slit from the belly down, paired with cute white lace shorts. Her boots were white and long, extending up to her thighs with laces on top, the same pattern as her shorts. Despite its cute appearance, her clothes were very comfortable to move in.

"Elijah, Hadassah," the other woman with light blue hair and divine beauty called them. "Do not be fooled by its appearance". Her voice was serene yet mysterious and carried a weight in them. She wore a fluffy white dress, also tea-length, with a tube top. This was paired with closed neck long sleeved bolero the same color as her hair. It was thin and laced, a perfect match for her dress. On her feet were a pair of ankle-length light blue boots that had a body made of cloth.

"Aye, aye, Deborah," Elijah and Hadassah saluted, copying what knights do to salute their captains.

Deborah's serious face flinched at their salute followed by a deep sigh and head shaking afterwards.

"Seriously, you two," Deborah groaned like a sister tired from the pranks of her younger siblings.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Elijah and Hadassah laughed out loud.

"Relax, Deborah. That's why we're here in the first place, right?" Elijah patted her shoulders. "Now, why don't we eat first before going down to business?"

"Pleeease? Pretty please?" Hadassah pleaded, giving her the puppy eyes. "I already spotted a delicious looking restaurant across the street!"

"Wow! Your food hunting skills are improving," Elijah turned to Hadassah. "Amazing!"

"Hey! It's not only food and I'm good with finding. I'm pretty useful in other things, too".

"Like~?" Elijah teased her. He already knew Hadassah didn't have much talent or special skills, not even that much spiritual energy for she could only cast a skill once a day. Yes, she needed a whole day to replenish her spiritual energy, thus, making her one of the weakest Magi.

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"I - I'm good with martial arts!" Hadassah struck a pose, lifting her tiny fists across her chest. Indeed, to make up for her weak spiritual capacity, Hadassah learned martial arts from a well-respected mentor.

"Not enough to beat me," Elijah teased again.

"Urghh …," Hadassah pouted, obviously unhappy with his confident smirk, even if she knew he's only teasing. "Don't be too confident. I'll surpass you one day!"

"Ooorrr~ I can keep on protecting you, 'princess'," Elijah smirked, stressing on the 'princess' part - a nickname he decided to call Hadassah for her so many useful qualities.

Hadassah fumed in anger. She hated that nickname. She knew very well that it was Elijah's way to mock her weakness discreetly. Her patience ran out and she lashed out at Elijah, grabbing him by the collar.

"What did you just say?!" Hadassah's blue eyes lit up. "I told you not to call me that!"

"Ahhh~ Finally, the angry Hady~," another nickname he thought up.

"They really get along, huh?" the silent man who had been with them since the beginning spoke at last. He had brown hair and wore black shirt and pants, topped with a black blazer - yes, he wasn't very fond of black. Except for his hair and red scarf, and white skin, all were black for him.

At his remark, Deborah shook her head once more.

"That's … getting along?" Deborah asked, obviously doubting.

"Uhm," the brown haired man nodded.

"Sigh … Well, at least when it counts they stop fighting and actually help each other".

"Yes," he agreed, "And on times I fail to comfort my friend, she's there to light his way".

Deborah's lips curved into a gentle smile.

"Indeed. That is Hadassah's greatest strength after all".

After a few more moments of bickering, the four of them proceeded towards the town. They headed towards the restaurant Hadassah pointed out but on their way, Elijah noticed Rania and Ducis, along with many other women inside a dark alley where they just appeared from thin air. Seeing their sorry state, Elijah ran towards them and the others followed him.

"What happened, Miss?" he immediately asked as soon as he got near. "Are you all alright? Do you need help?" His eyes surveyed the faces of everyone. Some looked exhausted, some looked scared, and a few were even traumatized. Worry struck his heart.

"Elijah?" Rania blurted out, when she noticed his white hair.

"Huh?" Elijah's eyes widened. "H-how do you know my name?"

"Oh!" Rania flinched and realized he wouldn't know them. "We … met before, back when you were a child".

Elijah tilted his head. "I don't remember -"

"Stop flirting, nuthead! They need our help," Hadassah reprimanded him.

"Right! What happened to all of you?"

Rania and Ducis explained everything that happened and like Elliot, Elijah turned furious. They deliberated the situation and planned afterwards. Deborah and Hadassah were left to tend with the women, Elijah and his unnamed brown haired friend, along with Rania and Ducis went back to the hideout to free the remaining women. Once done, Elliot regrouped with everyone and updated them of what happened. Everyone understood Elliot's verdict and Elijah grew to admire him. The king indeed changed his ways afterwards and met with all the citizens and knights to fix their kingdom and right their wrongs.

Happy with how everything turned out, Elliot, Rania and Ducis were reminded of their need to look for a temple. Deborah was very knowledgeable with matters relating to Guardians so she led them towards the nearest one which was just on the other side of the Kingdom of Bratus.

"This is the Temple of Bronte," Deborah gestured her hands towards the tall temple made of yellow marble stones in front of them. It was clean and beautiful, if not for the sparks that came every now and then in their surroundings. "Oh, and do be careful with the lightning sparks. It's frequent around here. It would do you good to cover yourself in a barrier".

"Thank you for the reminder," Rania smiled at her.

Everyone did as Deborah suggested before entering the temple. Rania and Elliot halted in front of the door. They realized Luna was not with them and they didn't know how to read ancient writings. Reminded of her lost friend, Rania let out a bitter smile. Elliot noticed it and he rubbed her shoulders saying, "She'll come back".

"Ahm, would you happen to know how to read the ancient letterings on the door?" Elliot asked Elijah's group.

"Huh? Ancient? Where?" Elijah scratched his head. "You mean the words on the door?"

"Yes. We need to read it out loud for the temple to open".

"It's not ancient, though. This is our language".

Elliot and Rania's eyes widened.

"Hmmm … you're funny!" Elijah chuckled. "You speak as if you're from thousands of generations from the future who time travelled here". He tapped Elliot's shoulders and walked towards the door.

Elijah read the inscriptions on the door and it said:

"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth".

After he spoke, the door opened and everyone walked inside, heading towards the innermost room.

"Wait!" Deborah stopped Elliot's group when they were about to set foot in the innermost room. "We're not allowed to visit the dwelling place of the guardians! They might get angry and …"

"Relax, Deborah," Elijah calmed her. "They're probably friends of guardians or something. Like this -," he was about to say princess when Hadassah glared at him, "- this … yeah, her, he he he. Anyways, goodluck to all of you! I think this is where we part ways. We're not allowed inside, you see. I hope we meet again in the future".

"Yeah, I hope so, too," Elliot smiled back at them.

And with that, Elijah's group waved their goodbyes to them.

Rania, Elliot, and Ducis proceeded to the innermost room, where a giant Cerberus could be found sleeping, encircled towards a large yellow crystal. His sharp eyes opened when Elliot approached him.

"Thank you for the wonderful lesson," Elliot smiled at him.

The Cerberus bowed his head and replied, "You have done extremely well, Anointed King".

And without further ado, he got up, transformed himself into a man and said:

"My name is Bronte,

And I am the Ninth Gate.

As the Guardian of Thunder,

In my heart, shines Righteousness.

Thou hast been tested,

And evil, I found nought.

Therefore, thou shalt receiveth mine blessings.

I shalt be with thou,

And thou shalt be with me".

Then, he went inside the large crystal and channeled its power unto Elliot's Zweihänder, filling up the ninth space near the handle of his sword. Now, there were nine crystals that dwelled in his sword, and a new formidable power surging inside him.

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