The King's Beloved

Chapter 212 - The Two Moons

[Music Recommendation: "Dearly Beloved" by Yōko Shimomura (Orchestra version by Hikari) - available in Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

Everyone fell silent with Ducis' remark. For indeed, how would they be able to extract a spiritual core out of a person's body without harming them? If sharing spiritual or life energy with another was an almost impossible task, what more of taking the energy instead?


But then… a curious thought entered Rania's mind. 

Yes, the one and only human who was blessed with spiritual, holy, and life energy all in one body.

Rania remembered the very first time she successfully used magic without fainting. The words that Ducis' said that time… 

"Yes. Usually, when one uses magic, spiritual energy circulates in their body like blood. From the core of the energy, it continually flows and gathers to the 'point of release' like the palm. But for her, I observed that she does have a core now but the energy didn't flow 'IN' her body, it flowed 'OUTSIDE'. And I think it wasn't holy power that she used to create the water sphere but spiritual instead. It seemed as if when she spoke or commanded…"

Ducis gestured his hands in a circular motion. 

"The spiritual energy in her surroundings… they gathered around her.

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  Then to her palm and formed itself to a water sphere. 

It was as if… they 'obeyed' what she commanded". 

After that, Rania was also reminded of that time when she tried to stop time to check if Ducis' theory was right…

Rania breathed in heavily as she looked at the skies. "Help me, God," she quickly prayed in her mind. She started focusing afterwards and after a few seconds…


And indeed, time stopped again—for the whole planet!

Rania tried to feel if something was wrong. Elliot and Luna copied Ducis and observed the flow of her energy. 

All their eyes widened in disbelief.

Ducis was right!

When Rania spoke, the spiritual energy gathered towards her and did her bidding.

It flowed outside!

Elliot's eyes, and Luna's and Ducis' all glowed bright with the reflection of all the spiritual energy Rania was gathering towards her. And Rania at that time, glowed so bright—golden glitter dusts of spiritual energy encircled her all over, from head to foot. And the whole surroundings twinkled and sparkled.

"Yes," Rania thought, "that has always been how I'm able to cast any magic. The only challenge I ever had was if a magic was too complex to do or when my physical body is too weak as a medium—not the lack of spiritual or holy energy because I never ran out of them really. My physical body just gets exhausted. So maybe… maybe I can do the same?"

"Rania," Elliot disturbed her from her deep thought. "What are you thinking?"

"Oh. Ahm… I was wondering if I could try something—but I'm not sure if it will work."

Everyone was surprised.

"And what could that be?" Clavis asked.

"If it's Rania, it's alright. Go on and try whatever you're thinking," Selena smiled and agreed easily.

"Me, too. Go ahead, Rania," Lunaflora seconded.

Clavis's eyes widened. He was surprised that no one was even asking what it was. But then again, Rania was the "maiden" so he thought, perhaps there were special skills she could do that others couldn't.

And indeed, there was.

Rania extended out her hands towards Selena's and Lunaflora's bodies. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Focusing intently, she remembered yet another memory—back during their visit to the Sixth Gate where they talked about the half core inside Luna's body…

"Tell us, Ducis," Rania joined in, "do you know who's the owner of that half core?"

Ducis fell silent. His eyes fell on Rania, and his brows knitted in worry. He didn't say anything but Rania understood it immediately. Rania fell silent too, and her eyes fell on the ground.

Noticing the heavy atmosphere, Elliot asked, "What's the matter? Who is it?"

Ducis was hesitant but he decided to tell him the truth this time, "She's the most powerful sorceress that ever lived… Amare".

The memory ended and Rania opened her eyes. Her body started to glow, and once more, golden sparkles surrounded her.

With a sweet voice, she 'commanded', aiming at the half cores inside Lunaflora and Selena.

"Come… Amare."

King Calum flinched as soon as he heard the words she said.

"W-what?! Why are you calling—"

But Elliot patted his back and said, "It's alright. Trust her."

And so, as Rania commanded, the half cores inside Lunaflora and Selena started to come out of their bodies!

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief!

Not only did spiritual energy, or holy, or life, followed Rania's command—even the cores! A person's own spiritual core followed her!

King Calum's heart sank upon witnessing it. The power to command anything… what terrifying power! If she chose to, she could end a person's life in an instant! But she wouldn't do that. Perhaps, that's why she was gifted of such capabilities. Truly, such great powers could only be given to people who could be entrusted with it.

"Ahhhh…" Selena and Lunaflora breathed heavily as the spiritual cores were extracted from them. But they didn't feel any pain from it. Instead, it was more like a feeling of relief.

It had been a long time since the half cores were implanted in them for a reason nobody knew. Having it inside them was both beneficial and taxing to the body—for it was a core that never belonged to them.

At last, two quarter cores covered by a thick barrier floated adrift in Rania's palms. The cores were extremely beautiful to look at—containing all the colors inside it, engulfed in white light. It shined bright like a white crystal reflecting the colors of the rainbow on different angles. Yes, like how the crystal petals of the "Verus Amor" flower were.

Then, Rania drew the two cores closer and commanded it once more.

"Restore your true form."

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