The King's Beloved

Chapter 202 - In The Forbidden Chambers

[Music Recommendation: "Somnus" by Yoko Shimomura (instrumental only - FFXV OST) - available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the true atmosphere of this scene~

"Tsk! What a stupid daughter," Avarus sighed and shook his head. "That was the perfect timing to kill him—his full guard was down, and his attention was onto something else. Truly foolish and useless up until the end!"


Like a serpent hiding in its lair, or a predator waiting for its prey, Avarus could be seen sitting like a king from his office, watching everything unfold in his own magical mirror. His eyebrows knitted, and lips curled down in disapproval.

Scoffing, he continued, "Hmf! No matter, I can still turn this situation around." His eyes fixed itself unto Elliot's image. "The son of the late King and Queen Regis, huh? So you're still alive after all these years, hiding like a coward. Heh. Want your throne back? Never! I have a perfect use for you."

Then, he stood up and approached the far end corner of his office where a painting of the throne room hung by the wall. Once in front of it, he tapped his foot on the floor, activating a magic circle, and opening up a secret basement below. He walked down the stairs and followed the path to the unknown.

After a few minutes of walking, he finally arrived at the place he wanted to visit—a huge weaponry. And at its middle shined two, glowing swords sealed within a protected barrier. He walked towards it with an evil smirk on his face.

"Ha-ha-ha," Avarus laughed softly. To what it was he's thinking at that moment, not a single soul knew.

Meanwhile, back at the Coliseum, everyone panicked upon seeing an Exsorbeo. Some tried to flee, some tried to protect themselves in barriers, however, their efforts were in vain for the new  Exsorbeo was stronger than what they all thought of.

"Aaaarggghh!" the crowds started screaming in pain.

One by one, the black octagonal boxes turned into a monster with huge and sharp claws, ready to devour anyone near them.

Though an extreme pain agonized his head, Elliot cast a highly concentrated barrier that protected everyone and threw the Exsorbeo out of the way. Elliot burned them with fire but it only absorbed his spiritual energy. Not in the condition to fight, he decided to retreat and take everyone with him towards the Forbidden Chamber— the chamber who at that moment had a hole in the barrier caused by his attempt to escape and rescue Rania.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In a snap of Elliot's finger, everyone teleported inside the chamber, including King Calum, who carried Nefastus' body in his arms. He was devastated, just as everyone else was.

"Urgh… hahh… hahh…" Elliot breathed heavily. He went towards the hole to fix it, putting it back on for everyone's protection. He was familiar with Exsorbeo but he didn't know yet how to defeat it so he decided to retreat first and form a plan.

"Elliot," Rania called his name from behind. She seemed to have regained her consciousness after the horrible things that just happened. Her eyes were red and puffy though from all the tears she cried.

"Rania," Elliot turned to her and called her dearly. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Y-yes… I'm so sorry. I… I was weak and —"

"No, you're not. It's alright. Don't blame yourself. You did your best."

"But I…" Rania bit her lips as she remembered her failure. She still wasn't alright. Her heart still ached terribly. But with everything that's happening before them, she couldn't let herself succumb to pain. "I should have been wiser and not let my emotions get to me. I should have—"

Elliot pressed his forefinger to Rania's lips, hushing her. Despite the continuous pain in his head, he gave her a reassuring smile.

"Everything will be fine. Don't worry."

Rania did her best to smile back and nod in agreement.

After fixing the barrier which was in the pavilion where he first met Rania, Elliot returned to the chambers. He was welcomed by the curious looks of every Magi that resided in the Floating Kingdom. Out of them, Illuminaire and Clavis stepped forward.

"It has been a long time," Illuminaire greeted him with a sweet smile, "My King."

"It has been a long time, indeed," Clavis seconded.

The twins looked at him with great favour as if he was brother they haven't met for so long. They're eyes sparkled with tears at its corners and great anticipation.

Elliot was taken aback. He tried to survey his mind but… he couldn't remember the two of them. Instead, his head throbbed in pain once more.

"Urgh," Elliot grunted , involuntarily touching his temples, trying to relieve his discomfort. "I apologize but… I don't recognize the both of you."

Clavis and Illuminaire were horrified. They looked at each other as if seeking answers, but they didn't know as well, why or how could he possibly have forgotten them.

"Y-you don't… remember us?" Illuminaire frowned and lowered her eyes. "But we were…"

Clavis tapped her shoulders.

"It's alright. Maybe something happened that led to his forgotten memories," he said. "Nonetheless, we are happy to finally see you again." He reached out his hands towards Elliot, wanting to shake his'.

Elliot took his hands without hesitation.

"I am Clavis Sortis, the First Judge, and this is my twin sister, the Oracle of our generation, Illuminaire Sortis," he introduced themselves.

"Clavis!" Selena shouted from afar the moment she finally caught sight of her husband again.

Hearing her voice, Clavis turned to her direction immediately but Selena was faster and she caught him in an embrace.

"Selena!" he sighed in relief and hugged his beloved wife tightly. "You're alright.

"Yes! And so are you," Selena sniffed and smiled at the same time. "I missed you… sniff."

"I missed you, too… greatly."

While the keyholders assembled themselves, another two arrived at the Forbidden Chamber. From the basement below, in Anguis Solum, they ascended, surprising everyone who saw them.

"G-golden eyes," the crowd began murmuring amongst themselves.

"T-that means… they're—"

"Guardians! Guardians have arrived! They're real!"

And so, Ducis and Luna who was now Lunaflora, returned at last.

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