The King's Beloved

Chapter 187 - Tenth Gate: Frost Of Bruma (Part 7)

~ [Music Recommendation: "Spirit Break Out" by Kim Walker Smith - instrumental only - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

With their strength and magic renewed, and weary hearts uplifted, the citizens of Nix resumed the battle. This time, they fought more valiantly and with more confidence than how they did at the beginning. For this time, their hope and victory lied completely at the Supreme's grace. This time, it was not them fighting alone, but the Most High who was with them … in their heart, mind, body, and soul.


How amazing and magnificent it was … to have a weapon that was more powerful than any blade or magic or anything that existed.

The weapon of praise and worship … how truly wonderful it was.

The weapon of true faith was revealed amongst them … producing miracles none of them expected. For who would have thought that in the midst of their sufferings, the Supreme was with them and never left them? And that it was only through faith that He could work His miracles on us.

"ATTACK!" the General shouted with all his might and echoed his voice for everyone to hear. 

The knights, archers, and mages followed his command. It was so evident for the knights that their attacks grew stronger. And the archers' arrows were imbued with more powerful magic. As for the mages, their range got bigger, and every time they used up their spiritual energy, it would replenish again like nothing happened. Though Rania's and Elliot's powers did not return, the sparkle of lights continued to rain down from the heavens as Rania continued to sing.

Unbeknownst to them, Elijah and his friends were somewhat nearby, investigating an enormous dark orb that sprung forth from the basement of a certain laboratory. It was only when Hadassah sensed "something" that she went out of the basement and quickly created a teleportation circle to go to that place where she felt that familiar sensation. Deborah followed her into the circle, leaving the two men behind.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"W-what the -," Elijah was baffled. "Hey! Where are you two going? We're supposed to destroy this first right?"

But then they were gone even before he finished what he wanted to say. The man with him shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess it's up to us to destroy this".

And so, the two were left to deal with the dark orb. Hadassah and Deborah teleported to the forest near the City of Nix. What welcomed them were hordes of monsters in all directions. Deborah quickly dragged Hadassah up in the air and created a barrier around them to avoid being attacked by the monsters.

"Hadassah! What do you think you're doing?!" Deborah almost shouted at her. "That was dangerous! How could you just teleport out of nowhere and in a place full of monsters?!"

"I … I felt something," Hadassah answered, not looking at her in the eyes but instead, spinning her head from left to right looking for that "something".

"Huh?" Deborah was dumbfounded. For what could it possibly be that Hadassah could feel but not her? If it's holy power, she was the one who had it. If it's spiritual energy, she would still sense it, too. "What do you mean - ?"

That was when they noticed it - the sparkling lights raining down towards the whole City of Nix, making the whole city shine amidst the darkness of the night. Atop the highest tower was a woman singing … her beautiful voice echoing through the whole surroundings. But it wasn't just her voice that surrounded the air ...

"Yes, that's it! That's her …," Hadassah whispered to herself. "A songstress … just like me. The one who uses the power of worship - a worship leader".

Deborah's eyes widened in disbelief. "Another songstress? Another worship leader? But you're supposed to be the only one - like how I'm the only Oracle of this generation. How could there be another?"

"I don't know," she answered, smiling. "But isn't that great?" Hadassah chuckled. Then, she floated towards her and started singing as well. There was something in her heart that had been calling her, firing at her heart at an incredible pace, and talking to her very soul. She opened up her lips and started singing ...

["Spirit Break Out" by Kim Walker Smith - see music recommendation above]

~ "Our Father, all of Heaven roars Your name

Sing louder, let this place erupt with praise

Can you hear it, the sound of Heaven touching Earth

The sound of Heaven touching Earth" ~

Her powerful voice also echoed towards the whole place. Her song mashed up with Rania's which was already at its end verse. Rania noticed her from afar. And she, like her, felt that familiar sensation. Rania smiled at her and welcomed her at the tower, extending her hands towards her. Hadassah grabbed Rania's hands. Together, they stood tall at the highest tower and started singing in a duet.

~ "Spirit break out

Break our walls down

Spirit break out

Heaven come down" ~

Their voices merged beautifully. At the same time, what once were tiny sparks coming down from heaven became a large pillar of light!

Rania and Hadassah's bodies began to glow and their eyes burned like ambers. It was as if they were calling out to the heavens, and heaven was answering them!

~ "Spirit break out

Break our walls down

Spirit break out

Heaven come down" ~

At last … from that large pillar of light … came forth multitudes of angels! 

As they sang in their song, the army of the Supreme came down for them! 

Came down to protect them! 

Came down to fight their battle!

Came down to deliver their victory!

Indeed, the battle was not theirs!

They need only to be still.

~ "Our Father, all of Heaven roars Your name

Sing louder, let this place erupt with praise

Can you hear it, the sound of Heaven touching Earth

The sound of Heaven touching Earth" ~

What would you feel if you saw heaven coming down for you? If you saw angels coming to rescue you? Angels sent by the Supreme himself … And all you did was cry out … worship … and believed …

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