The King's Beloved

Chapter 179 - Nefastus' Plan(Part 2)

~ [Music Recommendation: "Hate" by Lucas King (Instrumental only) - available in Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~

Time passed by as Nefastus explained her idea to her father. Avarus was silent all throughout while Nefastus tried to convince him as if her life depended on it - to be exact, her beloved king's life. After much questioning and interrogations, Avarus finally lifted his hand and yielded. With a brief nod, he agreed with his daughter's idea and gave his approval. Joy and relief could be seen on Nefastus' face when she heard her much awaited response from her father. Overjoyed, she curtseyed in front of him and stormed off his office, smiling.


"Are you really letting her go just like that, master?" one of the hooded men who stood in front of the others, asked.

Avarus stood up from his chair and watched his daughter's back from the windows. Though it was dark, the light of the moon reflected his evil smirk on the clear glass surface of the window. And in an icy tone, he answered him …

"Letting her go? … Of course - not!" he smirked through his lips, "She just became a valuable pawn in this dangerous game. Let's see how long this pawn will last".

"In that case, did you deliberately unmask the presence of your plan so she'll find it and in return, you can use her as a pawn?"

"Pft! Do I really look that evil and cold-hearted to you?" Avarus faked a sad face.

But the man he was talking to was unfazed. Blatantly, he nodded in response.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Avarus laughed in a manic manner. "What else should I do? The only reason I had a daughter was to marry her off to the king! If she doesn't serve her purpose, then what's her use?" He lifted his right hand and scratched the glass window with his nails, producing a screeching sound. "This is her last chance … if she still can't prove her worth and win him over, then … there's no need to have a useless daughter, right?"

A few days passed since then and Nefastus started on acting towards her plan. She mobilized all her servants and all her connections just to get a chance to have an audience with the king. But despite all her efforts, the king refused him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"This can't be … if he knows that his life is on the line, he will surely listen to me!" Nefastus thought in her mind. She was frantic and worried at the same time. "I have to meet him! No matter what!"

And so, without permission, she sneaked inside the Grand Palace where the king lived with her queen. There were so many areas to choose from but she decided to go to the garden where he usually spent time with Azalea. The thought of seeing them together disgusted her but in case she was there, she was determined to beg even a few minutes of the king's time and Azalea, being the kind person she was, would probably help her convince the king - that was her best hope. She was desperate … and she was running out of time. If she failed to convince the king before Zeid arrives, it would all be for naught - Avarus would proceed as he initially planned - that thought echoed in Nefastus' head over and over.

Nefastus hid in the garden and waited eagerly for the king. Hours passed by with no signs of him arriving. Losing hope, she was about to go home when suddenly, the king came out from the door of the palace and walked on the open hallway towards the garden.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

Nefastus' heart beat loudly in her chest as she saw the king, walking like the conqueror he was, so dazzling and stunningly beautiful from head to foot. But not only that … Nefastus was reminded of a short but sweet memory from their childhood.

Yes, it all began as a childhood crush for her that grew deeper with time. She was just a little girl before, frail and innocent of all the evil in the world. She would always get reprimanded by her father and mother for not meeting their expectations. In times like those, she would often run off towards the garden in the palace - the same garden that Azalea loved. 

Perhaps, that was another reason why she hated her … that place that had been sacred for her, now sullied by a lowly human. 

It was there that she met the young Calum, with a radiant smile on his face. He would always … pat her head when she cried and won't leave her until she calmed down. For her, he was truly kind and she swore that she would serve him all her life.

While she was at a daze, reminiscing the past, King Calum felt her presence.

"Who's there?" his terrifying voice echoed in the silent hallway. He quickly turned his head towards the place where he felt the presence. "Show yourself!"

"!!!" Nefastus was woken from her daydream. She immediately released herself from invisibility magic and in a meek manner, she walked closer to the king until they were just a meter apart. "Y-your highness …," she whispered in an almost crying, desperate tone.

King Calum frowned as soon as he saw her. His glare alone spelled death, and the warm afternoon breeze became a chilly atmosphere.

"I believe I told you that I never want to see you again, right?"

At these cold words, Nefastus felt as if a thousand needles pricked her heart. She opened her mouth to reply as soon as possible but no words came out. She already knew that King Calum never saw her the way she saw him … but still … hearing such deep hatred from the man you love … it was beyond painful for her.

Unrequited love … how very painful it was ...

But there was no time for her to succumb to pain! Her beloved king was in danger!

"Y-your highness!" Nefastus strengthened herself and gathered all her courage to speak. "I know that you utterly hate me and I understand that! I was wrong … all this time, I-I was wrong …"

Though Nefastus did her best to toughen herself, she couldn't control the tears that fell from her eyes on that moment. It had been a long time since she cried that even she was surprised by her own tears. 

King Calum was the same … the last time she saw her cry was way back when they were a child. 

"What dire thing could have happened for her to -" King Calum thought but his facial expression remained cold. He couldn't let his guard down just yet, knowing how she had been so evil all these years, the same as her father.

"T-this … I … I'm sorry," she quickly wiped her tears and continued, "I … I know I shouldn't meet you like this but if you can just give me a moment of your time, please … I beg of you, listen for me even just for a minute".

"You should know that your tricks won't work on me".

"I know! I'm not here to trick you! That's not my intention … I just - sniff …," she wiped her tears once more and looked back to the king, straight to his eyes.

King Calum was taken aback. 


Because Nefastus' eyes that looked straight at him at that moment …

Were the same eyes his father used to look at him …

The same bitterness, and happiness, and … love that couldn't be explained by mere words.

"My King … please," Nefastus cried again, "You have to save yourself … Promise me, you have to live no matter what".

"!!!" King Calum's eyes widened. "What is the meaning of this? Explain yourself".

Nefastus casted a blackout barrier for her and the king so she could speak freely. Cold sweat covered her body and her complexion turned pale.

"My King, in a few days time, a group of humans will infiltrate the palace. Their leader was a man whose sole purpose of coming here is to save his lover. And my father … he will use that opportunity to …," her lips trembled, "t-to …"

"- Kill me?" King Calum finished for her.

Nefastus nodded while her body trembled.

"And how does he plan on doing that?"

"... T-that's …," Nefastus only looked at the king's eyes once again, and the king understood immediately.

"... I see. And why should I trust what you say?"

"You know that I never lie to you, my King. Not before, not now, and never …".

Indeed, of all the times that Nefastus worked for the king, she never lied to him. And for her to risk her entire family for lies, it was something she would never do. King Calum knew that much of her, at least.

"And that man you mentioned, who's his lover he came for?"

At this question, Nefastus flinched and bit her lips, as if not wanting to tell the king who it was.

Angered, King Calum heightened his voice, "Tell me, who is it?!"

Nefastus only trembled in response and didn't utter anything.

But this reaction was enough for the king to guess who it was ...

Azalea, his very own queen!

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