The King's Beloved

Chapter 184 - Tenth Gate: Frost Of Bruma (Part 4)

~ [Music Recommendation: "The Last Hunter" by Naoshi Mizuta. (Final Fantasy XIII-2 OST) - available in Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter XD ~

"Everyone to your positions!" the General shouted with all his might. "Immediately!"


As the General commanded, everyone followed. Rania bid her farewell to Elliot and hurried towards the tower to join the archers and mages. Elliot was left at the City Gates with the platoon he joined. The platoon leaders took charge of them and instructed them of what to do. Like the General, each platoon leaders were not merely leaders in name, but all of them possessed great leadership and were very knowledgeable in terms of war stratagems. 

Elliot's platoon leader, specifically, grouped them into six, in which four took care of offense, while the other two for defense. Elliot belonged to the offense. Whenever they would attack the monsters, the two in charge of defense would make sure they were properly guarded from other monsters that might come in from a different direction. They cast barriers into each one's body. If the barrier broke, they would re-cast it as fast as they could so the offense team wouldn't worry much and just focus on dealing damage.

On the other hand, the archers and mages on the towers were divided into their elemental affinity. Each of them were equally scattered around the city to cover for all sides. Those that had a high affinity with earth elements attacked first and helped each other cast a wide-range magic that created large holes on the ground. Many unprepared monsters fell into the holes, and the water mages followed by drowning them in water. The lightning mages would then pour high voltage electrical magic unto the waters, killing most of the trapped monsters inside. If any escaped, they were welcomed by the wall of fire made by the fire mages, and by the magical arrows of the archers. And if all else failed, the knights below made sure none of them passed the City Gates.


On and on, the sounds of swords slashing, loud roars and cries, blood splattering or gushing out, barriers crushing like mirrors, footsteps after footsteps, and heavy breathing could be heard all around. The Generals and platoon leaders continued in giving commands. Rania and Elliot fought valiantly with everyone.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Few hours passed and finally, the hordes decreased until there were only a few of them left. Though everyone grew weary and their spiritual energy almost depleted, they were joyful. Just a few more and they would have completely subdued them and won the war.


And with the final slash at the heart, Elliot killed the last high-ranking monster, much to everyone's surprise, because he suddenly popped out of nowhere, saving the two knights that were almost crushed by the giant harpy.

"Woaah! Did you just kill it in one slash?" the knight whom he saved, asked him. His eyes sparkled in amazement of what he just witnessed.

"Hm?" Elliot turned to him and answered, "No. It has already grown weak to begin with. And its focus was on you, so it was easier to defeat".

"Pft! No need to be so humble, man!" the other one chuckled and quickly got up on his feet. He rushed to Elliot's side and shook his hands. "Thank you very much! I've seen how you fight and you've been such a big help!"

"Truly!" agreed by the other. "He probably defeated hundreds of them! Much more than what a whole platoon would have managed!"


Some knights started clapping for Elliot. The rest copied them and Elliot was taken aback. His face blushed red while he lightly scratched his cheeks in embarrassment.

"I … I-It's nothing, really," he shyly murmured. 

Later on, the General approached them with a smile on his face.

"You truly are remarkable," the General added. "Despite not having much magical capabilities, you trained yourself on what you can handle and mastered it! Just as any true knight should be! Not giving up, despite the circumstances or handicap given to us".

"T-thank you," Elliot murmured again.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Such a timid and fine gentleman! So young yet so strong! You would be a great addition to our troops. Why don't we discuss registering you as a citizen of Nix and join our ranks?" the General merrily offered.

"About that, actually we're just -" Elliot tried to reply but got cut off by yet another extremely loud noise.


Another wave of monsters was fast approaching from the horizons. They were bigger and stronger than the monsters before them. This time, there were more high ranking ones as well. Everyone's happy faces turned to shock.

"Where are all these monsters coming from?" one of the platoon leaders nearby asked in exasperation. "Maybe we should send another team of scouts to see where they originate".

"Do that," the General agreed. Then, turning to all the other knights in the area, he commanded, "Everyone! Go back to your positions! To those who need aid, retreat towards the city, heal your wounds and replenish your spiritual energies. Take potions with you and all that you need. Command those inside to help distribute rations to the vanguards. Those who have damaged weapons, quickly go to the weaponsmiths and change them to new ones! For the rest, let us hold back this new wave while the rest of us prepares!"

And so everyone did as told. Meanwhile, the group of archers and mages with Rania started to worry. They whispered amongst themselves as they lifted their hands in the air, re-casting a barrier around the city since some parts of it were broken by the monsters' attacks.

"This is bad," one of the earth mages expressed her worry.

"It is indeed. If these hordes keep on coming, we will run out of rations especially potions that replenishes our spiritual energies," another one added.

"If only this winter ended sooner, we wouldn't have had troubles finding ingredients for the potions and other things we need".

And the youngest one sighed. "I hope this ends soon … if not, we're doomed".

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